One family, many gifts.

The Listening Station: Chapter 7: The Filler Episode

 The Listening Station: Chapter 7: The Filler Episode

So far, the Listening Station story was going all right, but now, it’s creators and players were kind of done with it. Treeta, age 12, looked at Jeff, age 8, and solemnly announced: “ I think it’s time for a Filler Episode. “

“ Hooray! “ agreed Jeff. It seemed like the weight of a thousand stories had been lifted from their brains, which is, of course, the place where all stories live and move and have their being.
“Let’s begin with our biggest plot hole, “ said Treeta. “ Which is how we fill that giant hole left by The Earth Dragon. “

“ I suggest we solve it the classic Ninjago way, “ said Jeff. “ the eco-geo-primo zoning authorities decide to leave it as is. It now becomes part of the mythos of the Sea of Sand. They can put up a sign to remind people that it is there, and how that it came to be.”

“ I like that,” she agreed, “ and, it would have to be a very long and detailed sign. That way, it would block part of the hole”

“ As well as part of the view. “ observed Jeff. This was fun.

Treeta was also starting to get excited. “The Jamanakai Village Fathers and Mother’s could erect a really short fence, like they have at the most dangerous points at Niagara Falls. Almost totally useless. Also, we need a good name for this new geological feature to the Ninjago landscape. “

“How about, ’Fall, Fall, and More Falls’? It’s not only a name, it’s also a warning.”

“ I like that. Or, ‘Endless Hole of Doom’ sounds like Ninjago. ‘Deep Downward Spiral ‘would be more of a psychological approach. “

“‘Glorious Bottomless Crator’.’Down Escalator into Oblivion’.”

“‘Unfathomable Pit’; ‘Giant, Boundless, Endless, Immeasurable Pit’. ‘Pit of all Pits’.

‘Pit of All Pits Most to be Pitied’. They both sensed that this had reached it’s natural apex.

Finally, Treeta’s more experienced mind gears reached another speed. “Why don’t we let the locals decide. There can be a Vote for Your Favorite Name for the Big Purple Hole. It’s only right that the Jamanaki Villagers decide, since that Sinkhole into Nothingness is in their backyard.’

“ Yeah, a lot of softballs are going to be fouled off into there.. “ propounded Jeff. “ We could use the Winter Village Fire Station for the voting headquarters. “

Treeta’s eyes bulged the way they do when she had a (admittedly) magnificent idea: : The Temple of the Ultimate Ultimate Weapon would be even more perfect! Voting really is the ultimate ultimate weapon. You can vote somebody out. Or, in. Or, in, then out, then in, again, then, out, again. That makes it not just ultimate, but, ultimate ultimate. “

Jeff was getting so excited that he stood up, and started to do his Jeff shuffle. “ Plus, that set has so many functions, “ yes, Jeff was the kind of LEGO fan who just knew his functions, “ Dynamite dropping; rock dropping; blade shooting; chopping sword trap; trap door; “ Treeta was the kind of sister who would not interrupt Jeff in the middle of his soliloquy of function delight. “…a dungeon; a hanging cage; a secret entrance; a pull out kind of place in the back with a treasure chest at the end that you have to jump on poles to get to. This could be the most exciting election of all time! “

“ Sword fighting at voting booths always makes them more interesting. “ agreed Treeta. “ Aren’t there some big cat-guys in that set? “

“ They are called Temple Guardian Figures. They are brick built, “ responded Jeff, still getting more excited.

“ They can be the poll workers, who make sure everything is done fair and proper. “

“ The big dropping rock and the chopping sword and the hanging cage will help! “ pointed out Jeff.

“ The Temple Guardians can also be Ward Leaders. “

“ What’s that? “

“ The Ward Leaders are, like local politicians who work at the local level to do local stuff nobody else wants to do, locally. Except, this is Ninjago, so their politics are kind of skewed, So, for instance, The Temple Guardian who sits at the right side of the Temple is a Democrat. And, the Guardian who sits on the left side is a Republican. “ This joke may have flown over Jeff’s head, but he was already getting out the set.

Five hours later ( which included sandwiches, reading in hammock time, running through the sprinkler on a 66 degree day[Mom’s idea], 2 tv shows, and 1hour56 minute set up time, the election was held. 3 Jamanakai Villagers showed up: RedBrick Guy ( from LEGO Mystery Minifigs Series 18 ); Clutch Powers ( from Ninjago MF 2019 Blister pack ); and Harl Hubbs ( from the Tuning Workshop Set ). Pyro Destroyer ( also from Ninjago MF 2019 blister pack ) also came to vote, , but he was not from that voting district. However, he was wanted for trying to steal a chicken, so he was made an example of by being put in the hanging cage.

As it turned out, all 3 misread the voting ballot and simply voted for the title of the vote, “ Vote for Your Favorite Name for the Big Purple Hole. “ Everyone- even Pyro- received a donut with pink frosting and sprinkles from the LEGO Target Exclusive Bean There, Donut That Set. There was one LEGO donut left over. The Democratic Right Side Temple Guardian Figure was happy to eat another donut.

Treeta and Jeff officially approved shortening the name to, ‘The Big Purple’. And, putting a small sign next to the landmark sign which said, “ Clean Fill Wanted.”

Coming Up, Soon: The Listening Station Chapter 8 : The Man with the Four Pink Golden Arms.
Also, keep on the lookout for these other, non- Listening Station Stories: Scurrilous Skullduggery; Fast Food and Fast Cars; “Well, Bless My Buildable Wings “ ; and, Serious A. Plume.