One family, many gifts.

Capes and Menaces : Trinity City Tales

Capes and Menaces - Trinity City Tales pt 3 - First Night Stories

EXT - Est - Ben strides towards Embeth from a hole-in-the-wall style ice cream shop overlooking a wide canal. Embeth sits with one arm tightly wrapped around herself as she pins a phone to her ear. Both Embeth and Ben are still in their evening wear, though Embeth wears Ben’s coat. She’s visibly shivering as she speaks, but keeps a firm tone.


EMBETH -       Don’t even start Dad, I’m fine… that’s not fair, I told Doc to go… I love you Dad, but the ultimatum stands; you make me hire a full security detail, I’m going out on my own. I’m fine, Doc’s fine, we’re all fine, the only one hysterical is you.


Embeth  visibly relaxes, a faint, tired smile coming to her face. Ben approaches behind her, trying to seem nonchalant.


EMBETH -       Thank you Dad, I know, I promise, nothing will happen. We’ll talk in the morning, no morning my time Dad. Ok, have a good day.


BEN -              Someone sounds happy.


EMBETH -       Don’t worry about him, he may be the top turtle, but you only answer to me.


Ben chuckles kindly, but notices Embeth’s distress. He hands her a cone and sits next to her, trying to look patient and understanding.


BEN -               How are you doing?


EMBETH -       I’m fine, a bit tired I suppose.


Ben eyes her unconvinced, staring Embeth down until she relents.


EMBETH -       I haven’t done anything like that in…. God it’s been years now… I’m fine really, I just can’t stop shaking.


Looking out into the night. Embeth brushes her now messy hair out of her face.


BEN -               Well I’m glad to be surprised if it helps any.


Embeth gives Ben a questioning look.


BEN -               You don’t play power hitter tonight, I’m a puddle suffering the indignity of losing to Dynamo. That said, I won’t lie, that was a hell of a light show… do you mind if I ask about origins?


Embeth takes a long moment, rubbing her shoulder, sliding nearer to Ben, who, though surprised, doesn’t pull back when she leans gently against him. After a moment, Embeth finally breaks the silence.


EMBETH -       Have you ever heard of the Radium Girls?


INT - Est - Long benches and work stations run up and down a tightly packed room in the 1920s. Teams of women laugh and talk, sitting at the stations surrounded by tools, paint brushes, and specially marked bottles of paint. Caption - 1922; Embeth’s dialogue is in captions.


EMBETH -       They previously used radium paint to make clock faces glow in the dark. My great grandma used to paint those clock faces every day. To make sure their lines were clear, they were told to suck on the ends of their brushes. No one knew how dangerous the paint they were ingesting was.


One woman, who looks like Embeth, examines her teeth in a pocket mirror, seeing them glow.


EMBETH -       They thought it was just good fun, admiring their glowing teeth during the day. In time, she and her fellows became known as the Radium Girls.


EXT - Back at the shop, Ben looks sadly at Embeth, his ice cream beginning to melt down his fingers.


EMBETH -       We as a society learned a lot about radiation poisoning from those women. I know my traits began with that paint.


BEN -               So you were born alt-human...


Embeth smiles sadly, taking another lick of her cone.


EMBETH -       Yes, but we didn’t know about it until I was nine. I was an early bloomer in several categories.


INT - Est - Caption: 15 years earlier. The mansion’s halls are lit with a yellowish hue, as late afternoon light streams in through the windows. Little nine-year-old Embeth wears a blue dress and skips down the halls. She pauses, looking around to make sure no one is near, before ducking into a room blocked off by a large drop cloth. Embeth’s dialogue is in captions.


EMBETH -       We were having a wing of our house redone at the time, and the workers had been gone for a while; I was a curious child. 


INT - Est - Young Embeth slowly enters a large room, it’s only light coming from the windows, which are dimmer on this side of the mansion. The walls are either covered in drop cloths or have large gaps missing where the expansion is being made. Embeth walks through the room slowly, looking around.


EMBETH -       I don’t know why, but the idea of a very familiar space being transformed so completely, it fascinated me.


Embeth squeezes her eyes shut, trying to remember what the room looked like, before excitedly giggling and running to the nearest wall. Feeling behind a drop cloth, she flicks a light switch.

Unseen by her, just to the left of the switch, are some exposed and frayed wires.


When nothing happens a disappointed Embeth flips the switch several times. A chatter comes from down the hall, as the workers return. Startled, Embeth looks around, and decides to hide behind the drop cloth..

The workers reenter, STEVE the foreman speaks into a walkie talkie, the staticy voice of TONY replies.


STEVE -           Alright Tony, let’s test that circuit, crank that sucker up.


TONY -            It’s on boss.


A soft popping behind her draws Embeth attention. She turns, seeing the wires next to the switch; blue sparks pop between the frayed sections.


STEVE -           Hmmm, still noth- you hear something?


Embeth reaches out and grabs the wires. There’s a loud pop, and an ominous buzz, as Embeth’s eyes bulge and her body begins to jerk. She gurgles, her eyes and hands beginning to glow white.

The drop cloth is torn away, as workers boots surround Embeth.


STEVE -           Holy shit, Tony cut the power!


Embeth lets go of the wires as the electricity finally stops. She collapses, still jerking wildly. Her face is ghost white, and her hair is on end. The tips of her fingers are blackened, but there is a faint glow under the skin.


EMBETH -  I was in a coma for three weeks.


EXT - Back at the ice cream shop, Ben looks avidly at Embeth, his own ice cream having melted severely. Embeth stares out into the night, a soft, sad smile still on her face.


EMBETH -       I had no idea at the time, but my aunt had been Alt-Human positive; she could heal people. She had died a year before, but she and Mom had spent years researching where her powers came from, and how they worked. After the accident, Mom found a way to teach me how my Aunt healed people, so I could heal myself. She  spoke to me for days through the coma; somehow it worked...


BEN -               Jesus, maybe we should trade your cone for a whiskey?


EMBETH -       Sorry, I haven’t told many people about that.


Embeth composes herself, smiling at Ben, and pointing to his melting cone. Ben curses, trying to lick the ice cream dribbles from his hand.


EMBETH -       Dad always wanted to protect me after that, but Mom, she always worked to help me understand my traits more, helped push me to go further with them.


As Embeth’s tone continues to fall, Ben cautiously puts his clean hand on her shoulder.


BEN -               She sounds like an incredible person.


EMBETH -       She was… I really wish she was around now…


Embeth stifles a sniffle.


BEN -               I’m sure she’d be very proud of all you’ve done.


The two exchange silent looks before Embeth finally speaks again.


EMBETH -       So what other origin questions do you have?


Ben suddenly turns bright red, giving Embeth an embarrassed look. Embeth reaches over, snagging a drip from Ben’s cone, licking it off her finger. 


BEN - Oh, I mean…. I don’t want to pry…. But it’s just…. (sigh) I’ve seen any number of crazy traits, but there was always a thruline; I can’t figure yours out.


EMBETH         Oh that’s easy, radiation. The more heat, light, or energy a source produces, the easier I can absorb that energy and redistribute it.


Embeth points a glowing finger at a discarded can on the sidewalk. It’s quickly lined with light, and floats upward. She flicks her wrist, and the can flies lightly into a recycling bin.


EMBETH -       I can’t hold onto all that energy, my cells would start tearing apart. We, Mom and I, well we found a way for me to channel that energy so it wouldn’t damage my body.


Embeth’s dialogue appears in captions, split between three images. She stands with different Capes, mimicking their abilities.

In one she fires laser blasts from her eyes, in another she lifts items telekinetically, and in the last Embeth forms forcefields to stop falling objects in a junkyard.


EMBETH - By studying how other Alts channeled their energy, I could learn to mimic them. I split my teen years between boarding school and Cape studies. 


Ben looks like a kid trying to hide his jealousy on christmas; Embeth laughs nervously at him. Ben tries to recover gracefully.


BEN -               Sorry, I know there’s a time and place for everything… but I have to ask, anyone notable?  Tell me you didn’t train with Captain Courageous.


Embeth erupts with giggling laughter, as Ben continues enthusiastically.


EMBETH -       Oh he’s such a jackass.


BEN -               RIGHT!? Turns out when you give a jock with a magic cape, he’s still a jock!!


EMBETH -       I’ve met a lot of frat boys dressed as men, but he redefines pompous. He acted all high and mighty, but I had to correct him at least four times when he was “explaining” procedure to me.


BEN -               Color me shocked… So, who was your favorite?


Embeth pauses, a look of serenity passes over her as she thinks back to happy memories.


EMBETH -       I’m probably biased, but Lady Liberty was amazing to work with. Back then she was still Liberty Lass.


EXT - Flashback - A woman in her late 20s, LIBERTY LASS, stands in full white and blue costume, teenage Embeth stands just behind her, looking nervous. They stare down a hoard of heavily armed henchmen. Embeth is in a costume with a blue top, dark pants, knee high purple boots, and a matching long purple coat. The purple mask from her vanity covers her face.


Liberty Lass smiles at her confidently, giving her a wink. She holds out a hand, twisting streams of red and white energy glowing in her palm. Embeth tentatively reaches out, absorbing it.


With a second wink, Liberty Lass throws out a hand, sticking one of the henchmen with a line, just as Embeth had stuck Dynamo. She pulls it tight, and with a quick jerk breaks it, sending a wave of energy into the horde scattering them. She charges forward as Embeth stays back, mimicking Liberty’s moves on any henchmen who get by her.


BEN - caption  -           And you’re biased because...

EXT - The two walk down a stone path running along the canal, heading towards a parking lot; a limo sits waiting. Embeth cone has melted some as she spoke, Ben’s is much messier having forgotten to tend it entirely. Embeth blushes slightly in the street light.


EMBETH -       Libby made me my first costume. Mom didn’t want me to have one, she thought it’d put ideas in my head Libby insisted though, she said I couldn’t hit the streets without it. She designed and built it herself. I found it again while in college, even updated it some for a costume party, but I haven’t worn it… you know… on rooftops.


BEN -               When we get back to the house, you have to show me!


EMBETH -       You’ve seen the mask, it’s on my vanity, the rest you have to earn.


BEN -               Hang on, if you have a costume, you must have had a First Night!


Embeth raises her eyebrows, cleaning up her cone. Ben’s continues to drip down his fingers as he speaks animatedly.


EMBETH -       First night?


BEN -               The first time you put on a costume and ran into danger, or went looking for it. A First Night sets the tone for a Cape, everyone has a First Night story.


EMBETH -       What’s yours?


BEN -               I asked first.


EMBETH -       And I’m your boss.


BEN -               Fair enough-


INT - flashback - Ben and Reinhardt stand in their living room, Ben in his yet unblemished final costume, sans masks. They stare at a police radio intently.


REINHARDT -            Please tell me this won’t happen every night, I’m bored to tears here. I’m giving you another ten minutes, then I’m putting on a mov-


RADIO -          All units! All units! We have a 315 in progress at East Trinity Savings and Loan.


Ben and Reinhardt look at each other.


BEN -               Is that-


REINHARDT -            My savings are in that bank!


BEN -               Still bore-


Reinhardt cuts Ben off, pushing him brusquely toward a window.


EXT - Est - Doc awkwardly tumbles over the roofs, spotting the shattered glass doors of the bank.

He rolls through his landing, falling hard on his ass. He’s visibly shaken and wincing, his breath quick and shallow.


DOC -              Ok… Ok... I can do this…


Doc notices a series of burn holes in his coat, including a section of flames still dying. He pats them out a bit more animatedly than needed, and turns to look at the looming bank.


DOC -              God I hope I can do this…


Doc squeezes his eyes shut as his hands come up to his head, and he growls to himself, clearly frustrated and flustered.


DOC -              Come on man, just calm down, you can do it, you CAN! Just, try, just try OK? It’s not like working in that office, you can really, actually do this… Now get your shit together!


INT - Est - The bank is fairly large but not huge, with nice furniture and stations littering the floor. Towards the back of the darkened lobby is a figure ransacking the teller stations, orange cables glowing brightly, haloing his suit in the dark. Doc’s eyes widen at seeing Dynamo.

He carefully sneaks closer, panting anxiously.  Dynamo shouts at him without turning.


DYNAMO -     Yas really made a bad step coming in here. Shoulda just left well enough alone.


Dynamo turns and fires. Doc just barely raises a shield, which bursts into sparks when the blast impacts. Doc’s knocked head over heels over a station, and scrambles to regain his footing and composure.

Dynamo looms large in the dim light, readying another volley (SFX).


Just as he fires Doc clumsily jets away, but is struck by a second shot as soon as he lands.

It sends him tumbling over a desk, taking a monitor and lamp with him. Dynamo taunts him, laughing.


DYNAMO -     Come on baby Cape, this ain’t worth it! Take yas beating, and walk away before it gets worse.


Dynamo stomps towards Doc, his suit whirring loudly (SFX). Doc looks petrified, ducking behind the upturned desk. He spots Dynamo’s bag, stuffed with money at the teller station. 


BEN - Caption -            All I could think of was Reinhardt’s face, Funny Man’s ridiculous quips, and how dumb this all seemed now that I was in it.


Doc pumps himself up, shaking his head at his own decision.


DOC -              (to self) God, I don’t want to die against some oaf.(shouting to Dynamo) You know, if you had chosen a big bank with good insurance, we wouldn’t have to dance. But that money is the hopes and dreams of a lot of people, who knows when they’ll get it back.


DYNAMO -     Fact of life baby Cape, it’s safer to take the honey from bees that don’t sting than to go after the hornets nest.


Doc does a double take, just stopping himself from standing as he rebukes Dynamo.


DOC -              Dude, hornets don’t make honey!


Dynamo gives an annoyed growl, the whine picking up again (SFX)

Doc tentatively places his hands along the desk’s length, nervously whispering to himself.


DOC -              All that practice blowing myself up-


As the sound hits a fever pitch, Doc unleashes a blast (SFX). The desk rockets into Dynamo, shattering against his armor. Doc stands with a shocked laugh, thrilled his plan worked.


DOC -              Woo! How d’you like that tough guy?!


Dynamo stands, brushing shards of desk off his armor like dust. Doc pauses and holds up a finger upon this limited return.


DOC -              Right… Armor…


Dynamo fires a shot, Doc attempts to jet over him, landing very clumsily. As he rolls past, Doc sees the two large cables on Dynamo’s back, attached to the large hump.

Doc tries to jet in quickly, making a grab at the cables, but instead he slams into Dynamo. Doc grabs at the cables wildly as Dynamo stumbles slightly from the force of Doc’s mistaken tackle.

 Dynamo roars with rage as Doc snatches one of the cables and coats a hand in green flames.


DOC -              Oh, please be something important!


Doc switches to red flames, scorching through the cables, just as Dynamo unleashes a wave of energy. Doc is thrown off, taking a chunk of cable with him.

He fires his jet into the hump, completely by accident, causing it to explode and rocket the two opposite directions.

Doc hits the back wall near its top, and crashes to the ground, only protected by his flames.

Dynamo crashes through the lobby, leaving him whimpering, and his suit smoking.


Doc stands slowly, rubbing his head, and patting out small flames on his arm. He looks over at Dynamo, who struggles to stand for a moment before falling face first to the floor.


DOC -              Nitro… Yea, guess so.


Doc groans and looks over the damage he’s caused.


DOC -              So… that’s what it feels like to be the wrecker… Crap, I should’ve brought handcuffs, or zip ties…


EXT - Embeth laughs at Ben as the two walk very slowly from the path into the parking lot and approach the limo.


EMBETH -       That’s what finally convinced you Nitro was your name?


BEN -               Hey, you blow up a bank on your First Night and reach a better conclusion.


Embeth smiles, looking off into the distance.


EMBETH -       The UN, that was my first proper day in the field, it just wasn’t the day I decided how I wanted to use my traits.


LIBERTY LASS - Caption - I asked you a question sir, do you understand the charges?


INT - Est - Flashback - Embeth stands in costume with Liberty Lass and some young APF officers in an older version of Infinity’s office. The relics are all the same, but the rest of the room definitely looks like it’s from a different era.

Infinity, looking no different, pays no attention to the Capes and police waiting. He toys with a long curved dagger idly, its hilt loaded with gems.


INFINITY -      This blade was forged in front of me in Constantinople, two years before the Ottoman Empire took the city. I remember it, and every other of the 250,720 days I’ve breathed on this earth, why should you concern me?


EXT - Taking one last look at the canal, Embeth looks deeply spooked for the first time..


EMBETH -       Do you know the name, Mr. Infinity?


INT - Flashback - Liberty Lass steps forward, standing resolute in spite of Infinity’s tone and demeanor. Something is off; chunks of the image are distorted, and the dialogue is incomplete.

The image wavers at the edges, and some of the colors look very out of place or reversed. The one consistent image and voice is Infinity.


LIBERTY LASS - We have reason to believe-  hands in quite a few illegal, experimental, cookie jars,


INFINITY -      Gods and nature have tried to stop my visions. Yet I am still here. So, forgive me if I do not fear, nor recognize your authority.


Liberty Lass cuts in holding a glowing hand.


LIBERTY LASS - You want to brag, find yourself more geezers to be your yes men! Me, I see illegal- augmentation- funding- would you care to address that?


Infinity continues to toy with the dagger, completely disregarding Liberty’s threat.


INFINITY -      My patience will only tolerate so much, my lovely polizia ufficiale; I suggest you go about your business before testing its bounds further.


LIBERTY LASS - Big talk, let’s see- without your-..


Liberty's image distorts as she fires a warning shot over Infinity’s shoulder, he doesn’t flinch.


INFINITY -      I have clearly not made myself understood, I cannot be intimidated by the likes of you. Witness why.


In one swift move, Infinity unsheathes the dagger, and slams it forcefully into his heart; his expression never changing from its neutral state.

The residents of the room all look shaken by the sudden turn, save for one APF officer.

Embeth looks on with fear and awe, her hands over her masked face.

Infinity slowly opens his shirt, revealing the dagger, still embedded up to the hilt.

He slowly pulls it out, but even as the blade exits, no wound left behind, just unblemished skin.


INFINITY -      You cannot intimidate me. I have seen empires crumble, and kings fade from history. You are a blink, a memory I will look back on, just to prove I recall it.


Liberty is the one audience member who doesn’t flinch. She resolutely steps forward. 


LIBERTY LASS -         We will be bringing you in, under suspicion of-


Infinity holds up a hand as if calling a waiter.


At once, the muted APF officer turns and faces his fellow APF members.

His eyes rapidly change colors and the faces of everyone in the room glazes over.

Embeth’s eyes twitch and refocus, as a light passes through them. She blinks rapidly, holding her temple, as if trying to push through a migraine.

The traitorous APF officer lowers his gaze, and every other resident crashes to the ground. Embeth mimics their fall, sweat beading on her brow.


EXT - Embeth and Ben stand side by side, Embeth staring into the middle distance, Ben gobsmacked.


EMBETH -       Whoever that cop was, he was the most powerful telepath I’d ever met; just holding him off took everything I had. When he’d finished, I passed out from exhaustion.


Embeth turns, Ben gives her a sympathetic look as she walks to the limo. He follows, and opens the door for her.


EMBETH -       I asked Libby about it the next day, she had no idea what I was talking about; no one did. The investigation evaporated in a matter of seconds, I’m still missing details myself.


BEN -               No wonder you picked board life over being a Cape.


Embeth slowly sits, but keeps her feet on the pavement as she finishes speaking.


EMBETH -       I wanted to go after him for months, even trying to single handedly revive the investigation, but it never amounted to anything. It wasn’t until I met Infinity again, in a new arena, that I realized how he wields power.


INT - Est - A massive group of people move through a business conference. Embeth stands out, because of her younger look and dyed hair. She stops suddenly, seeing Infinity standing in a large group, everyone looking at him lavishly.


EMBETH - Caption - I met him at a conference Dad sent me to, while I learned to take over the company. That’s when I realized if I couldn’t bring him down on the streets, maybe I could at the corporate level.


INT - Embeth slides into the limo, her face becoming paler upon seeing someone at its far end. Ben catches this, just as he’s about to slam the door.

Lighting a flame in a hand behind his back, Ben cautiously enters the limo.


On a very cushioned seat opposite Embeth sits a very beautiful WOMAN in a silk gown. Ben leans forward, looking the woman over.


BEN -               I don’t usually like being this forward with ladies, but unless you tell me why you’re here in the next five seconds-


WOMAN -       Before you do what exactly, little hot head, ruin the princess’s upholstery? You may not burn up mattresses anymore, but I doubt you’ll have enough control in this tight space, Benji.


Ben practically does a double take, before he releases his flames. He looks very annoyed.


BEN -               OK you know what, completely not cool!


WOMAN -       Not to mention, she clearly makes your power levels look like a junior Cape ranger, and that’s just at a glance!


Ben looks indignant. Embeth, for once, looks very confused.


BEN -               Goddammit Shifty!


The Woman gives a cheshire smile, and morphs so her muscles grow and curves fill out.


SHIFTY -         You’re losing your touch Benji, then again, my figure is my best part.


A light dawns in Embeth’s eyes, suddenly awash with excitement. Ben groans, bashing his head softly against the headrest behind him.


EMBETH -       She’s a shapeshifter!


BEN -               Yep, one who thinks she’s much funnier than she actually is.


Shifty reels back exaggeratedly. Ben sits forward, pointing a finger her way. Embeth suddenly recognizes Shifty, after she takes her more regular form.


SHIFTY -         Oh no! He’s pissed at me!


BEN -               It’s not funny!


SHIFTY -         It’s a little funny.


EMBETH -       Wait… I saw you at our offices two months ago! I wondered who you were!


Shifty claps excitedly, a look of true admiration on her face.


SHIFTY -         She’s a lot better at this than you are! How did you recognize me?


Embeth smiles and knocks on the roof; the limo pulls away. Shifty fans herself with a hand, literally glowing at the compliment. Ben groans loudly at this new alliance.


EMBETH -       You’re not lying about your figure.


SHIFTY -         Oh! I like her! She’s a sweetheart! And don’t get all twisted Benji, I still love you too.


BEN -               I’m touched, did you have something to tell me?


Shifty pretends to think deeply, then gives Ben goo goo eyes.


SHIFTY -         Oh right! Your platonic life partner says hi, I’ll let him know he should be jealous.


BEN -               What are you doing in the limo, Lana?!


Shifty scoots around so she’s sitting next to Embeth, giving Ben a bemused look.


SHIFTY -         Hey Benji, watch it with the secret IDs, you never know who’s listening!


Ben groans loudly, slapping his forehead as Embeth laughs, and Shifty goes on.


SHIFTY -         I wanted to check up on you, see how the new job is going. She’s been keeping you busy, or you’re just terrible about answering your phone; this was the only way to get a hold of you.


Ben has a look of disbelief, but Embeth is just beaming.


EMBETH -       That’s so sweet, so the referral came from you! Please hang around, I’d love to hear some old war stories!


Shifty smiles knowingly at Ben, sitting back and getting cozy in her seat with a childlike enthusiasm. She stretches her arm across the cab, waving her palm in Ben’s face, her smile becoming oversized again. Ben rolls his eyes, resigning himself to the situation.


SHIFTY -         Your face… I want to bottle it for hard winter nights, that look could keep me warm through the worst storms.


BEN -               I’m not going to love how this goes, am I? You might as well be my mom..


SHIFTY -         Want me to up the ante, go for the full effect?


BEN -               Do it and I will set this whole car on fire. I’ll implode my streak, I don’t care.


EXT - Est - The limo pulls up to the mansion, sliding through wrought iron gates. The shadows on the roof above twitch and shift like swirling liquid.


INT - In the limo, Ben sits with his arms crossed, as Embeth and Shifty laugh, the former patting the latter on the knee. Shifty wipes tears from her eyes.


SHIFTY -         So three bottles of air freshener later, there’s still this horrible smell of melted plastic and rubber!


BEN -               Yes, I melted my air mattress! Maybe we should talk about the time morphed in your sleep and woke up looking like a cross between every anime character known to man!


Unseen by anyone in the limo, a shimmer runs through the shadows on the neighboring roofs


SHIFTY -         You mean the time I looked amazing as hell! And it was only six, two guys, three girls and a...


Ben shouts over Shifty as the limo pulls to a stop outside the back door. Embeth cheerfully gets out, followed by Shifty; both still laughing raucously. Ben follows, a bad taste clearly in his mouth.


BEN -               The rest of my costume still in the trunk?


EMBETH -       Why? Not coming in?


BEN -               In a sec. I’d rather blow off steam while Shifty gives you a tour of my life. Besides, you’re dad’s paying to bodyguard, I might as well do a perimeter sweep, pretend I’m earning my pay.


-Ben opens the trunk and pulls out his coat and shoes, as Shifty stands near the back door. Embeth approaches with a concerned look just as Ben slides off his tux shirt, revealing his costume shirt underneath.


BEN -               He’s not paying me to strip, that’s extra..


Embeth smiles back, biting her lip momentarily, before turning back toward the mansion.


EMBETH -       You’re lucky I let Dad act the way he does. You have ten minutes, then I’m going to come looking for you myself.


Ben smiles after her as Embeth goes into the mansion. He pulls on his coat, looking up at the adjacent building as he tightens his masks.


EXT - Est - Doc lands amid a cloud of sparks, steam billowing from his shoulders.

He scans the empty roof, cautiously approaching a water tower, its shadows stretching in the moonlight.


Doc lights a flame in his hand, holding it aloft, but the shadows retreat, showing nothing strange.

Doc sucks his teeth, and begins to circle the roof, looking at the other buildings surrounding the mansion. Everything is still. Doc turns back to the tower.


The shadows at its base seem to shimmer.

Bending down, he prods the spot with his flames, sending the shadows retreating again, the shimmer disappearing as they do.


Puzzled, Doc walks to the roof edge, looking into the mansion to see Embeth and Shifty talking excitedly, Doc smiles. Behind him, the shadows extend from the tower.

As they do, two long thin lines divert off, connecting to Doc’s own shadow.


Shade rises silently behind Doc, appearing out of the shadows as if raised on a platform. She grabs him around the neck, and pulls Doc back into her shadow; the two completely disappear.


INT - Est - Doc is suddenly thrown into a dark, empty space. The entire realm is a grayish blue, with a long but thin platform, running straight from horizon to horizon. The only light comes from large portals, which stand parallel to each other on either side of the platform. They create an illusion like two trains waiting, where each door leads somewhere different.

Each portal shows a part of the city, all near the Haven Mansion. Some are high up, looking down on shopping districts and rooftops. Others look up at the sky from shadows cast by post boxes and garbage cans. Some are inside looking up at ceilings from under tables, others trail behind pedestrians.


Doc looks around quickly, his flames growing and building light in the dark, before he’s punched in the stomach. His flames go out as he doubles over, coughing harshly.

He slashes at the air, but there’s nothing nearby.

 Hands grab both his ankles, swinging him around and launching him out a portal looking out from a skyscraper over downtown Trinity. Doc, passing through it, is instantly transported.


EXT - Doc falls through the shadows of the building, as if he had fallen from an open window forty stories up. Around him are dozens of other tall buildings, creating a canyon of roofs and ledges.

Looking around, Doc is shocked at where he finds himself. He quickly jets back to the side of a building, landing with a stumble, and trying to get his bearings.


Cautiously, he ignites his hand, and feels a wall covered in shadows, but it’s solid.

Stepping away, he turns in circles, trying to spot any other attackers; the shadows ripple behind him when his back is turned.


A loud screech rends the air (SFX), and Harpy flies out of the shadows, her black eyes locked on Doc. She slashes and dives on top of him.

Doc throws up a shield, but the force from her blows alone is enough to send him tumbling over the edge, crashing from one roof to the other.


Harpy flies up and swoops back down on him, her claws stretched for Doc’s face.

He tries to turn, but finds his ankle is once again clutched by Shade, whose head and hands appear from his own shadow.


DOC -              So, the flunkies are finally here! Mind helping me earn some points with my boss? You remember a guy named Mercury, ringing any bells? Handsome, tall, made of metal?


Doc fires a burst of flames at Shade, propelling her out of the shadows.

He tries to scramble away, but still has to fend off Harpy, who swoops past like a blur.

Harpy grabs Doc by the shoulders, throwing and pinning him to the ground with her long talons.


Doc blasts her away, and throws several fireballs at Shade, who dives like a swimmer into the shadows.

Just as she disappears, she reappears like a missile shot out from the side of a nearby wall, still in diving form, projecting herself into Doc.

She hits him in the chest, knocking the wind out of him again.


Coughing, Doc looks up, Shade standing over him and Harpy screeching behind.


DOC -              After talking to Merc, I’m trying to convince myself ol’ Eggboy must have some hellacious blackmail, yet I can’t help but resent you after that one.


Shade goes to strike Doc, but he tries to surprise her, throwing a shot to her temple. She quickly turns his attack against him, grabbing his hand and swinging him and throwing him into the shadows.


INT - On her platform, Shade attempts to throw Doc again, only this time, he grabs her wrist, taking her with him as he falls through another portal; this time spitting them out in a garbage filled alley.


EXT - Doc doesn’t hesitate, pinning Shade against the wall and setting off a blast that sends her down the length of the alley. As the flames die away though, Shade is no longer there.

Doc looks around, panting heavily, then quickly takes off again.


Eyes far above Doc spot him jetting along; he’s attempting to stay away from the buildings as much as possible. Unable to sustain his flight without landing, he’s taken to jetting from one briefly held wall of green flames to another, high over the streets.


Harpy’s screech cuts through the night. Doc looks up just in time to see her dive bombing again.


DOC -              Oh go hunt rats birdy!


Pulling the wall of flames up, Doc sends it rocketing towards Harpy, forcing her to roll away.

Doc uses the opposing force f to put some distance between himself and his foe, waving his arms frantically to keep his balance.


Doc scans the buildings, seeing Shade’s form moving from shadow to shadow.

Keeping his head on a swivel, Doc doesn’t notice the large, winged shadow cast over him by Harpy.

Shade dives on him suddenly, and in one move pulls him down to the ground  through their shared shadow, across her platform, and back out another portal, slamming him full speed into the wall of a building.

Green flames pop quickly between Doc and the wall, but his head limply flops forward.


INT -  Images float through Doc’s view, the Shadow Platform and various portals, then a large penthouse, and finally a single chair into which he is harshly thrown.


Doc slowly regains consciousness as he sits. He looks up to see Poacher standing, a smug smile on his face. Ring clutches tightly to his arm, while behind him stand Plague, Shade, and Harpy.


Doc’s eyes focus on the shabby suit Plague is still wearing, scorch marks and all, and the mask hanging limply from his neck.


DOC -              Didn’t I already kick your ass once tonight?


Plague doesn’t even blink. Doc looks over the other faces, seeing he’s not tied up as he finally lands on Poacher. Doc gives him a knowing look before nodding downwardly.


DOC -              Oh good, Eggsbert McScrambles himself. No ties, do you not take me seriously, or is it the goons? Are they cause you feel like a small man inside, or because you’re one… You know...


Poacher smirks, unimpressed. He bends down to look Doc in the eye.


POACHER -     You can always count on Capes to think they’re clever. You are far too earnest, and should really slow down, learn to read the room.


DOC -              I would, but toxic alphas like you keep cropping up, and no one’s a fan of that. Why do you think the frat system is dying?


POACHER -     I’ve heard about you, seen your handy work, and how you’ve inserted yourself in the business of greater men.


Doc lights a small flame behind his back as the two talk.


POACHER -     We have a mutual acquaintance you met in the capital last year, I see why he’s so desperate for your removal.


EXT - Flashback - Mr. Napalm and Doc showdown in the railyard. Napalm’s unstable, dripping flames collide with Doc’s shield, Napalm’s orange flames melting through Doc’s green.


INT - Back in the penthouse, Doc cocks his head nonchalantly.


DOC -              Aww, you want an autograph? Maybe you can take it back to Napalm; I’ll even give it a kiss. 


Doc snaps forward, aiming a wave of flames directly at Poacher.

Before he can even fire, Ring steps forward and blasts Doc with a cascading flow, slamming Doc and his chair up, and sending him through the back wall.

Doc whimpers as he tries to stand. Poacher steps through the gap in the wall, chuckling as Ring clings to him.


POACHER -     Poor little dying ember, out of his league.


Doc forces himself to his feet, one arm summoning a flame shield.


DOC -              Big talk for a man hiding behind a brute squad!


Poacher looks over his various followers, smirking.


POACHER -     These brutes, as you call them, are my power, my family, and like any family there is strength in the fold. That, and they are good company.


Poacher leans down, kissing Ring, who hungrily grabs his face, pulling it as close to hers as possible. Her cheek veins darken, the flow passing over her eyes, while also flowing into Poacher’s. Doc cringes.


DOC -              You are a creepy, gut wrenching mother fucker. We need to find you a hole to lose you in.


Poacher pulls away, the veins in his face standing out dark under his skin momentarily. He smiles at Doc.


POACHER -     As you will find soon, I offer them something they always needed from life, but could never achieve alone. Let me show you what I can provide.


DOC -              That’s gonna be a solid pass from me.


Doc fires another blast of flames, this time projecting the shield with it. Poacher is suddenly enveloped by his Hounds, Plague taking the brunt of the attack. Before he can try again, Doc is grabbed via his shadow by Shade, and thrown against the wall he’d been sent through, hitting with a sickening thud (SFX).

As he pushes himself back up, Poacher grabs him, lifting and pinning him against the wall.


Pulling down Doc’s handkerchief mask, he grabs Doc’s jaw. Doc struggles for a moment, green flames rising from his skin, before being stifled, as the veins in his neck and face begin to glow and darken. Poacher stares him in the face, looking hungrier by the moment.


POACHER -     Ah, Mr. Benjamin Wahls, a pleasure to finally make your acquaintance. Tell me Benjamin, what’s your poison, we all have one...


Doc’s eyes lose focus, his entire body begins to relax, as Poacher clicks his tongue, and the glow in Doc’s veins intensifies; Poacher’s veins become almost pitch black in response.


POACHER -     Oh, poor little boy, he wants to be a real hero. So maligned, caught up in his own fantasies, where he has control over his life and the world he’s terrified of… how very original of you .


Doc’s vision goes from blurry to dark, as the colors and shapes of the room melt together.

Poacher’s silhouette is barely distinguishable, as the colors of the room reappear disoriented from how they were.


POACHER -     That’s it, let it take you Benjamin, one last fever dream. Embrace it. Control is for the strong, and the only way to realize that strength is through pain, and spiritual dismemberment.


Doc passes out


INT - est - In her bedroom, Embeth sits on her bed, looking passively up at the window every few moments as Shifty makes her way around the room, idly picking up and inspecting items. 


EMBETH -       So, how long have you been, you know-


SHIFTY -         A sexy badass sent by fate to save mankind?


EMBETH -       I was gonna say living the Cape life. But sure.


Shifty laughs, taking a light tone as she continues to look at Embeth’s collections.


SHIFTY -         Going on four years now, give or take. Sometimes you lose track, between the 24/7 schedule and accidental trips to other dimensions.


EMBETH -       It must be exhausting, even if you are from another world.


Shifty flexes an arm, which swells suddenly with muscle mass and thick veins.


SHIFTY -         You know, I thought it would be, but something about hitting bullies and victimizers can really help you find strength!


Embeth nods, checking the window again as she replies.

The roof outside is empty, the street is quiet.

She continues talking, but the windows for a sign of Ben.


EMBETH -       So, you don’t shapeshift like anyone I’ve ever heard of, and what your eyes did... do you mind if I ask where exactly you originally came from?


SHIFTY -         Of course not Princess. I just can’t give you a real answer, the jury’s still out. I’ve checked a few leads, but I’ve never seen anything like me.


Embeth spins around, her eyes wide, momentarily taken by excitement.


EMBETH -       I never thought I would actually get to meet an unregistered being!


Shifty winks and clicks her tongue, giving a cartoonishly inflated thumbs up Shifty points to Embeth’s mask, still hanging from the vanity. .                     


SHIFTY -         You’re a smarty, and your aura’s precious, so many cool things leaking out of that head! Benji and I are always taking applications, if you want a taste of the life.


Embeth’s body language shrinks, sitting on the bed and pulling her legs up to her chest, quietly thinking for a moment. Shifty pops herself in the forehead with her wrist.


SHIFTY -         Sorry, I do that sometimes, read an aura wrong. Next thing you know, I’m digging into a bad nerve instead of prodding a soft spot.


EMBETH -       No, it’s fine, I know how that goes.


Embeth pauses, looking at the photo of her mother. Shifty follows, locking onto the picture. Her face softens, as her skin drops in shade.

Embeth, gathering herself, a hard look appearing on her face, her quieted stature faded away.


EMBETH -       Ben’s been gone too long… You’re right, for one night the costume comes out.


Shifty dances excitedly, clapping her hands.


SHIFTY -         Ooooooo!! This is gonna be goooooood!


INT - Est - Ben wakes suddenly, standing in a blank t-shirt and jeans on what looks to be a blank land mass floating in mid air, surrounded by darkness.

The mass shifts and swirls as Ben inspects his surroundings. He squats down, watching the mass change. Poacher’s voice booms ethereally out of the dark as Ben speaks.


BEN -               That can’t be good...


POACHER -     Your powers of deductions are staggering.


Ben snaps to attention, flames bursting from him. The darkness closes in, and the ground beneath Ben shrinks to just under his feet.

Suddenly, he’s struck by an invisible force throwing him through the darkness and crashing onto another mass.


Ben holds his head as he stands, taking a fighting stance again. He shouts into the dark.


BEN -               Where am I!?


POACHER -     You’ll have to consult your subconscious.


Images violently spin round him, the world shivers and fluctuates. Ben shuts his eyes, trying to keep out all the sensory input, but it’s not enough.

With a primal yell, Ben covers himself in flames, releasing a wave that engulfs everything.


INT - Back out in the penthouse, Doc looks like he’s grinding through a seizure. He is now tied to the chair, which is the only thing keeping him from flopping on the floor. Foam builds at the corners of his mouth, and his eyes roll back in his head. Flames break from his arms, burning the chair and binding. Poacher stands a few feet away looking at Ben with curiosity.


POACHER -     Now now Benjamin, that chair is an antique, you should treat it as such.


The bindings holding Doc evaporate in the flames, causing him to flop forward, vomiting violently over the rug. Poacher clicks his tongue reproachfully.


POACHER -     Now really, this behavior is so unbecoming.


Doc’s eyes snap to focus, and he flies to Poacher.

Without missing a beat, Poacher grabs him by the neck, and floods Doc’s system again.

Doc’s eyes roll back in his head again, his flames dying down.


POACHER -     There you go Mr. Wahls, just let go. Nothing is worth this pain.


INT - Est - Embeth stands in an updated version of the costume The long purple coat and knee length boots remain, but she’s updated her shirt to a blue tunic with dark spots, and her pants to a pair of heavy jeans. She and Shifty look around the roof where Shade jumped Doc, Shifty stands at its edge studying the skyline. Her eyes change shape and color as she scans the city below.


EMBETH -       What are you doing?


SHIFTY -         Looking closely.


Shifty’s POV - The city and the buildings glow with different colors. Dotted over various points is a trail showing where Doc’s battle ranged.

EMBETH -       Anything interesting?


SHIFTY -         Lots of ultra-spectral weirdness, figures blipping in and out, dead zones left by some kind of aura…


Embeth continues to scan the roof, pushing garbage and debris aside when she senses something near the water tower. Holding out a hand, she traces an energy at its base. Shifty calls back without turning.


SHIFTY -         Which is to say, yes


Embeth’s hand glows as she comes across a wisp of a shadowy aura left by Shade. Holding it lightly in her hand, Embeth closes her eyes and clenches her fist tightly around it. The aura writhes and swirls.


Shifty turns, sniffing the air, and noticing Embeth’s focus.


SHIFTY -         Princess?


Shifty jumps across the roof to Embeth’s side. Spotting the aura, Shifty’s eyes again morph as she scans it.


Shifty’s POV - The wisp is revealed to have the same type of aura Shifty had seen mirroring Doc’s trail.


SHIFTY -         Where’d you find that?!


Embeth completely focuses on the wisp, squeezing her fist more tightly. It stops twisting, turning white as Embeth’s skin begin to glow, her teeth grit in effort. Suddenly, the aura vanishes, along with the light, and Embeth finally relaxes. Shifty bends down, gently putting a hand on Embeth’s back.


Unseen by either, Lone Star’s silhouette floats in the air a block away. He glows a bright and violent yellow, his eyes tracking the pair as they leave the roof.


INT - Pins of light appear, seeping out of the black void.

They conjoin to form a new mass, onto which falls Ben. As he slams down, the mass becomes a hardwood floor, spreading to form the corner of Ben’s living  room including a partially formedcouch.


Groaning loudly, Ben gets up, supporting himself on the corner of the couch. He’s sickly pale, with sweat soaking his clothes and face. His eyes are foggy, with very little light in them. His shadow, divided into three pools, extends from his feet. 


Shaking his head, Ben tries to clear the fog, and begins to stumble towards the edge, peering out into the darkness; he doesn’t notice the room fritzing like an old television behind him, or that his shadows aren’t moving with him.


BEN -               So this is your game, turn the place I love into my torture chamber? You want a battle of the minds, great, I hope you brought your dancing shoes!


Ben’s clothes change to become his costume, mask and all. He readies a flame, but he’s suddenly grabbed and thrown to the ground by three sets of hands.


Looking up, Doc sees he is surrounded by three versions of Ben, which each look emotionally frayed, their eyes completely blank and their faces tear stained and worry lined.

Doc’s face is ghost white, as he tries to understand what’s happening.


DOC-               What is this?!


The SHADOW BENS speak, their voices wavering as shown in the font of their speech bubbles.


SHADOW BENS -        Stop, this will kill you. Just give in. It’s not worth the struggle, he can give us peace. No more worry, no more fear, no more disappointment.

Doc extends a wave of flames, which move through the Shadow Bens, doing nothing to push them away.


He tries igniting his arms, but before he can take a swing Doc screams. The flames burn away his sleeves, and leave bright horrible burns all over his arms. Steadying himself, Doc tries to shake off the pain, and return to his determined state.


He pushes off the ground, knocking away the Shadow Bens. They regroup, as more of them begin to creep in from the edges of the floating room. They each whisper untruths and fears.


SHADOW BENS -        It’s gone too far. What good have you done? Where does it end? You can’t even take care of yourself. Failure. Your childish greed will only hurt people. No one thinks you can do this. Not even you. Give in, we can finally escape this fear. What do you have left besides lies and pity?


Doc is quickly surrounded, and despite his best efforts, begins to be pulled down by the anxieties surrounding him.


SHADOW BENS -        What kind of person plays dress up at your age? What about five years from now, what about ten, what about twenty? What about when you’re old and broken? What kind of world are you building for your kids? Can you even have kids, or will they all be deformed freaks? The best option is to completely remove yourself, give in.


Doc is completely buried as the Shadow Ben’s roll over him like a wave. 


SHADOW BENS -         Those people you think are your friends, they only pity you. To them, you’re a mentally retarded child, who shocks the world by being able to speak in full sentences. You don’t even know how they see you… Release them from your burden.


The floor falls out from under Do. He slips down into the darkness, another voice calling as he tries to steady himself.


HARPY -         You call yourself a Doctor, yet you’re so willing to ignore evidence, blindly believing your own story just because it makes you feel better. You pollute that title.


Doc is suddenly grabbed by a clawed hand, and flung through the room’s image, shattering it like glass. 


EXT- Shifty and Embeth move over the rooftops, looking for more evidence. Shifty scans her phone.


SHIFTY -         There’s not much here, some reports of a Cape fight, but nothing on where they went, or how it resolved.


Embeth takes in this new vantage point on the city, still keeping away from the edges like she’s a bit embarrassed to be seen. She pulls out a copy of the photo of her mother for a moment, and sighs.


EMBETH -       You always said not to let anyone tell me where I belong… I just want to make you proud.


A tear falls on the picture, before she places it back in her pocket.Shifty notices Embeth’s discomfort, watching her with glowing eyes, while trying to look nonchalante. Embeth sees her.


EMBETH -       Sorry, a lot is happening all of a sudden.


Shifty swiftly gives her a hug, smiling as she does.


SHIFTY -         I always thought the best costumes were ones that reflected what the person believed. The colors in yours match your aura perfectly. Now, how ‘bout we kick the piss out of some monsters.


Embeth laughs, when her eyes widen in recognition.


EMBETH -       The shadows!


SHIFTY -         You’re having a different conversation, aren’t you?


EMBETH -       That aura, that energy, it felt like it was anchored to something I couldn’t see, just feel; like something running parallel to us, almost like a gateway or a terminal. That must be how-


Shifty’s face sparks as she too catches on, but with a different line of thought, her’s ends in a grimace.


SHIFTY -         Shadow energy… disappearances… terminal... Argh, it just had to be him.


INT - Doc lands sharply, slamming into a barely visible wall as a large lab forms around him. Several tables run it’s length,  covered in notepaper and chemistry supplies. The far wall shows a large chart with the progression of a human form into a bird creature.

Near it stands the woman Harpy was. She’s sickly thin, with sharp eyes and a very pointed chin. She holds a swirling beaker to a light, and as she speaks, her voice text changes to denote the monstrous tone.


HARPY -         I’ve always despised people like you, who use titles regardless of qualification. You can’t do what is necessary to advance this world! Great progress requires even greater sacrifice!


Doc spots a series of wall-mounted cages, many empty, with only two or three containing sickly birds. Any empty cages have deep claw marks inside, some even still have animal remains. Detailed notes hang from each latch, with the longest attached to the empty cages.

Doc turns back, seeing Harpy’s wings grow in. She towers over Doc.


HARPY -         This is what true heroism is, great sacrifice, for a greater future!


Doc makes a run at Harpy, who merely laughs. The room swings around, tossing him in the air. It changes in that brief moment, and he lands in the middle of a bank vault.


Doc picks himself up off a linoleum floor, spotting several shatter light bulbs nearby. Their absence allows long shadows to extend, taking up great swaths of space; only small sections of the room’s tables and counters are visible. Two figures can be seen fighting in the sparse light, Shade and Mercury.

Shade seems to be omnipresent in the room, as she moves from point to point, too fast to follow.

Mercury, who is still wearing his pre APF costume, begins to fall behind in their fight. Grabbing him by the ankles, Shade tosses Mercury, slamming him into the vault door’s hinges, trying to break them.


She turns, speaking to Doc, while continuing toward the vault.


SHADE -          I was like you, sometimes I wonder if I still am… but the power, there’s nothing like it, or so I’ve convinced myself...


As Shade slips into the shadows again, the room goes with her, dropping away until, when the shadows clear, Doc finds himself falling through a warehouse.


Landing next to a tower of crates, Doc sees tall shelves of inventory lining the walls, creating rows stretching out of sight. Across from Doc in an empty section of the warehouse, Plague fights off a group of men, winning with minimal effort.

Around them are lifeless bodies, and any men still standing are bloody. Plague tosses assailants aside, a smile on his face.


PLAGUE -       Take the hint, give up, before you get hurt. You’re a pawn, be a pawn, and make the world truly better.


Plague tosses the last two men so high in the air, they practically hit the roof.

Taking a square package wrapped in duct tape from the ground, Plague sniffs it and opens a corner, dipping a finger in. Removing it, he sees it’s coated in a grey powder.

He swirls the powder in his mouth before stuffing the package in his coat.


As he leaves, Plague drops a business card on one of the men. It has a blue and gold crest on it, divided into fourths, featuring symbols of strength and honor; One portion sticks out, it’s white, with a black mobius strip.


As the two men crash down, they sink into the floor, pulling Doc along.

Landing flat on his back, Doc sees the ceiling of Infinity’s richly decorated office.He catches sight of Plague, standing like a soldier next to Mr. Infinity, who holds a thin red blade in his hand.

Poacher is with them, as a very child like Ring sits at a table, not crying, but looking drugged into a coma.


Infinity slides the knife quickly down his hand, holding the blade to the gash, pinning it open. The blood oozing out has an almost gelatinous texture.

Infinity collects the blood in a beaker, handing it to Poacher, who looks at it with intrigue.


INFINITY -      Loyalty is always repaid.


Poacher slowly lowers a finger into the beaker. Just centimeters from the blood, a light seems to jump from Poacher to it.

The beaker shatters with a shocking pop. The veins in Poacher’s hand turn black under his skin.

He grabs at it in pain, groaning as the energy flows up and into his chest. His veins all stand out dark for a moment; an aggressive smile filling his face.


Infinity signals Plague to step forward.


INFINITY  -     And as an additional gift; he won’t let you down.


Poacher eagerly approaches Plague, reaching out to place a hand on Plague’s jaw. The glow runs from Poacher to Plague, causing the latter to fall into submission.

His eyes close, and open, becoming foggy like Doc’s. He turns, and speaks to Doc in a flat voice. 


PLAGUE -       Loyalty will always be repaid.


A grayish blue emptiness comes over the panel like fog.

Ben, his costume replaced with plain clothes, drifts weightlessly through the void; a complacent look on his face.

Wind begins to whip his hair, and instead of floating, he’s falling. Blurred images flash past as he falls, though he doesn’t react.


A blast of energy rings suddenly strikes him. A floor forms from nothing under him, as he tumbles over it.

Struggling to his feet, Ben staggers as if having been tranquilized before falling to one knee. The world around him shudders and buzzes, like static on a television, before finally forming a school playground.


Rubbing his face, Ben tries to focus, struggling badly. The playground skips around, as images of kids and equipment blip in and out of the scene.


Ring’s preteen form suddenly solidifies ahead of Ben, her jet black hair pulled back from her face, which is young and unblemished. She stands protectively between a group of school girls with tear stained faces, and some male bullies.


One of the boys pushes Ring, but she stands tough. She releases a light blast of energy, knocking the boy back several feet; his cohorts quickly run.


Ring smiles, Ben struggling to focus behind her. A tiny voice suddenly causes him to turn. 


RING -             You…. you need to…. Run…


The scene buzzes again, it reveals several fritzing scenes. Ring being grabbed by Poacher on her way home. Him rubbing her shoulders, while dosing her. Her beginning to fear being separated from him, losing her individuality. Last, the image of Doc being sent through the wall of the penthouse.


The image suddenly parts, and sitting on the ground, her head resting on her knees hiding her face, is Ring. Ben stumbles towards her.


BEN -               Where-


RING -             You.. have to… there’s nothing here… I’m trapped… so deep…


Ring finally looks up, her eyes completely blank.


RING -             There’s nothing left…


Ben takes a deep breath, the world around becoming more focused as he does. He takes Ring by the shoulders, leaning down to look her in the face as he speaks.


BEN -               I’m not sure what’s… where’s… but I’m going to help… I think I can, maybe-


Ring throws his hands off, a look of deep focus on her face, her posture tightening.


RING -             No! You have to… you have to… go!


A light suddenly erupts from Ring, sending Ben flying back while clearing a path through the darkness.


INT - Doc suddenly snaps awake back in the penthouse, looking shocked for a moment.


Fire exploding from all around him, he struggles in his chair, until the new bindings holding him burn away again; he falls out of the chair to find himself alone in the room.

Looking left, Doc sees several figures on the balcony.

He tries to stand and approach them, but collapses, green flames spreading to cover him like an impenetrable shell as he passes out. 


EXT - Embeth follows Shifty as she hurries over a large rooftop. Even as she scans the area Shifty pins a phone to her ear, and a very annoyed look on her face.


SHIFTY -         Come on! What’s the point of being a super cop if no one can reach you!


Embeth closes her eyes and takes a deep breath. The world fades around her, leaving Embeth scanning the area’s energy, her eyes shut tight. Finally she breaks, the scene returning. She kicks the ground agitatedly.


EMBETH -       No good, I can’t pick up a trace of that energy here. Can you see any kind of trail?


A streak of light interrupts their search, as Lone Star drops from the sky, floating over Shifty menacingly. Shifty gives an annoyed sigh, crosses her arms over her chest, and looks expectantly.


LONE STAR -  Do you know where you are?


SHIFTY -         Hi Lonely Boy. Listen, I don’t mean to be rude, but we’re kinda-


LONE STAR - That’s OFFICER Lone Star. Stand down immediately! You are in violation of the Altered Human Safety and Accountability Act, subsection 2.1, any non-human entity or unregistered being shall comply with all officers’ questions and orders. Will you come quietly?


Embeth steps forward, putting herself between the two.


EMBETH -       Hold it Shifty, you look for any traces we can follow. As for you officer, taking my friend into custody for standing here is definitely in violation of the Alt Human civility clause. Please don’t test me sir, we’re in a rush.


Lone Star stares Embeth down for a moment, she doesn’t blink. Shifty is beaming, but turns quickly to continue scanning the streets and roofs.


LONE STAR -  Someone in a costume should remember their place; you don’t want to make things worse, for either of you.


INT - Back at the Penthouse, Poacher, Plague, and Ring walk up to Doc. Poacher bends down, brushing the green flames curiously.


POACHER -     Well well well, look who’s awake. I hope you enjoyed your time in paradise. Please do wake up, I’m eager to hear about it.


Doc doesn’t move, and Poacher’s eyes darken.


POACHER -     This is a very pretty defense.


Poacher tests the flames with a backhand. They repel the attack, but the shock wakes Doc from his stupor. He groans, a look of panic coming over his pale face as he spots Poacher.


DOC -              Just breath, start with… breathing…


POACHER -     Such a lost soul, you really would do better with us. 


Poacher stands, whistling to Plague, and pointing down at Doc..


POACHER - But before we can speak, we’ll need to bring down your… flaming carapace, if you will.


Plague kicks Doc unceremoniously, sending him flying into the far wall, some twenty feet away.

Doc slams into it, leaving a large indent, and crumpling to the floor. He coughs, but his flames remain.

Poacher shrugs, walking casually towards Ben.


POACHER -     Worry not Mr. Wahls, I’m a firm believer the more worthy the prey, the longer, and more satisfying, the hunt. While you’re not one I would typically grant such time, I find you so… enticing.


EXT-  Lone Star’s blank, glowing eyes loom over Embeth; it does nothing to sway her. He waves at Shifty as he finishes.


LONE STAR -  I don’t know what plebeian version of the law you think you understand girl, so just know this, you stand down now, or you and this thing will both be sharing a high security cell tonight.


EMBETH -       You can’t scare me, and I can’t let you waste my time.


INT - Doc pushes chunks of wall off of himself. Plague steps up and quickly grabs Doc’s feet, flames and all, and throws him violently through the opposite corner.

Doc slams into the wall head first, but doesn’t make it all the way through. He hangs in the hole limply, half in one room, half in another. He gurgles as he tries to get out.


POACHER -     I guarantee, you’ll tire before he does.


DOC -              OK… OK come on… oh god I’m going to die… this is it, they were all right-


Plague grabs Doc by the scruff of his coat, and in one move, turns and slams him down on an ornate table, smashing it in. Doc coughs up some blood; his flames flicker but hold.


POACHER -     You’re slowly finding your tongue, good for you. Maybe now we can reason our way through this instead.


EXT - Lone Star drifts higher into the air, hanging over Embeth and Shifty. As Lone Star glowers, Shifty calls back, while trying to still focus on scanning the surroundings.


LONE STAR -  This is your final warning, surrender the unregistered being and leave quietly, or I’ll remove you with this… thing.


SHIFTY -         Princess, I love your optimism, but Lonely thinks he’s a government agency all himself; he hates us for just standing here.


EMBETH -       Still not seeing anything? Any word from your contact


Shifty shakes her head, just as Lone Star points back and forth between the two, his yellow glow building.


LONE STAR -  Don’t speak boy! And you! I have the authority to make your life hell, stop pushing me!


The two women are not impressed, let alone scared, by the display.


EMBETH -       If you make a move on us, just because you can, not because you need to, it will open the gates of hell, I assure you of that.


INT - Doc rolls and groans, trying to keep himself conscious. Poacher kneels down pawing at the flames again.


POACHER -     Now, I think of myself as a reasonable, patient man. You sir, are proving to be an annoyance. So, last chance, then I bring in a nastier playmate.


DOC -              Think think… why can’t I think… I’m never getting out of here… God I can’t, but what-


Doc’s muttering turns into coughs.

Poacher stands, stepping back several paces. He places an arm around Ring, giving her a nod.

Ring’s sullen eyes catches Doc’s.

She gives him a timid wink.

Doc looks confused. He slowly tries to stand; Poacher sighs exhaustedly.


POACHER -     Ring, be a dear and appeal to his better angels, would you?


In a split second, Ring’s eyes sharpen, and Doc barely has time to brace himself before the room is filled with a blinding white light.


EXT - Lone Star raises each hand, emitting a powerful light that sends heat shimmers through the night sky around him; Embeth is becoming red in the face as this continues.


LONE STAR -  This is your final warning! Stand down-


EMBETH -       All I want is to find my friend, so please, leave!! I don’t want violence, but I won’t be pushed around!


Lone Star is briefly taken aback, but recovers.


LONE STAR -  Are you threatening an APF officer?


Embeth’s eyes glow brightly themselves, streaks of white lining her hair.


EMBETH -       It’s not a threat, it’s a guarantee.


Before he can retort, a massive crash rends the air, setting off car alarms up and down the road.

Embeth and Shifty both turn to see a series of cascading white rings erupting from between buildings, several blocks away near the waterfront. A glowing green lump is mixed in, burning against the night sky.

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