One family, many gifts.

It Still Works, It Just Hurts

 It Still Works, It Just Hurts

 These were the famous last words of the Penguin from the Duplo Fun Creations Set. He was referring to a traffic cone, which had been unceremoniously propped onto his head by little Anna Gott, age 2 and 3/4. And, sure enough, the cone was still working. It had just been knocked over by the rampaging Duplo Hulk. Now, squeezed onto the Duplo Penguin’s head, the traffic cone was directing passers-by to avoid the giant Hulk Hole which had been made in the previously tidy Duplo set-up. And, the cone also hurt: the penguin, whose name was Pedro, had a sensitive noggin which didn’t take kindly to plastic hazard cones being squeezed onto it. 

     Duplo Hulk had originally been aiming for Sandman from the Spider-Man and Hulk Adventures Set. He considered his intentions in jumping on Sandman to be totally honorable: by landing on Sandman’s head, Duplo Hulk wanted to make a statement about how he felt about Sandman’s general appearance and demeanor.

      Sandman from the Spider-man and Hulk Adventures Set resembled a college freshman from some fifties’ musical.  He was presently busy working at his summer job, which was going door to door selling brick separators. He had just sold a nice gift pack of five teal brick separators to the weirdly beard-ed farmer from the Duplo Farm Adventures Set. 

     Meanwhile, Hulk has been aimlessly prowling around, looking for some reason to make one of his trademark statement jumps. The very sight of Sandman annoyed him, probably because Hulk owed Sandman a sawbuck. So, Hulk launched himself.

     Then Hulk did something which he had never experienced before: he changed his mind. Who knows why? Maybe he had a spontaneous nice thought, like, “ I be nice now.” Maybe a little bird ( in this case, the toucan from the Duplo World Animals Set) whispered some vaguely pejorative warning in his ear, like, “ You do this, and you’re looking at thirty days in the Slammer, and I don’t mean a Ninjago Slammer! “ 

     At any rate, Hulk had the will and the ability to avoid a direct hit. Instead, Hulk re-directed his trajectory, so that he “plowed into” the Duplo Farm Adventures Set set-up. He left a big imaginary Hulk Hole. Farm Adventures pieces went flying. The force of the impact sent Sandman sprawling. Unharmed, he dusted himself off and hopped onto his Harley- Davidson Fatboy. “ Leads,” he intoned to himself, thinking about selling more brick separators, “ just give me the fresh leads!”

     Meanwhile, Hulk just kept bouncing away, held in the hands of little Anna, the owner and originator of this set up. She bounced Hulk into her brother’s bedroom.

     Several minutes later, she emerged from there, carrying several parts of his LEGO collection with her. Her brother wasn’t home, which helped.

    First, she had the policeman from the Duplo Police Bike Set put the cone on Pedro Penguin’s head; then, she used the rabbit, the sheep, the cow, and the goat from the Farm Adventures Set to set about the job of putting the farm pieces back together again.

      Their progress was impeded when Anna set the animals down. She had brought her brother’s Sky Police Diamond Heist crook’s helicopter with her from her brother’s bedroom. Now, the copter inexplicably attempted to land at the farm. The crook in the copter desired to hide a stolen egg which, in fact, Anna had stolen from her brother’s Pteranodon Chase set-up. As predicted in that set’s title, Mama Pteranodon did go on a chase. She was trying to retrieve her baby’s egg, and at full speed. Mama Pteranodon’s posable wings and snapping jaw freed Pedro Penguin from his traffic cone duty when she crashed right into him. 

     Pedro Penguin picked up the traffic cone. “ It still works,” he remarked as he fit the traffic cone back on his head.. “ and it still just hurts.” 

     Mama Pteranodon picked up her egg. Then, she took the traffic cone off of Pedro Penguin’s aching head. She turned the cone upside down and plunked in her egg. Now it looked like an ice cream cone. Just then, the baby Dino was hatched. It was the baby dino from Dilophosaurus Outpost Attack!

     “ Since you are green, and you were born in an ice cream cone, I will name you after my favorite ice cream: Pistachio, meet the world!” said proud Mama Pteranodon.

     “ I can be his godfather, “ said Pedro Penguin, gently cradling Pistachio in his wings.

     “Goo,” said Pistachio, and promptly peed all over Pedro Penguin.

     Then Anna’s brother came home.


  1. Duplo Set 10865:Fun Creations

  2. Duplo Set 10876:Spider-Man and Hulk Adventures Set

  3. Duplo Set 10869: Farm Adventures Set

  4. Duplo Set 10907: World Animals Set

  5. LEGO Set 10269: Harley-Davidson Fat Boy Set

  6. Duplo Set 10900: Police Bike Set

  7. LEGO Set 60209: Sky Police Diamond Heist

  8. LEGO Set 75926: Pteranodon Chase

  9. LEGO Set 75931: Dilophosaurus Outpost Attack!

  10. LEGO Set 630: Brick Separator