One family, many gifts.

Bruisin’ for a Crusin’

 Bruisin’ for a Crusin’

     What happens when a LEGO set has been displayed at Grim’s Toy Shopppe for so long that it starts to long for something more? And, how far will they go to achieve their dreams? You will find an answer to that question in:

     Bruisin’ for a Cruisin’ 

Featuring :

  1. LEGO Set 31083: Cruising Adventures.

     Cugat the crab was fed up with being a part of the Cruising Adventures Display in our toy store. For Cugat, it was more like, Sand Adventures, than Cruising Adventures. Yes, for our little yellow crab it was seemed like he was doomed to be always in the Sand Castle, and never the Yacht. 

     Cugat was attached at the entrance to the set’s brick-built sandcastle. A hidden piece of putty made sure that he could not move. Way over at the other side of the display was the charming if slightly ostentatious luxury Yacht. Week upon week went by, and Cugat did not move. The red sand pail did not move. It partially blocked Cugat’s view of his dream ocean voyage to Anywhere. He didn’t care where. Cugat spent his spare hours( which were all of his hours ) weaving a web, mentally scuttling sideways as he planned to shed the shell of his discontent. 

     Then, one day, Cugat made a very interesting discovery. He was on his ten minute break. He was on his cell phone ( the employee responsible for creating Cugat’s display thought it would be clever to give him a LEGO mobile phone with a selfie stick  so he could take selfies at the beach ). So, as usual, Cugat was reading through features of old LEGO Sets at He came upon these words pertaining to The Ocean Monument Set, “Enjoy hands-on Minecraft adventures featuring your favorite characters and objects with this easy-to-reconfigure LEGO® Minecraft set—designed for young fans of the highly successful sandbox video game “ Cugat had an Aha ! Moment. He knew where to go to get help to get him out of his Sand Jail, and on board that elegant convertible craft at the far end of his display: Who better to understand his plight of always being stuck in a sandcastle, than a sandbox video game? Cugat’ should claws were amazingly adept at texting. He shot off a message of desperation  to the Ocean Monument, describing his problem.” Please, Mr. Ocean,”he pleaded, “bring a big wave and wash me and my sand castle out to sea, where we can be rescued by the Creator 3-in-1 Cruising Yacht!” 

     Cugat fell asleep that night, imagining a giant Lego Ocean engulfing his beach, and with it’s wave building a blue brick stairway. The yellow LEGO crab would employ all of the legs LEGO designers had given him to bound sideways up those stairs, and be whistled on board by the first-and only-mate. There he would fall into the veritable Lap of Luxury, enjoying the accessible cabin and toilet. Yes, he was a big fan of toilets. He checked his texts. Nothing, yet.

     Cugat fell asleep that night counting the yacht’s 4 yellow LEGO life preservers, over and over. In between, he checked his texts 23 more times. Still nothing, except for a Benny GIPHY sent by his cousin Jojo from the Pick-up &Caravan Set.

     The answer to his text came early the next morning, before the store opened. It came not in the form of a big LEGO wave, but, rather, a BigFig Steve, who wielded his stone pickax. 

     “What happened to the Ocean?” Asked Cugat.

BigFig Steve smiled that cross-eyed smile of his. “ Most of Ocean Monument is a monument, not an ocean. So, LEGO Minecraft sent me! And, I brought you a Potion of Water Breathing from The Ocean Monument, in case you needed it !” As far as Cugat knew, he could already breathe underwater. “ And, I will dig you a hole! I will dig a tunnel that goes under the ocean, and comes up under yonder yacht. “ Sure enough, Steve started to dig down, down, down, into the sand with his humongous pickax.

“ Huh.” said Cugat.

     Just then, the Daredevil Stunt Plane landed on the beach. 

     “ Looking for some adventure?” asked the Stunt Man. “ That is my specialty! I suggest that you eschew H2O, and pick just O, instead! That’s O for Oxygen! And, we’ll throw in some nitrogen, argon, carbon dioxide, water vapor, and a few other gases as well. Choose air!”

     Cugat decided to throw caution to the wind made by the biplane’s propeller. Besides, the sand was getting thrown up into his eyes. “ Let’s Go! “ he yelled over the roar of the engine.

     “ Well played! “ said the Stunt Pilot.He picked up Cugat with some difficulty, because of the putty.  The Stunt Man left the putty on Cugat, and thereby was able to attach the crab to the biplane’s wing. 

    The Daredevil Stunt Pilot and Daredevil Crab proceeded to take off, and performed a series of loops and barrel rolls over the Cruising Adventures Yacht. Then they made a quick right.

     Yes, the Daredevil Pilot surprised Cugat by flying right out of system. They landed in an entirely different display, one which Cugat had never seen. 

     The Daredevil Stunt Pilot deftly landed his biplane next to an amazing white craft of great size. ” This is a different sort of cruiser. It is a Rebel Cruiser called the Tantive IV.” Said the Daredevil.

     Cugat immediately fell in love with the spaceship. “ Does it have a bathroom?” He asked.

     “I don’t know.Let’s go find out.” 

     Cugat’s Cruising Adventure had just begun.


     Bigfig Steve literally dug all the way to China when he made a hole with his ax into the display below the Cruising Adventures Set. Steve knew that to be true because there he found none other than the Great Wall of China Set.