One family, many gifts.

The Listening Station: Chapter 3 The More the Merrier, or, What a Story We Spin

 The Listening Station: Chapter 3 The More the Merrier, or, What a Story We Spin

Chapter 3: The More, the Merrier. Or, What A Story We Spin.

      Our Story begins with Dareth having just received the craziest Fast Radio Burst of his brief listening career: a strange, high pitched voice delivering a meandering narrative about how Lord Garmadon had bathed in a life-infusing pool in some unknown realm called, The Realm of Mysteries. Garmadon had experienced a transformation so pervading that even his physical form had changed. He now took the form of Lenny, the pink Lego astronaut. He was full of joy, hot chocolate, and buttered toast, in approximately equal quantities. And he predicted his imminent return to Ninjago, which would happen as soon as he finished watching all available Frank Capra movies in the Runagates Family’s VHS collection( the quantity of which was legendary).

      Dareth’s first response was to spin around in his chair, over and over. Dareth was seated at his Listening Station Post in the Spinning Chair Ride from the Unikingdom Fairground Fun Set, so spinning came naturally. 

     Right about then, Kai came spinning up in his Spinjitzu Spinner. He had taken to spinning about town, like he was in a race car. More than a few Duplo Farm Animals( calf, chicken, piglet, and cat- that’s several, right? ) had learned the hard way to give a spinning Kai a wide berth on the back roads near Jamanakai Village. 

     Kai stumbled into the Listening Station Office, still a little dizzy from the ride. He had parked his Spinner in the Cole’s Only Space, just for fun. He placed a perfectly forged Iron Jelly Stick on the break room table. 

     “Check this out, Spinning Dareth. The newest creation from Kai’s Blacksmith Training Kitchen. Furthermore, I advise you to stop that incessant spinning, forthwith.” Kai had observed that Dareth’s minifig head had been switched so that now it was a rather sickly green in color. 

     “Blurp,” responded Dareth’s tummy.

     “You’d be spinning, too, if you had just heard my last message!” responded the rest of Dareth. “ Garmy’s Back!!! And, he’s Pink!” 

     The news hit Kai hard. So hard, that he had to sit down. He took the closest seat, another one of the Unikingdom Fairground Fun Set’s Spinning Chairs. 

     They spun silently for about two and one half minutes. The atmosphere in that room was so thick that you could cut the silence with a knife from the fruit-cutting training station from the Monastery of Spinjitzu Set. Luckily, that knife was handy, laying next to the Iron Jelly Stick. 

     Finally, Dareth spoke:” …and, he’s good...”

     “ Of course he’s good. I mean, like, you already said that he was pink. I just assumed that meant that he was good. What troubles me is, where does that leave our story narrative? And, you still haven’t commented on what you think of my Metal Jelly Stick Donut.”

     “A) To me, it looks more like a dark gray croissant.

     B) I, too, was worried about our story arc. As you know, I am shop steward of Local# 146 Ninjago Federation of Minifigs United Against A Common Enemy, Realms  1,2,3,4,6,and 9. We have commissioned three studies as to what direction our plot might take without Said Common Enemy....”

Dear Reader: Dareth continued his Report, reading from 146 pages of text. Please consult our Appendicies for his full report.

“....we have therefore concluded that, in that event, WE ARE DOOMED! “ was the conclusion of Dareth’s report.

     C) “on the other hand, plotted threats, both real and imagined; fabricated, or predicted, or prophesied against, or anticipated ; and , prepared for or which took us by surprise; planted or potted; could totally happen at any mome-“

     The ‘n t ‘ never escaped from his vocal chords, despite the fact that it wasn’t even a complete syllable. 

     Another Fast Radio Burst was transmitting through the Synthetic Dragon’s Wings: A Voice. It was overbearingly LOUD. It interrupted ALL THOUGHT. And, it was not NICE. Or, PINK. Also, it mispronounced it’s S’s so that they sounded like SH’s. It spoke one word, one time:

           “  SHURRENDER “

     “Sure Ender? What does that even mean?” Asked Kai.

     “ It means, Problem Solved! “ replied astute Union Steward Dareth. “And, it means that I don’t have to resort to this!”

      Dareth reached behind him, to the third Unikingdom Fairground Fun Set Spinning Seat. Brock, the gray blob shaped creature from that Unikingdom Set,  had been sitting there, unobserved. He handed what he was holding over to Dareth. It was Mercy’s Caduceus Staff, from Watchpoint : Gibraltar Set# 75975. 

     “ What kind of a weapon is that?” blurted out Kai. 

     “ It’s not just a weapon. It’s a plot device! And, a plot device which we will no longer need. It would seem that our plot is healing quite nicely on it’s own!”

 End Part 3