One family, many gifts.

The Strange Tale of How Bouncy Car Ride Ran Amok

 The Strange Tale of How Bouncy Car Ride Ran Amok

Featuring the Bouncy Car Ride from Duplo Large Playground Brick Box Set# 10864, My First Emotions Happy/Sad Guy from Set# 10861, and a surprise cameo.

     The Bouncy Car Ride never ran anywhere. Nor did it walk. It bounced, but, not in place, like it was supposed to. As Logan, it’s owner, tested and improved his fine motor skills, Bouncy Car bounced his way through a veritable junkyard of strewn Duplo pieces. Oftentimes, Logan would wind up to throw Bouncy Car. More often than not, Bouncy Car would slip out of Logan’s one and a half year old grasp, and accidentally go flying in the opposite of the intended direction. 

     Finally- and who can blame him- Bouncy Car decided to take a holiday from Logan’s antics. So, he decided to run away from home. The actual result was that he ran amok.

     Bouncy Matthew Wilson( for that was his full name) could not begin his journey until he was separated from his spring. He bided his time until Logan was in a pulling mood. 

     Logan started by pulling the helmets off of his older brother’s Mandalorian Battle Pack Minifigs, which had been carelessly left out on the Albert Paley coffee table. That day came soon.

     Encouraged by his success, Logan waddled over toward his brother’s bedroom. He soon found himself on his knees, and so proceeded to transport himself on all fours. His path brought him past his Duplo mess. And, there was Bouncy. First, Logan pulled Googi, the little Duplo girl, from off of Bouncy. Then, he pulled Bouncy off of his spring, almost by accident. After discarding first Bouncy, and then the spring, Logan continued on his way, seeking something else to devour. 

     Bouncy sprang into action. This was his first chance to run. He never looked back.

     The Duplo Playground Car tried running like a biped, on his back wheels. In point of fact, Bouncy resembled Logan when the toddler ran for his first few times. He fell over, a lot.

     Bouncy slammed into a chair leg, then caromed into the couch, and then the dog’s bed, and then the leg of the Albert Paley coffee table. He didn’t care. He started yelling, “Freeeddooommm!”

      He saw the back porch door up ahead. Bouncy Car Ride put his head down, and went into high gear. 

     It was time for an Intervention. The happy blue guy with the yellow face from My First Emotions was just laying there where Logan had dropped him earlier that day. He performed an excellent open field flying tackle on Bouncy, at about the twenty yard line, thereby saving a touchdown. That was quite a feat to accomplish, considering he never took his hands out of his overall pockets. 

     But Bouncy had that nothing-left-to-lose glazed look in his eye, which meant that he was in no mood to recognize different and opposite emotions. So, it was all Happy Blue Guy with the Yellow Face could do just to hold Bouncy down until help arrived.

     He tried offering Bouncy his cute teddy bear Duplo piece that he came with in the My First Emotions Set. Bouncy turned the piece around so that it showed the injured teddy bear, and threw it into Happy Blue Guy’s smiling face. The impact turned his face around, so that he was crying.

     Just then, Bouncy’s Grandpa entered this little drama. Mr. MINICooper MkVII quickly surveyed the situation. He understood Bouncy’s joi de vivre, but recognized that someone still had to lasso him in, without breaking his spirit. 

     “ Bouncy, Bouncy, Bouncy. Calm down, take a chill pill.” The Creator BMW thought that was a Grandfatherish thing to say. Also, he put his two front tires gently but firmly on Bouncy’s Solar Plexus. Bouncy responded by repeatedly trying to kick Happy Blue Guy with the Yellow Face right in his now crying  yellow face. Just then, Logan toddled over and picked up Crying Blue Guy with the Yellow Face. Logan reared back and delivered a perfect strike right down the middle of the Albert Paley Coffee Table. Mandalorian helmets went flying.

     That gave Grandpa MINI Cooper time to remove his roof and pop Bouncy inside the tan-colored interior with patterned seats and veneer-styled dashboard. The sight of all that was enough to change the subject for Bouncy. 

      “ Now, how about we have a little picnic, just us two, and you get a bit is a breather, okay?” suggested MINI Cooper Mk VII. The world started to focus for Bouncy. He sniffed twice, and nodded approval to his Grandfather’s plan. Bouncy Mathew Wilson loved picnics.