One family, many gifts.
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Owl’s Moving Castle

 Owl’s Moving Castle

   Hedwig the Owl was having that annoying reoccurring dream, again.

     This is how it started: “Hedwig, get thee to an owlery.” sang Steve ( the Steve from  Andrea’s Park Performance Set ). Yes, Andrea had written a musical version of Hamlet. That was in real life, not in Hedwig’s dream. But in Hedwig’s dream, Hedwig was cast in the musical as Ophelia, Hamlet’s on-again, off - again girlfriend. And, because it was a dream, it was not being performed in Heartlake City Park, where Andrea’s stage was set up. In the dream, Andrea’s musical version of Hamlet was being performed in the middle of a super market; in the Mediterranean Foods Section, to be exact. Diana the baby from Andrea’s Park Performance Set was also present. She was crying in her stroller. Diana had been left, unattended, too long ( in her opinion), in a busy aisle. Apparently, the Park Performers had been hired to bring entertainment for shoppers to enjoy as they made their selections of olives and cous- cous. Well, the Show Must Go On.

     “I will get me to an owlery” sang Hedwig in reply, in a rocky falsetto. At that, according to Andrea’s script in the dream, Hedwig took to wing and flew to the Owlery. Instead, the owl took flight across the Whole Foods ceiling in search of a window. She found one that was propped open. She squeezed through and burst forth into the open sky, freed from her Miscast - as - Ophelia chains. 

     Hedwig flew over open country. There, in the distance, she espied Hogwarts Castle. Hedwig was aghast to realize that this Hogwarts Castle had been built, unwisely, on the brink of a high and mighty waterfall from The Bedrock Adventures. “ That’s not fair! “ thought Hedwig, “That waterfall isn’t that big in the set! “ . Someone had swapped modular sections to redesign the model, until The Bedrock Adventures  was just a The Waterfall Adventures.

     It was truly amazing that the castle had survived without falling up until now. It was right on the precipice. “This will never do!” clucked Hedwig. 

     She climbed into the cab of a Heavy Duty Forklift , which was conveniently parked nearby, seemingly left by whomever had built the castle and waterfall there. She then adroitly slid the industrial forks under Hogwarts. She took a deep breath, and then slowly, slowly lifted Hogwarts Mighty Castle one little inch. Then another inch. She backed it off from the edge of the thundering waterfall. Not a single stud shuddered, not a Dementor cried, so smooth was that move. Encouraged by this success, she kept going.

     She proceeded to gingerly carry it on the arms of the Heavy Duty Forklift all the way to her home Set, Hogwarts Whomping Willow. At this point, this dream was starting to bore Hedwig, so she chose to speed things up. She blinked her owl blink, and Hogwarts Castle was nestled sweetly in her owlery. Yes, that was a really big set fitting quite nicely into a small section of a smaller set. Welcome to the Wizarding World. 

     Thus basically endth the tale of Owl’s Moving Castle. Except, then our owl hero woke up. Hedwig was back on a bench, in Heartlake City Park, enduring Hamlet: The Musical!. Steve was singing,”...whips out a rapier and cries, a rat, a rat”. At that point, Hedwig sighed, and remembered that she was hungry.


  1. Hogwarts Whomping Willow LEGO set 75953

  2. Andrea’s Park Performance LEGO set 41334

  3. The Bedrock Adventures LEGO set 21147

  4. Heavy Duty Forklift LEGO set 42079

  5. Hogwarts Castle LEGO set 71043