One family, many gifts.

A Turbo Track Racer, A Rally Car, And the App-Controlled Batmobile Drove into a…

 A Turbo Track Racer, A Rally Car, And the App-Controlled Batmobile Drove into a…

A Turbo Track Racer, a Rally Car, and the App-Controlled Batmobile drove into the Downtown Diner Parking Lot. They joined the the Avengers Truck, the RC Tracked Racer, and Whack ! and Bash ! , as well as the Rainbow Caterbus. There was always a special place in the lot reserved for Mack Anthem. That parking lot was hopping! Then, Harley Quinn’s Cannonball Attack Minifigure Shooting Cannon Truck, pulled in, and got the last spot. 

     It was Thanksgiving. The Downtown Diner on holidays was a known as a haven for various loners, travelers, miscreants, wastrels, and outcasts, all of whom had one thing in common: seeking all of the trappings of an excellent Thanksgiving Dinner, the kind you can only find at an excellent diner. Such a feast would they never get in their own chilly, poorly lit garages at home, or on the road.

     The miraculous thing was that this unlikely swath of LEGO humanity managed to set aside their differences, and semi-peacefully coexist. If you don’t count Bash!, who perked with hid hood facing the wrong direction, and kept his own counsel, with that glum look on his grill.

     There was a lot of talk around the lot about stuff like automatic upswing car doors; low profile tires; 2 fan engine cooling systems; and  huge hidden 6- shot crossbows. Harley’s truck freely spoke about the details of her probation. There were the usual off-color comments about Duplos, like, “ Did you hear about the yellow Duplo Tracked Excavator? That new  LEGO factory plastic yellow is more like light nougat. “ 

     The dinner was served by minifigures on skateboards from the Creator 3- in- 1 Modular Skate House.  The dinners, on trays, got poured into the open driver’s side windows. It wasn’t too long before the lot began to fill with various offensive exhaust gases. 

     Finally, everybody , even Bash! (!) decided to move the celebration to Stephanie’s Lakeside House. Stephanie brought out her tv, and they mostly watched football while roasting marshmallows around her fire pit. A few of them shot some hoops.