One family, many gifts.

The Nudgebudger Chronicles

 The Nudgebudger Chronicles

 Lloyd was not a happy camper. For one thing, his People Pack- Outdoor Adventures tent was pitched precariously on the edge of the River Wilde. Raft after raft, all with big pontoons, kept rolling downstream, right next to his right tent string. The Oarsmen all had a crazed look in their eye. Strangely, each also had a pet skunk, which looked ahead and barked orders on how to properly navigate the rapids. Lloyd  had pitched his red tent after dark, much closer to the River Wilde than he realized.

      Lloyd Nudgebudger felt like a fish out of water. Or, more accurately, a mammal out of water. He was the dolphin from the People Pack- Fun at the Beach set. It had somehow gotten into his head that there could be fun at places besides the beach. He wanted that fun. He had brought his MP3 player with him. And his tent. He now had sat in his tent for 6 hours, listening to his Anti-Anxiety Playlist. That’s a lot of LaLa Land to listen to at one time.

     He felt the shudders coming on. THIS IS TORTURE, he thought. He was an introvert, so he did not yell it like he wanted to. 

     Then, Lloyd had an inspiration. He would go home! And, he would reward himself with some good organic food from Mia’s Organic Food Market. This was Tuesday, so Twister the bunny would be manning- or, bunnying- the food truck. Visions of cherries and honey danced in Lloyd’s head. 

     He popped out of the tent. There he saw the last thing he expected: his old frat brother, Chase McCain, dangling from the lowering winch of the  Police Helicopter from the High Speed Chase Set.

     “Hey, Nudge, What you doing here? I’m after a gang of skunks. Literally. “

     “I’m leaving is what I’m doing. Give me a lift to Mia’s?”

     “Can do, partner, can do. We can talk about old times. Like when you locked yourself in that closet, on two separate occasions.”

     It’s worth it, thought Lloyd. And, off they went.


1.LEGO Set 60202: People Pack-Outdoor Adventures

2. LEGO Set 60153: People Pack-Fun at the Beach

3.LEGO Set 60176: Wild River Escape

4.LEGO Set 10749: Mia’s Organic Food Market

5.LEGO Set 60138: High-Speed Chase