One family, many gifts.

Ode to a Mismatched Minifig

 Ode to a Mismatched Minifig

Why dost thou carry a purple hair brush, when thou hast no hair?

Should Pneumatic Drills really be used if, over one eye, a patch is there?

A red ball cap will enhance lumberjack with legs of gold;

But choices must be made, now: permanent, and strict, and bold.

Blue Clown’s hair? Santa’s sack? An upside down Martini?

Don’t rush me, a lot’s on the line: a bikini? A Houdini?

One head, one legs, one accessible accessory. 

One body, one hat or hair. Then multiply times three.

Luckily, I’ve got more time, enough for a deep breath: 

The store’s open six more minutes, hey, what about this dress?