Infusing the Store with More Energy
Dexter the dog was infused with energy from Killer Frost.
One minute, he was just hanging out at the Andrea’s Accessories Store, The Pink BowTie Shop, hawking hair balls, er, I mean, hair bows to the locals.
The next thing he knew, he was caught up in some fantastic whirlwind of adventure, apparently concocted by someone unfamiliar with, and disinterested in, any genuine DC Superheroes plot lines or characters. What this meant, in real time, was that a minifig named Killer Frost, a blue skinned girl with a white Cleopatra haircut, a blue star leaf emblazoned on her bodice, and an icy right hand, pulled up into the Accessories Store parking lot. She was driving, well, an Ice Car. She had mayhem on her mind, but time was of the essence, because she was hotly pursued by The Flash.
However, coming from the opposite direction came Reverse Flash, running backwards ( true to his name). Both Flashes collided, and, in that collision, Killer Frost’s Energy Infuser bounced out of her hand and went off, in the general direction of Dexter.
In this particular case, the result was that Dexter suddenly found himself very energy-infused. When he opened his eyes, he was laying on top of FeeBee, a weird flower- like creature possessed with an unworldly smile. There were other weird characters nearby. Dexter immediately assumed, inaccurately, that he had been infused into an episode of Twilight Zone.
Actually, it was much worse. He had been infused into a Unikingdom Creative Brick Box. Which was now being rather unceremoniously dumped. Dexter was bouncing next to Dino Dude, Master Frown, Square Bear, Kick Flip, Beatty, Burger Person, SSSnake, Beau, Brock, Cloud Berry, Stocko, Penny, Buzz, and Brock. He seemed to come to a stop on some hard surface, which smelled suspiciously like maple syrup. FeeBee’s antenna seemed to be jammed into Dexter’s nose.
“Emma!,” he cried. “Andrea! I need you! “
But, what he got was Cyborg, aboard the CyborgCopter.
“Where’s your web?” Asked Dexter.
“Lost, unfortunately.” Replied Cyborg.
“What good is that?” bemoaned Dexter.
“I don’t write the stories, I live with the results,” Came Cyborg’s grim reply.
The Creator of those results was a young child named Francis, but known to her older siblings as Freak of Nature. Freak- er, Francis, was having a spot of fun in the living room, while being unattended.
At that moment, her older brother, Tobin, known to Francis as, “ Toooo “ intervened, and set about setting things aright. He even pulled the missing net out of his pocket, and put it where it went, in the CyborgCopter, but not before Cyborg had used it to safely carry Dexter back to the BowTie. Dexter returned the favor by giving Cyborg an attractive red cravat and accompanying gold watch chain, on the house.
1.LEGO Set 41344: Andrea’s Accessories Store.
2. LEGO Set 41455:Unikingdom Creative Brick Box.
3.LEGO Set 76098: Speed Force Freeze Pursuit.
4. LEGO Torso: 973pb1184 Torso Jacket Formal with White Shirt with Frills, Dark Red Vest and Cravat, Gold Watch Chain Pattern.