One family, many gifts.

Capes and Menaces : Trinity City Tales

Capes and Menaces - Trinity City Tales : Pt 2 - Career opportunities

INT -est - Morning light flits through the messy hallway of Ben/Reinhardt’s apartment. Shoes are everywhere, coats lay in a pile under the hooks. There are bedroom doors on each side of the hall, and the living room can be seen at the far end.

Ben enters, trying not to make noise as he takes off his shoes and adds them to a pile. He begins creeping down the hall when he’s startled by  a voice from one of the bedrooms.


REINHARDT  (OS) -   Another late night?


Ben jumps, his hand igniting before he realizes it’s only Reinhardt sitting in his room, wearing a blue polo with COWBOY COMPUTERS stitched on its chest, and putting on his own shoes.Near the door is an armchair covered in laundry. Reinhardt laughs.


REINHARDT - Leaping off roofs isn’t helping your jumpiness.


Reinhardt walks to a dresser and pulls out a mass of keys, stuffing it in his pocket. Ben enters, a conflicted look on his face; he shakes his hand so the flames disappear into sparks.


BEN -               Very funny. How’s biz? Expecting a lot of action today?


REINHARDT -            Week after a holiday, should be.


Ben tries to look casual, leaning on the wall. Reinhardt sees right through him.


BEN -               Would it help if I came in, maybe for just a couple hours, or something?


REINHARDT -            Don’t even start. I’d rather just get a stern judgey gargoyle as a salesman. He won’t complain loudly about customers ten feet from them.


Ben pushes back off the wall, switching tactics to look more earnest.


BEN -               Admittedly that was on me, but I need to pay you back for buying me groceries. Again!


REINHARDT -            Not having you interact with my customers does help, so does doing something important that only you can do.


BEN -               Dude, I’m broke, like ‘I know five-year-olds with deeper pockets than me’ broke!


REINHARDT -            Then maybe get a loan from them,  I’m not bringing you into the shop again.


Ben walks to the laundry laden arm chair, pointing at its contents..


BEN -               You’ve been comping my rent for the last six months! These dirty?


Reinhardt nods, and Ben sits without removing the clothes.


BEN -               You can’t keep supporting me like this! You have a business; I’m sure Bella agrees!


REINHARDT -            Did you go to school?


Ben rolls his eyes, giving Reinhardt a very sarcastic look. Reinhardt doesn’t seem phased.


BEN -               Do you think rhetorical questions are an overused cliche?


REINHARDT -            Did you work for a news blog?


BEN -               I mean, where would parents be without rhetorical questions? Where would America be?


REINHARDT -            If you really wanted money, you’d start writing again. You wanna pay rent, cover your half of the utilities? Stay here, start typing, write something with substance. Hell write a book if you want, but you’re never setting foot in my shop as an employee dude.


Ben moves to interrupt but stops short, sitting on this for a moment; a tired grimace comes over him. Reinhardt walks into the hall, grabbing his coat.


REINHARDT -            You might like to know I’m still helping. I sent Lana the Haven job listing.

Ben looks up, the exhaustion in his face replaced with shock. He collects himself and follows Reinhardt.


BEN -               I have no bodyguarding experience.


REINHARDT -            Didn’t stop you from jumping off the roof that first night.


BEN -               You pushed me!


EXT - flashback-  Doc stands nervously on the edge of a building, barely peeking over the edge.


DOC -              … I’m not scared, I’m just wondering if anoth…


Reinhardt pushes Doc forcefully like he’s pushing his friend into a pool. End flashback.


Reinhardt smiles as he reminisces. Ben's face reddens when he tries to respond.


REINHARDT -            And you landed just fine.


BEN -               Being a Cape is a whole other thing!


REINHARDT -            Sounds like a patented Benjamin Wahls ‘Ass-cuse.' I know you’re worried about tons of things going wrong, but for once, try and think of what might go right.


Ben relents and sighs. He asks Reinhard a question nonchalantly, Reinhardt looks surprised, and a bit sad.


BEN -               Did you finally get notice on the house?


REINHARDT -             Yea, it’ll take some time, but we got it.


Reinhardt tries to put on a supportive smile as he pats Ben on the shoulder.


REINHARDT -            Listen, whether you take this job or not, we have the apartment for at least another six weeks. I’ll keep covering rent in that time, and… we’ll see where everything is then.


Ben tries desperately to hide the broken look his eyes betray. He covers by quickly smiling and congratulating his friend.


BEN -               That’s awesome man! Don’t even worry about it, I’m sure I’ll figure something out, I can’t be a burden on you forever.


REINHARDT -            Not a thing Ben, let’s celebrate with a movie night.


The two hug.


BEN -               Love you.


REINHARDT -            Love you too.


Reinhardt exits, leaving Ben standing looking deeply wistful for a moment before he turns and slouches into the cluttered living room. He yawns and rubs his eyes, tossing his bag on the couch, and walking over to a framed article:


- COSMETICS OR CRIMINALS: ANOTHER POWER BROKER RING IN TRINITY! By Benjamin ‘Doc’ Wahls. The article has a large photo outside of MERLIN CHEMICAL, and is dated two years prior.


- Flashback - Ben looks up from the basin as colored liquid pours over him


Ben’s thousand-yard stare is broken by his phone pinging, bringing him back to the present.


The message is a text from Shifty - You’re a lucky little fire starter, they fast-tracked you! Here’s the info, be good Benji!


Ben silently puts his hands over his face, pressing down hard on his eyes. He begins to rock gently again, showing clear signs of distress. With a shout Ben finally pushes through his internal conflict.


He opens a browser on his phone, searching for Grant Stewart & Haven International.  A picture of Embeth and her father appears at the top.


INT - Est - Three men in differently colored suits stand in a very large and well furnished office. They look out on the city with a bird’s eye view through massive windows. The office is a mix, with cutting edge technology and computers, but also ancient relics and ornate weapons.

The eldest of the men MR. NAPALM (45) barrel chested and formidable in a slate grey suit, his bright orange waistcoat peeking through. His shirt cuffs have been burned away, what portions remain have chemical stains that are matched on the skin below; his veins are sickeningly orange.

POACHER stands opposite him in a blood red suit (33). He’s a bit younger but still looks to be at his peak, muscular with a square-jawed. His shadowy eyes flash and black veins show clearly on the back of his hand  as he runs it through his hair. 

Directly between them is  MR. INFINITY. He looks young (22), with long hair and a sword on his belt, wearing a very fine tux, every cuff pin and button seems to sparkle in the sunlight along with several rings with massive gemstones. He grips an ornate cane of braided wood, topped with an iron Celtic knot. The saber at his side has a hilt shaped like a Mobius strip, with a white gem at its center.


Behind the men is a long polished table. Its only occupant is a sobbing young woman, RING (19), in a black dress and white coat, strands of black hair obscuring her face. Tears drip from her chin.


Poacher looks at Ring like she’s a piece of fine art, not a human in despair. Napalm snaps angrily.


NAPALM -       Shut her up, or I will, Poacher!


Poacher gives him a saccharine, condescending smile. Infinity continues to stare out the window.


POACHER -     She misses me.


Napalm’s jaw clenches, his balled up fists begin smoking, as he steps into Infinity’s sight line.


NAPALM -      Your tactics are distasteful!


POACHER -     If Mr. Infinity finds it reproachable, I’ll make her stop.


Infinity still doesn’t move. Napalm draws himself up to his full height, looking sternly at the Infinity.


NAPALM -       I’m going after the stone today, one way or another! I need a solution now, I can’t wait for your grand scheme!


Napalm rubs one hand, causing small, unstable orange flames to lick his fingers.

Infinity turns briefly from the window and Napalm looks to lose some of his edge, while Poacher wags a finger mockingly.


POACHER -     Temper, temper, Mr. Napalm. Mr. Infinity provides for us all, and we benefit from his experience. If you had just used his Brokers instead of trying to  establish your own foothold-


Napalm steps menacingly towards Poacher, flames coating his hands like grease. Small embers drip from between his fingers, singeing the carpet. Poacher isn’t intimidated.


NAPALM -      I’ll burn a hole straight through you, boy!


POACHER -     So hostile, you should learn some patience, it has its advantages…


Poacher snaps his fingers.


Ring instantly stands, and becoming silent, turns to face Napalm. Her face is revealed to be shockingly youthful (18), with many dark veins protruding from her cheeks and temples. She holds up a hand that begins glowing with rings of white energy.


Infinity speaks softly, turning back to the window; his voice sardonic.


INFINITY -      That’s enough.


The two men stand down. Napalm’s flames recede, but his gaze never breaks from Poacher, who signals to Ring; she goes back to the table and resumes sobbing.


INFINITY -      Mr. Napalm, despite the dire nature of your request, you must wait for the gala. Your last misconceived plan caused enough havoc. If you move before I say, you’ll yearn for your current troubles.


Napalm’s hand clenches tighter, smoke rising from it. Infinity hands a sheet to Poacher with the header THE MASKED MEN. Napalm looks irate.


INFINITY -      As for you Poacher, deliver your opening salvo to your prey when you’re done stalking it. Don’t play with your food too long, though. The Gala is essential; work together, or else. This group  is reliable, despite their childish name. They’ve shown themselves more than capable as gatecrashers. Poacher, you’ll be giving them Plague to assist, what else he does is up to you.


The two men take their cue to leave, Poacher gives a theatrical bow, as Infinity turns back to the window. Napalm bows curtly.


Napalm snatchs the paper from Poacher as Ring joins. As he reads it over small flames singe its edges. Ring grasps tightly to Poacher, burying her face in his arm. As the doors close behind them, Napalm grabs Poacher by the coat.


NAPALM -      Being an old man’s hunting dog doesn’t change anything, I’m taking that stone…


Napalm is cut off as Ring unleashes a cascading wave of white energy rings. The burst is quick, but nearly sends Napalm through the wall behind him. Poacher gives him a gloating look.


POACHER -     You don’t have time for this brash behavior Napalm, it’s not good for your condition; is there a doctor you can speak to?


INT - Est - Doc sits in a large office in full costume. A red carpet runs the length of the room leading to a cherry desk, while large paintings and packed bookshelves line the walls.

Doc’s practically gyrating out of his chair as both of his legs bounce anxiously. His head rises at the sound of the door opening behind him, he shouts without looking.


DOC -              You know, for ‘fast-tracking’ this is slow as hell. Lots of work in this city for a Cape.


EMBETH (OS) -           Sorry about that.


Embeth enters wearing a plum dress and carrying a large packet, the light from the hall haloing her. She walks purposefully to the desk as the doors shut behind her. What little of Doc’s face that’s visible turns red as she passes him.



Embeth -          We had to be pretty thorough with our background check, which is complicated enough when your prospect wears a mask.


DOC -              Sorry, I didn’t mean... I was expecting-


EMBETH -       More middle management? Don’t worry, I think this whole thing is ridiculous too.


Embeth leans on the edge of the desk, looking Doc over carefully. Her face betrays a mild irritation, causing Doc to sit back confused.


DOC -              Ok…


EMBETH -       That said, it’s Dad’s roof, and I love him, so let’s get this over with. My name is Embeth Haven; I would be your charge, if it comes to that.


Embeth extends a hand. Doc pauses briefly, fumbling to remove his glove before shaking.


DOC -              Doctor Nitro, or Doc.


Embeth smiles and moves behind her desk, sitting and sifting through the packet.


EMBETH -       If you don’t mind, I’d like to ask you some personal questions.


Doc’s eyes widen some, he taps his mask purposefully.


DOC -              I guess it depends on the question? The mask’s on purpose, though some of my cohorts could stand to learn that-


Embeth picks out several pages, addressing Doc without looking up.


EMBETH -       The only difference between a Cape and a Menace is what someone does when given power. A Cape will become altruistic, a Menace will become selfish. So, when you found out you could take what you wanted, what did you do? How did you feel?


DOC -              Besides thinking I had cancer?


Doc sighs. His eyes look up to study the ceiling even as Embeth continues to watch him closely.


DOC -              Conflicted. Capes have always fascinated me, and as I got older, I took particular notice of their ability to disseminate justice when the system failed people. I’d spent years studying their history and legacy, learning how different people approached a similar problem. So, finding out I could be part of that was… a lot. Thankfully my roommate was there.


Embeth looks taken aback. Doc leans back, putting his hands behind his head and crossing his legs.


EMBETH -       A Cape with a roommate?


DOC -              You’d be surprised how many of us there are. He helped me...  learn the ropes.


EXT - flashback - Ben and Reinhardt stand on the roof at night. Ben wears a basic version of his costume: a lime green shirt and a white bandana, and no coat. Reinhardt watches bemused as Ben points his hands down towards the roof. He releases a burst of flames, and is sent careening backwards, as a cloud of green flames encases him. Reinhardt laughs.


EXT - Ben stands in early evening light wearing light green pants and a long-sleeved red shirt. He whips fire balls at cans on the roof’s edge, hitting most. He turns to Reinhardt beaming, only for the latter to point out Ben’s shirt is on fire. Ben frantically tries to put out the flames, accidentally spreading them.


EXT - Ben wears a costume very much like his modern one, save for a blank white shirt. He pumps himself up in the middle of a stormy night; Reinhard looks on from under an umbrella. Ben lets out a stream of flames, turning the rain puddles on the roof into a cloud of steam on contact.

He gets some elevation, and leans forward gently. As he does, he loses his balance, overcorrects, and flies backwards.

Standing again, Ben sees his shirt is on fire, and quickly tries to put it out, accidentally setting off another blast and flying across the roof as Reinhardt laughs.


BEN -               I HATE EVERYTHING!


INT - Embeth laughs to herself as she jots down some notes. Doc shrugs.


EMBETH -       So, do you prefer being your own boss?


DOC -              Not really, kind of stresses me out, but you gotta do what you gotta do.


Embeth pulls out his APF file along with one of the grainy photos.


EMBETH -       It sounds like the APF would be interested in your services...


Doc slumps down, rubbing his temples. Embeth gives him a questioning look.


EMBETH -       Why not? Going straight comes with perks: health, retirement, shift times.


Doc ticks items off on his fingers.


DOC -              Along with hypocrisy, a general disregard for information and responsible action, and, oh yeah, that time card comes with hard and fast restrictions on when and where you can help people.


Embeth considers this, signaling for Doc to continue. He moves to the edge of his chair.


DOC -              That Capes research, it turned up a LOT of the APFs worst skeletons, going back years. Even now, when I have a good friend there, all I see is hypocrisy. They look great on paper, but they have more problems than your typical federal organization. I’m all for accountability, but the APF… There’s no negotiations, it’s their clock, their rules, and if they think your time or energy is better somewhere else-


Doc snaps his fingers, a small flame jumping up with the sound. (SFX SNAP)


Wide shot shows the two sitting across from each other, speaking candidly.


DOC -              They want soldiers, nothing less. And if that wasn’t enough of a red flag, they blatantly mischaracterize their dependence on vigilanties, turn around and say it just proves the APF needs certain devils on payroll. No way I’m going from scapegoat to lap pet.


EMBETH -       An ideological difference.


DOC -              You could say that.


EMBETH -       So you don’t believe in reformers?


DOC -              Isn’t that kind of like asking if I believe people are good? I think reformers can be great, I just happen to not believe some of them when they say they're sorry and are ready to do better.


Insert - Various Menaces’ glowering faces float over a dark panel. A blonde, stern looking police officer, WILL WARSAW, stands in the center. Doc’s dialogue appears in a caption box.


DOC -              Some Menaces have made honest changes, and they’re invaluable, I can’t stress that enough...


The costumes change, and some of the figures in the back fade, representing those Menaces who make real changes. The remaining faces still look dark, not candid or heroic. Warsaw morphs into Lone Star.


DOC -  … but there are ones who the APF wants, regardless of contrition. They don’t show practical change or effective leadership. They should serve their jail time, not be responsible for making life-or-death calls.


INT - Embeth, pen in hand, looks Doc over carefully, sizing him up, before moving on.


EMBETH         So, Doctor Nitro? You’re not actually a doctor are you?


Doc looks her over shrewdly, while Embeth remains open and honest, before raising an eyebrow. Doc finally relaxes.


EMBETH -       You know, you’ll have to trust me with your identity at some point, we have to put you on our books.


DOC -              I’m never going to get used to this…(sigh)  No, not even close.


INT - In a small newsroom, Ben sits at a cramped desk, surrounded by pages of notes; he looks one over.


DOC - cap -      It was a nickname from my college internship, when I worked with a news blog. I was the office “Doctor.” If you wanted a fresh set of eyes for your research, or someone to proof your piece, that was me. People started calling me the Doctor and eventually just Doc; seemed like a natural fit when I started jumping off roofs.


EMBETH - cap -           You were a newspaper man first?


Doc laughs with his hands folded behind his head.


DOC -              Hardly! But as a kid, I wanted to try and make the world a better place, like the Capes I idolized. I thought, if I could expose those villains who don’t showcase their evil through colorful costumes, it’d be close enough to being a Cape, just without the traits, or the danger.


Doc sits forward, crossing his arms resolutely.


DOC -              The further I went in that world, the more I knew that was a pipe dream.


Embeth leans forward too, looking interested. She stares at Doc over her interlaced fingers.


EMBETH -       Oh? Why not? I can appreciate your route to fight injustice, but why drop that in favor of becoming another Cape?


Doc gives a barking laugh, as Embeth’s eyes widen.


DOC -              One thing I think we’ve both found on our journeys is how pervasive that type or corruption is.


EMBETH -       You mean the paper you were working for?


DOC -              I mean just about every institution!I watched  pitch after pitch get shitcanned; not because they weren’t credible, but because of the fallout that may rain down on our beloved benefactors.


EMBETH -       Then why not strike out on your own? If you wanted to expose people, why not join with those people who had their stories thrown out, really tell the truth to the world?


DOC -              Not a lot of money in independent news.


EMBETH -       There’s no money in being a Cape.


Doc sits on this, his face reddening behind his mask. Doc’s head falls, before he looks back up at Embeth, pain in his eyes.


DOC -              Honestly? I’m not the kind of person who easily blends into society, and as a result I’ve learned many things about people and their behavior. Chief among them, some people in this world only speak one language: force. Faced with making no money while either speaking truth to power, or actually taking the fight to those who prey on the weak, I’ll take the option that includes violence and real change.


Embeth looks him over carefully. She looks less than convinced, but intrigued by his reasoning. She finally accepts his answer, and moves on.


EMBETH - And Nitro?


INT - flashback - In a night draped bank, Doc hits Dynamo with a stream of flames at close range. Dynamo’s suit releases a burst of energy. The combination generates an explosion between the two, sending them flying in opposite directions.

Doc shields himself as he slams into a wall ten feet up, then he tumbles to the ground.

Dynamo is sent crashing through all manner of furniture. Doc looks up, seeing Dynamo collapse.


DOC                Nitro… yea guess so.


DOC - caption box -     It was a name my roommate was advocating. When I saw how... effervescent my traits were, I took his point.


INT - Embeth studies Doc closely, he sits back nervous. Embeth breaks slightly, but still has a pensive look on her face.


EMBETH         Well, I’ll say this, you are definitely one of the more interesting Capes to come through, but you seem capable. Do you understand what’ll be asked of you?


DOC -              I know it has something to do with a weirdo stalker.


Embeth stands, walking solemnly to a bookshelf behind the desk. She pulls on a book, and a door opens in the shelf. Doc stands, looking intrigued if cautious.


As Doc joins her, Embeth slides the door open, revealing a room like a walk-in closet, the walls covered with information, pictures and letters relating back to Poacher.


EMBETH         For a little over eight months now, I’ve been receiving threatening letters, emails, one lone voicemail...


Doc takes steps in, taking in the span of the investigation.

The entire left wall is pages with  information on Poacher and his Hounds including some very blurry and dark photos of some of the Hounds.

On the right wall is a series of photos of Embeth, in and around her house and business, along with samples and printouts of letters.


EMBETH -       None of these were taken from the same location, they show me traveling, helping Dad in the office, at home…


DOC -              You seem more frustrated than scared. Do you know the guy?


EMBETH -       Not his identity, but we know what he looks like, him and his group.


DOC -              Group?


Embeth walks to the left wall, and a large photo of Poacher and his Hounds. He’s almost smiling for the camera, surrounded by four people, including Ring.

The group is sitting outside a diner, huddled together, each with similar dark veins about their faces.  PLAGUE, a broad shouldered man with rippling muscles, hunches over, staring at nothing.

HARPY, a tall woman with pointed features, looks like she’s two people in one trenchcoat.

SHADE, a thin woman with dark shadows under her eyes, is basking in a dark aura surrounding her; her face is the least vein-scarred.

Ring clings as tightly as ever to Poacher; none of the Hounds’ scars are as dark as hers.


EMBETH - cap - He calls himself the Poacher, he says these are his “Hounds.” We aren’t sure who they are, why they have dead eyes, not to mention those marks. The private investigator Dad hired to follow him didn’t deliver this picture, so we never got to ask.


Doc sits back thoughtfully, his eyes wide behind his mask.


DOC -              Well, I’m done making fun of your dad. I’d be buying Capes too.


He holds up the picture, pointing out Shade.


Doc -                One of these “Hounds” does seem familiar though, but I can’t be positive until I ask someone if he’s seen her. Last I heard she’d jumped ship for greener bank vaults.


Embeth’s eyes widen at this news.


EMBETH -       You’re serious, you’re not just trying to earn brownie points?


Doc leans forward, studying the picture of Shade closely.


DOC -              Granted, I can’t be sure, but an old Cape friend of mine had stories, multiple encounters with a female Menace; she fits the description.


Embeth’s face lights up, her eyes betraying her racing mind.


EMBETH -       If you’re right, that would be a huge break! All of Poacher’s notes just hint at things, he never goes too far. He’s too prudent for that. We’ve spoken to the APF, but he’s not in their records. They’re keeping an eye out, but said they couldn’t do much more.


Doc turns to the other wall, finding the letters Embeth referenced. The most recent was from the week prior. It’s several pages long, and at its bottom is the looping signature of The Poacher.


EMBETH -       The last letter was phrased to sound like a potential business partner, or a fan, bragging as if to incentivise. But some of the examples he gives, he says things about me I’ve never told anyone.


Doc looks very concerned, leaning forward, his brow furrowed tight against the edges of his mask. He sighs, trying to come to terms with all this.


DOC -              Well, it’s more than your average Tuesday, I’ll give you that.


Embeth folds her arms and leans resolvedly against the wall as she speaks.


EMBETH-        It’s only going to escalate. You’re definitely qualified, and you clearly care about more than just being a Cape. Add a possible lead, and that’s enough for me. Are you interested?


Doc looks between Embeth, and the room around, conflict emanating from him. He pauses on her eyes.

They are soft, grey and blue, with a hardened edge over tenderness; loving, but not delicate...


Doc starts undoing his mask.


DOC -              This feels kinda like taking off your pants in the living room, but…


Ben looks at Embeth, his face empathetic but stern.


BEN -               My name is Benjamin Wahls, and I’m at your service.


Embeth relaxes, a smile of relief breaking over her face. She approaches and the two shake hands again.


EMBETH -       You have style Mr. Wahls, I think we’ll make a great team.


Embeth finally breaks, chuckling kindly. Ben looks confused.


BEN -               What?


EMBETH-        Just how serious you became “Benjamin Wahls, at your service.” You sound like my       Grandpa.


Ben turns a little red, but smiles and laughs.


BEN -               Oh I’m sorry, I thought you had a dangerous stalker, and I was signing on to be your last line of defense.


Embeth gives Ben a firm, though still kind, look.


EMBETH -       I told you, I can take care of myself.


BEN -               Mind if I have your dad pay me all the same?


Embeth walks Ben back through the interview room, signalling towards the doors.


EMBETH -       That’s up to you. You’ll have to go everywhere with me, including living in this house.


Ben pauses as he ties his mask, a look of trepidation washing over him. Embeth takes several more paces before noticing.


EMBETH -       Is that really going to be a problem?


BEN/DOC -      Not so long as I can go get some spare costumes from home. I don’t mind letting you know who I am, but I draw the line at Jeeves being in on it.


Embeth flashes him a smile and laughs as the two move into the main hallway, Embeth points out Doc’s room at the far end.


EMBETH -       You’ll be in the room at the end here, next to mine. This first week will be probationary of course, but the real test is going to be the museum gala, two weeks from now.


-Doc looks like a deer in the headlights, prompting Embeth to smile encouragingly.


EMBETH -       It’s a donor event, celebrating the recovery of the Runekeeper’s Stone. We have time to prep, so don’t stress, but remember your tux when you pack.


Doc’s eyes get wider, his face pales visibly. Embeth holds him in suspense for a moment, before breaking.


EMBETH -       I’m kidding, we’ll give you a tux.


DOC -              We’re through the looking glass, Toto.


INT -. Ben packs various objects and costume parts into a duffel bag. A copy of Poacher’s file lays on his bed, showing a news article, detailing a fire at an addiction treatment center.  Embeth’s narration appears in yellow caption boxes.


EMBETH - The first mention of him was seven years ago, in connection to a rehab facility burning down.


ST. MATTHIAS CARE CENTER RAVAGED IN FIRE. The charred skeleton on a large building looms black and white.


EMBETH -       We don’t know if he was there for treatment or not, but we found a  picture of him on the grounds, three days before a fire wiped it, and their records, from the earth.


Ben hauls his stuffed duffel bag out of his room. He passes Reinhardt, who’s standing in the doorway to the living room with a friendly, knowing smirk.


REINHARDT -            Looks like you found what you needed. Just don’t get in too deep.


BEN -               Might be too late, but we’ll see; I still gotta make it home for movie night right?


REINHARDT -             I’ll even let you pay for dinner. I’m glad to see you working again.


BEN -               Thanks for the push, promise I’ll learn to jump on my own one of these days.


Ben slings the bag over his shoulder, opening the door.


REINHARDT -             Love you.


BEN -               Love you too.


INT -  Doc sticks out like a sore thumb, against the ties and heels of various office workers at Embeth’s office building. Embeth herself is dressed quite formally; she smiles as Doc trades glances with some giggling officer workers. He looks incredibly nervous and uncomfortable.


Embeth -          You sure you want to go full Cape? You might attract less attention if you dressed more… conservatively.


DOC -              Attention doesn’t bother me, at least not in this. It’s more being in an office again... At least this time I don’t need the button-down costume, it’s nice to show my colors.


Doc holds the door to Embeth’s office for her. Embeth’s full name and title - Director of Logistics, Management and Analysis - printed in clean, golden letters on the glass of the door.


INT - Ben unpacks in his guest room, enjoying the breeze through an open balcony door. He pins a phone to his ear speaking kinetically as he goes. Embeth’s dialogue continues in caption boxes.


EMBETH - caption -     These four aren’t his only victims either, but we only have some records or vague notes about any earlier ones; they’re just gone, like smoke.


BEN -               Yea mom, I know, I’m excited too. I don’t know when I’ll be home again, yea yea, it’s a nice hotel. I know, maybe more writing in the future… I’m not downplaying this mom...


BEN - caption -            Any information on how he takes them?


EMBETH - caption -     Surgically; he never wants to tip off the APF. No forced locks, nothing unsettled, things look like the victim just up and left of their own accord.


BEN -               I may be out of contact for a bit, but try not to worry about me. I promise I’ll be safe.


INT - Doc sits in a corner of a boardroom, his legs once again bouncing rapidly. He tries to read the file, while Embeth gives a stockholders presentation to a long table full of old men.


EMBETH - caption -     It’s always the same pattern. Talented, powerful people, often alt human positive, disappear after reporting feeling uneasy, especially at work. That’s the most we’ve found on him, everything else is best guesses.


Doc stands by Embeth, as she greets people and shakes hands after the meeting.  Doc’s phone buzzes and he looks it over before showing it to Embeth.


- It’s an ongoing conversation between Ben and Freddy.

Ben’s Message -

Hey, no hard feelings about our tango at the diner.

Rooftop question, you remember that bank thief you kept running into, the one you said would’ve been a great match except she’d drop you from a tall tower?


Freddy’s reply -

It’s all good brother, I’ve been there.

Sounds like Mindy, but she left town a year ago, haven’t heard from her since. Too bad too, she was a firecracker.

Wish I had fresher news, but you try keeping tabs on a shadow.


EXT -  Embeth and Doc sit separately, her on her bed, him on the balcony, both pouring over documents. Doc wears his black mask, his green handkerchief hanging round his neck.

Embeth looks up, seeing Doc. She glances up to the purple handkerchief on her vanity. 

Doc cycles through the pictures, each showing Poacher holding Ring closely. In the beginning, she looks young and confused, but excited. As the pictures go on, she gets more and more withered, her eyes becoming dimmer, as she grips tighter and tighter to Poacher.


EMBETH - caption -     The lone outlier is the girl clinging to him, she’s been with him the longest. She couldn’t have been older than 13 when he grabbed her, while she was coming home from school; all the others were adults.


Doc pulls out his phone, looking over an article titled - Bank teller claims “It was the shadows!”  as Mercury breaks up third heist this week. He looks over the neighborhood around the mansion, eyeing the shadowy portions carefully. Doc turns to check Embeth’s window and balcony, and catches sight of her looking at him.


Doc smiles at her, she waves, he waves back, letting the tips of his fingers light on fire as he does. Embeth gives him a look. Doc reacts mutedly at first, then pulls a very Chaplin-like face, smiling over enthusiastically, while failing to slyly put out the flames. - Embeth laughs.


A knock (SFX) at the door abruptly draws Doc back to reality. He shakes out the flames, giving her a wink as he heads to his door.


DOC -              One minute!


On the other side is a butler with a suit bag. Doc looks it over suspiciously.


DOC -              Should I be worried she knew my measurements at a glance?  Wait… has anyone else worn this? You know what, I don’t want to know.

INT - Est - The Runeskeeper’s Gala fills a ballroom made of marble, large columns line the walls, and a wrap-around balcony is divided into sections, looking down on the hundreds of dancing couples. Dozens of round tables litter the room around the dancefloor. Ben’s dialogue appears in captions.


BEN - caption -            Seriously, I’ve worn briefs that didn’t fit as well as this tux; you didn’t hire me just because I fit the monkey suit, did you?


In one partitioned section of the balcony is an ornate display, with a line of people extending to the far wall of the room, all eager to view the case. Embeth’s reply is in a caption.


EMBETH - caption - Of course not, but it is a perc. Are you sure you don’t want to see the Runekeeper’s Stone, it’s absolutely beautiful!    

The display houses a bluish-purple gem, with a raised golden rune on its face. Around the inner perimeter of the case are various pictures and articles, all featuring female superheroes several decades apart, each wearing the gem on a chain, embracing their own clothes and hair styles, from rhetro to punk.


BEN - caption -            Oh, I'm good, just walking through that room was enough. I can punch creeps no problem, but please don’t ask me to put up with anymore self centered rich people.


EMBETH - captions -   You make it sound like the worst hardship ever concocted… I read you took on Lone Star alone, you’d seriously rather do that?


Ben and Embeth sit at a table, just slightly isolated from the others. Embeth has on a silver gown with purple beading, her hair done up so that only the streak of blue crosses over her face.

Ben is wearing a fitted tux with a green tie and matching waistcoat. His tux coat hangs on the back of his chair, and his masks and gloves are just barely visible in his slacks pocket. Embeth smiles as Ben flounders with his words.


BEN -               Does it have to be Lone Star...


EMBETH         You always have these silly caveats…  I would happily take this kind of crowd over a jock cop.


Ben gives Embeth a look instead of replying. He quickly changes the subject.


BEN -               So, does your dad just handle the golf side of the business? He’s not here, and you’re clearly running things on the front line...


Embeth waves off Ben’s taunt without a second thought.


EMBETH -       Oh, of course he’s involved. He still makes all the decisions, I just lend my insights.


Ben looks skeptical


BEN -               Oh OK Atlas, I must have been confused by your name being on the grants, all the initiatives you’ve spearheaded, the fact that you run EVERY important division, and oh yea, that every client specifically asks for you. Dad must have his hands full with the other 2.5%.


Embeth smiles casually, looking off towards the dance floor.


EMBETH -       Would you care to backup your talk on the dancefloor Benjamin?


Ben’s face falls hard. He looks out at the dance floor like it’s a tank of sharks. Couples dance happily in the warm glow and light jazzy music. Ben looks pale, but tries to recover casually.


BEN -               Uhh, I don’t think dancing was in the contract.


Embeth looks at him, smiling gently; her eyes asking if he’s serious. Ben throws his arms up in defeat.


Ben -                Fine! You should know my particular style is a bit… hazardous. It doesn’t mix well with the sober light of day, or night in this case.


Embeth laughs as she stands, extending a hand to Ben.


EMBETH -       Now you’re going to have to back up that self deprecation, too.


Ben shakes his head and laughs, resignedly letting Embeth pull him onto the floor. A well-dressed quartet plays, the music filling the room. Embeth stops, turning cooly to face Ben, who still looks in over his head. He cautiously puts his hand on Embeth’s waist.


EMBETH -       My hips don’t have teeth you know.


BEN -               Sorry, I haven’t done this since high school.I hope you like slow dancing.


Embeth laughs as she lays her hands around Ben’s neck.


EMBETH -       I can lead if you’d like.


BEN -               Just be patient with me, this might get ugly.


The two of them begin to dance.


INT - Est - A guard stands at the bottom of a marble staircase. He stops four men in ragged suits, each with a different mask hanging from their belts. One has a rubber blue monkey, opposite him is another in a hockey mask, while a man with a rubber red devil mask and a canvas bag takes leads, and in the back, Plague stands with a plague doctor’s mask around his neck. The guard eyes them suspiciously.


GUARD -         Excuse me gentlemen, can you show me your invitations?


DEVIL, the lead robber, smiles serenely and steps forward.


DEVIL -           Of course my good man.


Devil reaches inside his coat and pulls out a handgun, striking the Guard across the face, breaking his nose and knocking him down.

Each of the Menaces puts on their different mask and dashes up the stairs, revealing themselves to be THE MASKED MEN.


The Masked Men enter the balcony with the gem display, brandishing guns. Devil clears his throat before addressing the crowd as GOALIE fires a shot into the air.


DEVIL -           Ladies and gentlemen, let’s all be adults about this. Drop your goodies in the bags, and make a path to the rock.


MONKEY cocks a machine gun, as Goalie opens a large sack, shaking it menacingly at the patrons, the hand gun still clutched in one hand.


MONKEY -      That’s right deep pockets, think of this as your annual donation.


Plague easily lifts and tosses two guards across the room, while Devil makes his way to the glass. He glances at the guards as Plague moves a large marble table in front of the doors.


DEVIL -           Now now boys, none of that. We’ll be out of your hair soon.


INT - Ben and Embeth continue to dance, Embeth is laughing.


Embeth -          Are you seriously going to try and convince me Tom Bombadil is the reason you don’t like those movies?


Ben -                He wasn’t tempted by the ring, that’s huge! That really doesn’t mean anything to the overall plot and mythology?

Embeth -          For the story they were telling, yes! What would including him actually bring to that adaptation?


The music slows as the song comes to an end, and the dancers applaud.  Ben smiles knowingly, before seeing a security unit run through the back of the room. Embeth notices them too, watching as people are quietly escorted out. They both scan the room.


BEN -               You think he’s here?


EMBETH -       I don’t know… I thought this would be too public but… There!


Embeth points up to the balcony, where Goalie pushes people against the railing as he shakes them down.  Ben looks to her for direction.


EMBETH -       The Runekeeper’s Stone! You should get up there!


BEN -               What are you gonna do?


Embeth looks over the room with a steely gaze.


EMBETH -       They’ll need a hand getting all these people out safely.


Ben pauses, giving her a hesitant look. Embeth pats his hand, laughing as she assures him.


Embeth -          Seriously, I can take care of myself.


Ben nods reluctantly. He pulls the masks from his pockets. Embeth is quick to run off to help.


BEN -               How do you want to play this? Quiet? Mostly quiet?


EMBETH -       Loud! We want the APF’s attention!


BEN -               You’re the boss, Boss.


Ben  jogs towards the balcony while pulling on his gloves. He calls out to two security guards standing under it. The guards look dumbly in response.


DOC -              There guards up on yonder hill? You should probably tell them to take a big step back from the door; friendly suggestion.


Doc leaps without breaking stride. Pointing his palm down, he unleashes a pillar of red flames, propelling himself through the air and over the railing.

He lands softly on the balcony, taking in the scene with a sweeping look.

 The whole room has come to a stand still at his entrance. The Masked Men draw their weapons, Devil and Goalie are nearest.


Doc holds his hands up innocently.


DOC -              Hey fellas, could I interest anyone in a game of Red Light Green Light: Nit...


Doc is cut off as the Masked Men open fire on him. Holding up a shield with one arm, Doc manages to deflect the shots.

Expanding the flames of the shield into a wall in front of himself, Doc gives them a strong push, red flames exploding from his hands.

The wall of green fire lifts off and rushes over the floor like a shockwave, catching Devil and Goalie and sending them tumbling over the floor.

Doc turns, firing a second blast at the doorway..


DOC                Look! A door!


Seen from behind the doors - Flames hit and explode the doors off their hinges.


Monkey roars, pointing his rifle at the hostages.


MONKEY -      Freakin’ Capes! How’s about we spill some blue blood? That what you want!?


As Monkey opens fire, Doc jets in front of the crowd, extending a shield as he goes. The other Masked Men, besides Plague, join in the barrage.

 Shells bounce off the flame shield, and Doc struggles to hold his ground under the barrage; he’s slowly being pushed backward.

DOC -              Come on guys, we can work this out! We have so much in common: you like masks, I like masks!


A tremor from outside shakes the whole ballroom; the fight pauses.


DOC -              Is that one part of your plan or...?


he Masked Men look to Devil for instruction. Devil hesitates but then pulls Goalie and Monkey back, signalling Plague.


DOC -              Is that a no?


DEVIL -           New guy, you’re up!


Plague raises his fists, smashing them down against Doc’s shield. It ripples and gives under the blow. Doc recoils, shocked.


DOC  -             Someone ate their gene-altering Wheaties this morning!


Doc sends a wave a flames crashing over Plague, but he seems unfazed. Doc gulps (SFX) as he looks up at Plague towering over him.


DOC -              That’s the power of a goddamn balanced breakfast...


Plague grabs Doc, lifting him into the air with one hand. Doc retaliates with flaming punches, but to no avail. Plague tosses him across the room with ease.

Devil makes a break for the display, looking greedily at the Rune Keeper’s stone as security guards come storming in through the shattered door. The hostages scatter as the two sides take up strongholds. Monkey shouts behind Devil, and opens fire.

Monkey’s rifle glows as it fires rapidly. Doc sees it and jets in close. Slashing at the barrel with a focused flame, Doc cuts through the barrel with little resistance.

Monkey stares dumbly for a moment, before a wave of green flames washes over him, throwing him backwards. 


Plague’s heavy footsteps draw Doc’s attention from behind. He turns, keeping his flame lit.


DOC -              It’s always so exciting meeting a fellow Alt-Human, we should trade First Night stories!


Doc slashes, cutting through the sleeves of Plague’s suit; barely leaving a mark on his skin.

Doc’s eyes widen, as he increases his flames. He slashes again, but doesn’t make progress. Plague grabs and tosses him. Doc slams hard into the railing he initially vaulted over. (SFX OOOF)


Doc picks himself up, suddenly face to face with Devil and Goalie, who are crouched behind a pillar.


DOC -              I need to speak to you about your employee!


Goalie draws his gun, only to be on the receiving end of a green flamed backhand, knocking him out.


DOC -              You find this goon on rent-a-Menace, or was there some generous benefactor?


Devil roars, firing point blank at Doc, who throws up a shield. The force of the bullets push him backward. Goalie recovers and joins in the barrage.

Doc backs his shield with both arms, steeling himself.


DOC -              See guys, this is why we can’t have dinner out. The therapist said we need to work on listening!


Doc releases one hand, and holding it behind himself, unleashes a jet backwards, plowing shield first into Devil and Goalie, throwing them backwards into the wall.

Devil gurgles, Doc grabs him by the jacket.


DOC -              Wanna go for double jeopardy, or are you feeling a bit more helpful?


Doc’s interrupted by Plague grabbing his collar, pulling him away suddenly and throwing him hard into the railing. Doc gets up a shield just in time, dislodging a chunk on impact.


INT - Est - Over Doc’s shoulder, the far wall of the ballroom explodes in a cloud of dust (SFX BOOM)


Embeth, still escorting guests, turns to see one last elderly couple, huddled behind a table. She moves to them.


Doc stirs, looking down through the dust at a silhouette, which begins to glow orange; cables running it’s length light up. (SFX WEEEEEE)

The high-pitched whine of Dynamo’s suit fills the room, as he emerges from the dust, glowing brightly.

Doc groans, rolling his eyes dramatically.


DOC -              Oh you gotta be shitting me.


Plague’s foot stomps down, just missing Doc’s head. Doc Rolls over.

Plague stands over him, arms held high, suddenly bringing them crashing down.  Doc throws up a shield, which ripples against the force of Plague’s hit, redirecting the force downward, shattering the balcony underneath Doc.

He falls, forming an orb of flames to protect him from the debris surrounding him.


Embeth sees Doc’s form, but runs for the couple.


EMBETH -       Mr. and Mrs. Jameson, are either of you hurt?


The couple shake their heads, too shocked to speak. Embeth walks resolutely towards Dynamo. She speaks to the couple without taking her eyes off him..


EMBETH -       There are security guards at the door, they’ll get you out. I’ll see what this nimrod wants.


From above, Plague spots Embeth, his attention suddenly captured. He ignores Devil, who is dancing behind him, calling for a triumphant withdrawal.


Devil -              Come on boys! Prize is won, time to go!


Embeth stands with her arms crossed, staring Dynamo down. He looks around inquisitively.


EMBETH -       Excuse me, it may interest you to know you’re not the first Menace to this party. The APF is already en route, so you should probably turn your shiny ass around, unless you like state funded housing...


DYNAMO -     Thanks for the heads up doll, but I like my odds. What do yas say, wanna play hostage with me?


Embeth smiles, giving Dynamo a sympathetic look.


EMBETH - (laughing)               Oh honey, that’s very cute; I’m much more than you could handle.


Beneath the rubble, Doc groans, expanding his shield trying to force his way out. He sees Embeth and Dynamo.


DYNAMO -     Maybe yas couldn’t tell sweetie, but my duds got some special pow to ‘em.


EMBETH -       It’s a very impressive look, but all the same, you should really go, for your own good.


Embeth looks to the side, seeing the Jamesons stumble towards a guard.


DYNAMO -     Yas ladies these days, think bein’ chatty is cute, makes yas looks smart. Let me learn yas somethin’.


-Dynamo takes aim, but Embeth doesn’t blink. Suddenly shifting his focus, Dynamo fires at the Jameson’s, just before they reach the door.

Embeth leaps in front of the blast, taking it full force.


EMBETH -       NO!


Embeth flies across the room, smashing through a table near the back.

Doc shouts, finally freeing himself, and running from under the balcony, trying to see if Embeth is OK. There’s another whine (SFX WEEEEEE) .


A shot of orange just barely misses Doc, who turns and skids to a halt. Dynamo stares daggers across the room, looking surlier than ever.


DYNAMO -     Why is it always you!?


Doc returns the look, igniting both his hands as he does.


DOC -              Think of it as overdrawing from the karma bank!


There’s a crash from behind Doc (SFX). Both men look and see Plague land in the middle of the dance floor, cracking it severely. He marches towards Embeth’s fallen form, as Dynamo snickers.


DYNAMO -     Well, looks like yas already got a dance partner! I’ll just have to see about my prize while he clobbers yas!


Dynamo fires again as he dashes for the stairs, only to be cut off by a group of armed guards, their shouts garbled together.

Doc rolls and dodges the shot, looking between Dynamo and Plague. He gives an annoyed grumble, jetting toward Plague.

Doc chucks fireballs at Plague’s head as he soars through the air, they don’t have much effect.


DOC -              Hey! Plague boy! I love the ren-fair too, but this is hardly the time!


The fireballs explode with sharp pops (SFX), but Plague doesn’t break stride.

With the shouts of Dynamo and the guards garbled in the background (SFX), Doc lands just short of Plague, still firing shots.


DOC -              You owe me an origin story! Where are you on the strength scale? You closer to above average, or are we talking muscle density like a dying star?


Plague, just shy of where Embeth landed, whips a chair at Doc.He ducks just in time; the chair shatters on impact with the far wall.


DOC -              Fine! I’ll guestimate! Ever ridden a toboggan at 650 miles an hour?!


Doc holds his arms out, the left at full length, the right just behind it., Green flames surge over each, except for his right hand. The green flames in his left hand grow into a large wall.

His flameless right hand begins to shake, as heat shimmers billow from it, rippling the air.

Doc’s face reddens under his mask. With a shout, he releases a massive blast of red fire from his right hand, the force of which sends him skidding backwards.

The blast picks up the wall of green flames, sending it rocketing forward, blindsiding Plague, taking him off his feet, and through the far wall.


Doc pants and holds a table for support. He looks for Embeth again, but is blasted off his feet by Dynamo.

Walking to his fallen opponent, Dynamo looks quite pleased. The cables of his suit burn orange, as a loud whine (SFX) splits the air. 


DYNAMO -     Yas been a pain in my ass for a while now, ya sonova bitch.


A white dot appears on Dynamo’s chest, catching his attention. A fine line hangs from it in the air.

The line snaps suddenly with a thunderous crack (SFX)

A wave of white energy blows over Dynamo, throwing him back, and cracking his chest plate where the dot had been.

Dynamo slams into a column, smashing its surface, and crumpling to the ground.

Staggering to his feet, Dynamo looks where the light came from, growling at its source.


DYNAMO -                 Yas little bitch!


Embeth stands triumphant  in the middle of the table debris, her skin glowing white with energy.


EMBETH                     I warned you, I’m out of your league little boy.


Dynamo shouts, firing a stream of energy with both barrels. Embeth catches the beam calmly holding it in mid air.

Beginning in her hand, the stream turns from orange to white, Embeth’s energy envelopes the whole stream, soon shooting back up Dynamo’s suit.

Black smoke pours from various points on it, especially from a large hump on its back.

Embeth snaps her hand shut and the light recedes, leaving Dynamo’s suit lightless, and him on one knee.


DYNAMO -     What… What are yas doin’!?


Dynamo tries to fire up his suit, resulting in a loud crunch (SFX) The smoke begins to billow more thickly. He’s slack jawed.


EMBETH -       I’m ending this now, just walk away!


Dynamo stands, gritting his teeth.


DYNAMO -     Yas think I won’t hit a girl!? I gots no...


He’s interrupted as Embeth becomes like a streak of light, appearing inches from Dynamo, a wave of force trailing in her wake.

She practically charges through him, her wake lifting and embedding him in the wall behind, leaving him hanging limply.


Embeth takes a deep breath, her now diminished light receding. She looks shaken, but unhurt. Embeth’s ears perk at the sound of glass and plaster cracking behind her (SFX).


Plague looks down at Doc’s semi conscious form, before turning. He grabs a rod of rebar from the debris scattered all around, and makes his way towards her.

Embeth squares her shoulders, her skin glowing again.

Plague swings the rebar up, but stops.

Dropping the rebar, Plague clears the room in one leap, leaving through the opening Dynamo left.

Embeth stares after him momentarily, before running over to Doc.


EMBETH -       BEN!


Doc struggles to sit up, groaning loudly as he does. Embeth smiles as she reaches him, kneeling down gracefully.


DOC -              What happened to being mindful of secret identities?


EMBETH-        Ben, everyone here’s unconscious except us.


DOC -              Yea... That’s usually the excuse.


Laughing, Embeth takes his face in her hands. A glow runs from her fingers, and spreads across his face. He inhales sharply, then slowly exhales, almost like a sigh of relief.

Embeth stands, extending a hand to Doc. He takes it, looking dumbfounded.


EMBETH -       Better?


DOC -              You weren’t kidding about taking care of yourself.


Embeth smiles, but sighs deeply looking around the room. Doc takes it in as he stands.


 Est - The room is a wreck, with rubble scattered everywhere, broken columns, torn paintings, shattered furniture, two massive holes in two different walls, and the case upstairs vandalized.


DOC -              Well, there goes my prop damage record.


EMBETH -       Technically, you’re our employee so-


DOC -              See, now I feel really bad.


Embeth smiles at Doc, but looks worn out.


EMBETH -       Come on, the APF will have questions.


Doc notices Embeth’s hand shaking, just as she tries to hide them. Doc looks at her for a long moment, in which Embeth tries to turn away.


DOC -              You ok?


EMBETH -       I’m fine.


Doc reaches for her, pausing, then gently placing a hand on her shoulder. Embeth turns slowly and smiles.


DOC -              Do you like ice cream? After tonight, you definitely deserve some ice cream.


EMBETH -       That’d be nice.


INT - Est - Harpy and Shade sit silently together near a large fireplace, in a richly furnished, but very empty feeling penthouse that overlooks the city. Harpy is revealed to have massive wings without her coat as cover. Her taloned hands and feet shine in the fire light, her hair looks like feathers, and her eyes are a glassy pitch black; the veins near them somehow even darker.

Shade looks tiny in comparison, an effect exacerbated by the flowing aura of shadows pouring all around her. Her eyes, while still retaining color, bare the same fog and scaring as Harpy’s.

Standing separate from the two on an adjacent balcony is Poacher; Ring clinging to his arm. He’s dressed in a similar red tailored suit, the coat of which lays on the railing of the balcony. Poacher looks out over the city.


POACHER -     We’ve come a long way together, haven’t we dear?


Poacher looks down at Ring, holding her chin so she looks him in the eyes. She can’t even focus on him.


POACHER -     It’s nothing personal darling. You’ll always be my special one, my precious first.

He pets Ring’s head, as Plague walks in behind them. Poacher doesn’t turn, nor do the others.

Plague walks onto the balcony directly. Poacher reaches up, harshly tearing Plague’s mask down, so it hangs around his neck.


POACHER -     So, the prodigal son returns...  Take that off… You need a top off.


Poacher reaches out, wrapping his hand around Plague’s neck and chin. The dark veins on Poacher’s hand burn, releasing a dull glow that circulates under Plague’s skin, like blood flowing from one into the other. Plague’s eye’s roll back slightly, his head lolling to one side as the veins pulsate.


Poacher’s eyes, in contrast, move like he’s speed reading. They darken for a moment, until with a blink, he releases Plague with a smile creeping over him.


POACHER -     You did very well tonight, we learned a lot. Now, why don’t you go enjoy Mr. Infinity’s generous hospitality?


Plague slowly walks over, joining the group around the fire. Poacher smiles, sighing deeply, and looking over the city once more. Ring grips him closer.


POACHER -     Infinity’s home will be quite comfortable for you, and I’ll still visit.


Poacher brings her lips to his, and kisses her. The same circulating glow passes between them, leaving Ring with a sick pallor, and her veins practically bursting out. When the kiss is broken, she looks like she’ll collapse.


POACHER -     She will of course fight back, but I can’t wait. I have dreamed of her face, when the chase is over. There’s such a joy to be had, in showing someone their future.


Poacher strokes Ring’s hair, inspecting his watch.


POACHER -     Now, if only this tedium would pass... perhaps a side job, to burn the time away.


Without a signal, Harpy and Shade come to attention. Harpy, towering over even Plague, opens her large wings, and soars into the night, while Shade sinks into her own shadow.

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