One family, many gifts.

13 Sausages in Search of a Breakfast or...

 13 Sausages in Search of a Breakfast or...

13 Sausages in Search of a Breakfast or, Dragon Dance with Me! ( A Story Featuring 21 Different LEGO Sets, As  Overheard During A Demonstration At The Grim’s Toy Shoppe Fun-For-Fun’s Sake Try It Out Table Tableau. 

The LEGO Play Promise is literally the pride and joy of the company. 

     I guess that if you attempted an approximate interpretation of that statement, it would have to do with a gigantic mega business promising ( sincerely, not like an ad from an injury attorney firm ), - promising that, when you play with our product, you will be enhanced with a combination of the joy one gets from finishing a creation, and the pride which accompanies that accomplishment. I will attempt to illustrate, using a story.

     Brickheadz Dragon Dance Guy was trying to make a cooked breakfast for the first time. He was using the inside of Andrea’s Heart Box as a skillet. 

     Naturally, being a LEGO, the food he was cooking was sausages, and plenty of ‘em ! He got one sausage from the LEGO Friends Build My Heartlake City Accessory Set, also known as Set 40264. Other sausages came from: City Fire Station (2 sausages ); Airjitzu Cole Flyer ( 2); Arkham Asylum ( 2 ); Adventure Time (1); Indoraptor Rampage at Lockwood Estate (1); Tina Goldstein Mystery Mini-fig (1); Andrea’s Park Performance (1); Battle-ready Batman and Metalbeard (1); and, City Barbeque Burnout (1). That made a total of 13 sizzling sausages, joyfully grilling in Andrea’s open Heart Box over the Speed Champions super-charged 1970 Dodge Charger R/T, which got pretty hot after a few trips around Grim’s Toy Shopppe Fun for Fun’s Sake Try It Out Table Tableau. It turns out, the Super Charger makes a nifty outdoor barbecue. 

     Dragon Dance Guy proudly served his finished breakfast creation at- you guessed it- the LEGO Downtown Diner. Today’s Special included a sunny side up egg from the Mia’s House Set, and croissants from Food Accessories Xtras  Set; Passenger Train Set; Toy Story 4 RV Vacation Set; and, the Heartlake City Supermarket Set. DDG also included in his culinary presentation an apple, a banana, some orange juice, a box of cereal and milk, and a fish from that last set. He basically cleared out the entire supermarket. 

    Chew Toy, Jet Jack, and Muzzle from the LEGO Firstbourne Set were his first customers. Great was their joy therein. They were as happy as post apocalyptic dragon hunters could be. They even got a doggie box from the cute LEGO pug from the Cute Pug Set, who served as their waiter. When they got back home, they hung one sausage out on the Vengestone Helicopter chain to feed Heavy Metal, who had stayed behind on guard duty. It only clobbered him in the head once before he caught it in his mouth.

     To recap, it was just another morning full of LEGO Play Promise at Grim’s Toy Shopppe. Dragon Dance Guy not only globalized his LEGO food creation, he inter dimensionalized it by reaching out to the dragon hunters of Ninjago’s First Realm. And, he did so by inventing an innovative system of cooking super-charged sausages.

     Denouement: Dragon Dance Guy also got Doubly Grim Bonus Points for purchasing the Speed Champions 2018 Dodge Challenger SRT Demon and 1970 Dodge Charger R/T Set, due to it’s special Set of the Epoch designation in the toy store that month. And, he remembered that a LEGO is always striving to do a little better next time. He vowed that, for his next time, he was going to try making Cherries Jubilee by flambéing cherries from the Jasmine’s Petite Tower over the camp stove from Rapunzel’s Traveling Caravan, using the Technic Cherry Picker to choose the best bunch. Thusly would he inspire and develop the LEGO breakfast builders of tomorrow.

     Plus: A bonus for those who have stayed with us, thus far: a few words on the Fun-For-Fun’s Sake Try It Out Table Tableau. This strange and overlong moniker was attached to a roll top desk which Mr. Grim brought in one day. He had found it at a used furniture store, and fallen in love with it. He had long spoken of setting up a demonstration table where kids and adults could try out our products. In his 3 page single-spaced store directive, Cecil( as we affectionately referred to Mr. Grim behind his back-that’s another story-) explained that it was more than just a table, it was meant to be a tableau: “ a striking or artistic grouping; arrangement, scene…[ short for tableau vivant( from French, literally, living picture)]…” (Merrim-Webster dictionary).