One family, many gifts.

The Story Store

 The Story Store

“If you need a story in a hurry, then the Story Store is for you. We have stories for every occasion, and at every price point. From ages 1 1/2 to, approximately, 111 1/2. We don’t claim to cover everyone, but we do come pretty close. “    

     So read the ad in the Heartlake Pennysaver, right under the “We buy Civil War Memorabilia” ad for the Heartlake Gold Exchange. 

     Slimer the Brickheadz carefully read the advertising circular three times. Each time, he held it a little closer to his face. The third time, he read it by eating it. He was never one to litter. ( That’s not counting slime puddles). Then he left his house, because that ad reminded him that he was in the mood for a good story. 

     When he got there, The Story Store occupied the Sanctum Santorum storefront where the pizzeria used to be.

     Slimer walked through the door and into The Story Store. He was immediately greeted by Mulan. “Hi, Welcome to the Story Store. What’s your story? “

     Slimer loved greeters. “Thank you! “Mulan pointed the Brickheadz in the direction of the front counter. There he encountered the barista from Donut Shop Opening.

     “I’d like something light and frothy, with just a touch of something sweet.” 

     The voice of the barista boomed across the counter: “ We gotta Diet Whip, easy on the Fru-Fru.”

     Slimer used Apple Pay by tapping his gooey cell phone from Mia’s House on the card reader( it got stuck).

     “You can take a seat anywheres.” She snarled, and got out the Windex.

     Slimer obliged, and got comfy in a nice little nook surrounded by tall bookshelves full of dusty Lego instruction manuals. He pulled one out at random. It was a Power Miners Lavatraz Set. He was checking to see if it included his favorite rock monster, Firax, when the waitress - Surfer Girl Minifig- arrived with his order. She ceremoniously placed Duplo set Gentle Giants Petting Zoo on his table. Immediately the colorful pieces danced out and started gracefully putting themselves together. 

     From the beginning, it was clear that each part of the set had it’s own strong personality. The Fence was Pushy. The Tree was Overprotective. Duplo version Gray Mitchell, from Jurassic World, was prone to making Tragic Mistakes in Judgement. The Bridge was an Unreliable Practical Joker. The Diplodocus was the Semi-Obnoxious Photographer with a Heart of Gold. And, the Baby Triceratops was Full of Pluck. His name was Pazu. 

     They started to weave their little story web on Slimer’s table. Gray Mitchell fell ( or was pushed) off of the Bridge. The Fence yelled at the Tree to do something about that, while the Diplodocus captured the moment for eternity with his camera. Pazu the Triceratops was busy looking for food, and triumphantly arrived with Yellow vegetation.    

     This was a Duplo story, so that was the end. All of the pieces bowed. After a quick breather, they entered into another story. 

     In this one, Pazu the baby Triceratops and Gray Mitchell decided to swim down in the Duplo River. When they were caught in the rapids under the Bridge, the Diplodocus tried to save them from the Bridge, but in so doing dropped his camera over the side and narrowly missed Pazu’s head.     The Fence saved the boys by uprooting the palm tree and dangling it out to where they could take hold of it.  

     When the pieces got up to bow, they realized Slimer had gotten up and was breezing his way out.

     “Well, you never know, maybe he’s a good tipper, “ remarked the Bridge to all as they climbed back in their box. 

“What’s the dif?” Retorted Gray Mitchell. “ I hear that starting next year we’re getting $15 an hour. “