One family, many gifts.

Ferris Wheeler’s Knight On

 Ferris Wheeler’s Knight On

 Ferris Wheeler, from the LEGO Ferris Wheel Set, was a sassy teen-aged amusement park ride who was used to wheel-ding his own way through spunky inventiveness, and a determination not to back down when offered resistance. He entertained himself by looking his Ferris Wheel minifig riders right in the eye, and making astute and off the cuff jibes, as well as general observations on life. One of his favorites things to do was to pronounce to a scared minifig who was on his way to the top, “ Legos move pretty fast. But they can’t fly if they fall out of their seat. “ Then he added, as they went down, “Except at Grim’s Toy Shopppe, where LEGO sets fly off of the shelves. If you don’t stop in and look around once in a while, you might miss some new sets.”

     Ferris wanted to break out of his Amusement Park, and travel the streets of Lego Architecture Chicago. He “ arranged “ to have a loose battery box connection. It was the 9th time he was closed for repairs that summer. The maintenance guy, Edward R. Stygimoloch, was sure that Ferris was faking it. So was his sister, the LEGO Roller Coaster. But his father. the LEGO Fairgrounds Mixer, and his mother, the LEGO Merry-go-Round, suspected nothing. 

     He concocted an elaborate scheme to visit the Chicago Skyline Architecture Set. Even though he was a wheel, he needed wheels. He explained, “ I wanted a car. My parents gave me a Power Functions Motor.”

     He turned up his powers of persuasion on his neighbor, Knightmare Batman from the Amusement Park’s Scary Tunnel Ride. Knightmare Batman’s father’s prized possession was a Speed Champions 488 GTE.

“ Knight, I need to drive to Chicago in your dad’s super hot car. Can you get it for me? “

“Why would I ever do that?” Implored Knight.

“ Because we won’t have a story without it” was the reply. 

“ Oh. Then, sure, Ok, if you put it that way.”

     Ferris then went to work bamboozling Principle Wu into letting Olivia leave Heartlake High in the middle of the day. He convinced Knight to use Zobo’s voice to inform the school principal that Olivia was needed on a desperate call for a cat rescue from the LEGO Whomping Willows Set. Since this is a Lego story, that was technically not a lie. Ferris had already put Vega the Friends Cat into the Willow.   

The three of them made quite a sight as they zoomed down seemingly endless Xtra’s playmats. A giant Ferris wheel driving a Speed Champion Ferrari. The only place for Knightmare Batman and Ferris’ girlfriend, Olivia, was in the LEGO Ferris Wheel’s colorful gondolas.  

     When they got to Chicago, they ate beans at a bistro near Cloud Gate, from the Chicago Architecture Set. They had to park the car at the LEGO City Garage Center Set. Two crooks from LEGO Crooks Hideout Set parked their car.

But Ferris Wheeler realized that there was something strange going on. The whole garage was full of Speed Champions. “Huh, “ he observed. Just then, Knight’s father, who looked a lot like the Dumbledore Brickhead, drove up in a Porsche 911 GT3 RS. “Son, this is a little something I’ve been meaning to get you. Thanks for dropping the Ferrari off at the Police Station like I asked you. “ 

“Thank you, Dad,” beamed Knight. 

     Ferris’ boarding platform ( he was the Lego Ferris Wheel, so he had a boarding platform) started to scowl. He looked at Olivia.

     “ I smell a rat. Like Scabbers.” Which was appropriate, because just then Principal Wu showed up with Zobo, Scabbers, and Vega the cat. Principal Wu  was all smiles. 

     “Thanks to you, Olivia, we managed to rescue 14 Vega’s, and Scabbers! This Vega that I am holding and my little friend, Scabbers, have become best buds. “

“ I need a minifig to commiserate with, fast,” bemoaned Ferris. “ And a parade, if it’s not asking too much.” 

     The ice cream attendant from Capital City wheeled up in his ice cream tuk - tuk. “ I’m available for a consultation, “ he smiled, “Our flavor of the day is Tutti Fruitti. “ 

     “ This Whole Day is going Tuk-Tuk! “ cried Ferris. ‘ And, Tutti Fruitti! “

Suddenly, he was surrounded by the Willis Tower, John Hancock Center, and the Big Red, all buildings from Architecture Chicago Set.

They spoke in unison, smirking that Ferris Wheeler Smirk, at him!

“ We’re breaking the fourth wall, now, Ferris!” And with that, they broke apart into a (relatively small ) pile of bricks on him, as though a three year old’s fist had accomplished it’s life long mission. 

     “NOOOOO!” exclaimed Ferris for almost no reason, because it was only about 400 Lego elements that had landed on him.

“ Wake up, Ferris! For crying out loud, I’m just changing your AAA batteries,” grumbled Mr. Stygimoloch, the Maintanance guy. 

“Oh, Auntie Em! There’s no place like the Amusement Park. There’s no place like the Amusement Park. There’s no place like the Amusement Park. “