One family, many gifts.

Capes and Menaces : Trinity City Tales

Capes and Menaces - Trinity City Tales : Pt4 'Not the fun kind of party'


EXT - Lone Star raises each hand, emitting a powerful light that sends heat shimmers through the night sky around him; Embeth is becoming red in the face as this continues.


LONE STAR -  This is your final warning! Stand down-


EMBETH -       All I want is to find my friend, so please, leave!! I don’t want violence, but I won’t be pushed around!


Lone Star is briefly taken aback, but recovers.


LONE STAR -  Are you threatening an APF officer?


Embeth’s eyes glow brightly themselves, streaks of white lining her hair.


EMBETH -       It’s not a threat, it’s a guarantee.


Before he can retort, a massive crash rends the air, setting off car alarms up and down the road.

Embeth and Shifty both turn to see a series of cascading white rings erupting from between buildings, several blocks away near the waterfront. A glowing green lump is mixed in, burning against the night sky.


Doc and the table soars over the city. He tumbles like a ragdoll, before clattering to a stop on a large warehouse. A rusty water tower stands nearby, and several cars dot its parking lot. A large sign out front reads Merlin Chemical.


Doc groans and loses consciousness again, the green flames covering him finally dying away.


Embeth completely forgets about Lone Star, running towards the damage. Lone Star shouts after her and fires a bright blast from his fist.

Embeth turns and catches the blast, processing its power,  and siphoning into an eye beam.

Lone Star catches the shot in the face, and is blasted out of the air.


Embeth continues on her way without a second glance as Shifty turns, and cupping her hands over her mouth, shouts down to Lone Star.


SHIFTY -         I wouldn’t try it again Lonely Boy, she gets grumpy when people discriminate.


Shifty catches up with Embeth, her legs stretching to help make up the difference. The two look up at the massive hole in the side of a penthouse.


SHIFTY -         I don’t suppose you can teleport.


EMBETH -       I can, but I’d need enough energy to power a city block. I have a more practical solution.


Her eyes glowing again, Embeth creates a white aura around her and Shifty, and the two begin to rise off the ground. Shifty beams at Embeth as they fly telekinetically.


SHIFTY -         Oh princess! You are my new favorite person to quest with!


Embeth smiles, as the two climb over the tops of buildings, trailing the line of destruction from the penthouse to the waterfront.


INT - Poacher looks at Ring, a small but very dark smile on his lips. The two stand staring out a massive hole left by Ring’s attack.


POACHER -     Hit him a little hard didn’t you sweetie…


Poacher grips Ring’s hand tightly, sending a massive glow worming through her veins, causing Ring to stiffen, gripping Poacher’s arm as tightly as ever. Poacher gives Plague a nod; he leaps after Doc.


EXT - Covering several blocks in one jump, Plague makes it to the Merlin roof in just a few leaps, and almost smashes through it on impact.

Doc stirs weakly, blood running from his nose and mouth. Plague begins to walk toward him.

He stoops down and takes a metal rod out of the smashed table, twisting it into a helix. 

He holds it like an assassin holding piano wire, as a small silver pool moves silently behind him.


MERCURY -    I know this ain’t New Amsterdam-


Plague doesn’t take notice of the voice, until Mercury rises, fist first, and smashes him in the face. Solidifying, Mercury catches the helix out of the air.


MERCURY -    ...but did you really think the cops weren’t gonna notice the light show and destroyed skyline?


Plague stands, setting his jaw, and rolling his shoulders. Mercury gives Doc a once-over glance.


MERCURY -    Jesus, Ben, hang in there man!


Turning back, Mercury dodges as Plague takes a swipe at him.


MERCURY -    No, you’re right, let’s do the cop part first. You have been found abusing your alt human traits, you are under arrest. Surrender, or I will use force.


Plague raises his fists, and Mercury just squares up to him, setting his feet. His smile shines as he turns his own hands into cylinders like post drivers.


MERCURY - Last warning, I’m not telling you nicely again beefcake.


Plague charges, and the two exchange blows. Mercury gets in several good shots, but none of his strikes break Plague’s skin; Plague hardly even seems to notice them.

Grabbing Mercury’s arm, Plague almost throws him from the roof.

Mercury takes liquid form and stretches to grab Plague’s wrist mid-toss, twisting and reusing the energy to throw Plague off the roof instead.


He hurries to confirm Plague is down, only to be greeted by Plague launching himself from the smashed pavement. He slams into Mercury, an echoing bong ringing over the water (SFX).


Behind the two combatants, Embeth and Shifty glow against the skyline. Embeth catches sight of the fight, pointing it out to Shifty.


SHIFTY -         I swear, next time I need a cop, I’m just gonna start a bar fight, or do 50 in a 35!


EMBETH -       How strong is your friend?


SHIFTY -         “Friend” is a generous term right now, “ally” is more fitting. Merc is a good Cape, but he’s only a five on the strength scale. Even with his skills, he’ll need a hand. (sigh)


Shifty nods though, and  Embeth sends her into the fray. Shifty’s body and muscles harden, leaving her looking like she’s carved out of granite.

She lands on Plague, pushing him through the roof and into the warehouse.


SHIFTY -         Cannonball!


She catches herself on the edges of Plague’s gap, and genially pulls herself onto the roof, brushing herself off as she flips her hair back. Mercury greets her excitedly, but Shifty gives him a cool look.


MERCURY -    Hey ET, it’s been too long! You look like you’re doing well-


SHIFTY -         T-1000...


Mercury gets the message loud and clear, but still tries to look friendly. Shifty is all business.


SHIFTY -         Let’s start with dispensing fools, then we’ll see if you’ve earned a teary heart-to-heart.


INT - Poacher stands with his eyes closed, a deep look of focus on his face. He finally pulls out a phone, presses a button, and holds it to his ear.


POACHER -     We have a problem: an APF officer has become involved. If he calls backup, well, it’ll be a headache I’m afraid... Understood.Thank you sir.


Poacher hangs up, putting the phone back in his pocket; he cracks his neck aggressively.


POACHER -     Sorry my pets, it seems we won’t have as long for foreplay as hoped. I promise though, we’ll make up for it later.


With a snap his Hounds surround him. Shades takes point, and as the others touch her the shadows rise and envelop them.


EXT - Embeth arrives and inspects Doc, who is just barely conscious. Checking his eyes and pulse, she looks concerned. Doc slurs his words as he responds.


EMBETH -       Oh God Ben, I’m so sorry! I’m going to fix this, I promise!


DOC -              Where… too much… can’t think… I need to… run, I failed… I failed-.


Doc slams his hands over his face rocking back and forth as Embeth pauses, her eyes filling with fear at Doc’s babblings.


Rubbing her hands together, she builds a white glow between them.

She places her hands on either side of his head and Doc slowly fades to silence.

Embeth’s light begins to weave its way through him, any visible wounds healing, but the darkness stays in his veins. Embeth looks at him, shaking her head.


EMBETH -       Oh Ben!


Plague bursts up through the warehouse roof, holding a large slab of metal. He throws it, forcing Shifty to bend and stretch to avoid being cut in two.


SHIFTY -         HEY! Didn’t your mom ever tell you not to throw sheet metal?! We won’t sit with you at lunch with that attitude!


MERCURY -    I think he’d be more comfortable with the jumpsuit crew, I hear they’re taking members.


The two tag-team Plague and trade off blows, leveling shot after shot.

Finally they knock him back off the roof. Plague stands, looking resolute as ever, but doesn’t move, he just stares up at them. Poacher’s voice rings out, catching both Capes’ attention.


POACHER -     What a shame-


Poacher and his Hounds rise out of the ground, appearing from the warehouse’s shadow. He has a jovial, ambitious look as he steps forward, clapping Plague on the shoulder.


POACHER -     All of my Hounds are quite personable, I just wish you would give us a chance.


Mercury and Shifty exchange confused looks.

Shifty’s POV - She scans the group quickly, spotting a dark aura running through each member’s head; Poacher is covered in that same aura. When she looks at Harpy, Shifty sees not just this influence, but a bright crimson aura.

A sudden look of anxiety and agitation fills Shifty’s face.


Mercury’s eyes bulge at the sight of Shade. Poacher looks up gloatingly.


MERCURY -    Mindy!? Mindy what are you doing!?


POACHER -     Oh, so you two have run in the same circles? Our little Shade here is quite the talent, wouldn’t you agree officer? Maybe this is the chance for a reconciliation.


MERCURY -    The Mindy I knew prided herself on being independent; she’d never be a lap dog!


Doc stirs for a moment, then falls back into unconsciousness. Embeth tries to wake him again.


EMBETH -       No no, come on Ben! I need you awake, come on!


Poacher steps closer to the warehouse, Mercury looks like he’s ready to take a shot at him.


MERCURY -    Keep steppin you piece of shit, I’d be elated to end this night with you cuffed to a hospital bed.


POACHER -     That type of language isn’t very becoming officer, I may just need to get your badge number.


MERCURY -    I’m happy to give it, you arrogant prick. You want my badge? Come up and have a look, I’d love to smack you, tattoo it on your forehead so you can see it first thing in the morning!


 Poacher laughs heartily and feigns wiping a tear.


POACHER -     How very droll, I think you’ll be shocked by what's outside the cave.


Shifty looks back, seeing that Embeth is still reviving Doc. She gives Mercury a begrudging look.


SHIFTY -         I say we get this party started, give the Princess some time. They’re all emitting a bizarre aura, all leading back to the suit...


MERCURY -    Feel up for a walk down memory lane? You always were a great dance partner.


Shifty gives Mercury a loving punch, before leaping from the roof, clearing the group below, and sticking a three point landing. Mercury flattens his arms into long blades, and follows her over the edge; they pincer Poacher’s group.

Poacher isn’t at all perturbed by this. One hand in his jacket pocket, the other holding Ring’s hand, he addresses the group at large.


POACHER -     I should warn you, the physical pain of tonight will be redoubled by way of emotional trauma.


MERCURY -    If that’s your shit talk, this might go faster than I thought.


 Poacher tsk’s this comment, like a father just waiting to be proven right.


POACHER -     Just remember, I did warn you; you decided to ignore me. I hope that brings you some small comfort when you find yourself in my paradise.


 Like sprinters at the gun, the Hounds (save for Ring) all take off.

Harpy soars towards Shifty, while Shade slips into the shadows, and Plague renews his combat with Mercury.


Shifty looks a bit shaken as Harpy dives.

She tries to push through her emotions , grabbing Harpy mid swoop, turning and slamming her into the dock, only to be met with a flurry of talons.

Shifty’s tough skin takes the attacks at first, but Harpy is finally able to sink a talon deep into her shoulder, drawing purple blood as Shifty groans loudly.


Plague hits Mercury like a freight train, knocking him aside in spite of his metallic skin and density.

Plague keeps charging, crashing through the wall of the warehouse.

Mercury picks himself up, calling to Embeth as he goes after Plague.


MERCURY -    He waking up?


She calls back, still cradling Doc, holding a glowing hand over his face.


EMBETH -       NO! I need time to sort out whatever this… stuff in his system is!


MERCURY -    I’ll call for backup, they should be here-


EMBETH -       NO! If you bring any more people here, we’ll only be giving Poacher more fuel!


 Mercury looks between Plague’s wake, and Poachers smile.He pulls off his radio tossing it up to Embeth.


MERCURY -    If you insist, but I’m sending the insurance paperwork to you!


Before he can continue, Mercury is grabbed and pulled into a shadow, reappearing instantly some hundred yards down the dock.


Shifty is still entangled with Harpy, the two tumbling over each other.

Just as Shifty is pinned, she swings and wraps her legs tightly around Harpy’s neck. Harpy doesn’t flinch, and beating her large wings, the two lift off.

Shifty tries throwing furious punches, as a voice in her head (yellow caption box) taunts.


FRANKENSTEIN - caption - Not even human! 


INT - flashback - DR. FRANKENSTEIN, stares greedily down over Shifty who’s strapped to a medical table; his head full of the same crimson aura.


DR. FRANKENSTEIN -           You can’t possibly understand our drive, our ambition. Sacrifices are necessary to achieve our true potential; to shatter the bounds of humanity! You will be our key!


EXT - Shifty gives a guttural yell, pulling Harpy’s talon out, and throwing her off, landing safely despite the long drop.


Embeth looks over the chaos.


EMBETH -       Come on Ben! I really need you awake now!


Embeth steadies herself, bending down to place her forehead against Doc’s.

Her eyes snap open, glowing white.

Embeth’s POV - Poacher’s influence looks like a black dye circulating in Doc’s veins. Holding a shaking hand over him, Embeth begins to telekinetically draw the influence together into a pool.


She draws that pool to Doc’s arm, and reopening a cut, extracts it.  The oozes forms a puddle of black slime, shimmering in the moonlight. Embeth is faint for a moment, but recovers.

She looks down at Doc to see his eyes flutter, but only for a moment. She heals his arm, and begins shaking him again.


 The roof under them begins to crumble. Embeth, very agitated, slaps Doc.


EMBETH -       Goddammit Ben!!


 Doc finally comes out of his stupor, giving Embeth a confused look.


DOC -              Where are we, did you take me to another party?


EMBETH -       Not the fun kind-


INT -  The roof falls in, dropping them onto a catwalk over the warehouse. The fall finally wakes Doc up fully, his eyes widen instantly as he remembers what happened before noticing his surroundings.


DOC -              Owww… Poacher! Wait… I know this place…


EMBETH -       Ben, thank god, you are ok right?


DOC -              Let’s go with sure,  I’m too pissed to care. I think it’s about time we fire back.


 Doc holds out a flaming hand to Embeth, who absorbs them quickly; her glow returning to full strength.


Below, Plague knocks out support beams, causing more holes to form in the deteriorating roof. He spots Doc and Embeth, and begins stalking towards them.


DOC -              I really hope this guy doesn’t show up every date.


 Embeth smirks, handing Doc his mask.


EMBETH -       I brought you an extra, and who said this was a date?


Embeth’s eyes glow brightly, firing a blast into Plague, knocking him back into a pile of rubble.

Plague barely flinches, and quickly begins pounding his way towards them again.

Doc dons his masks, stepping over the railing of the catwalk; Embeth looks at him incredulously. 


EMBETH -       What do you think you’re doing?!


DOC -              What, I can almost fly, and it’s not that far down.


EMBETH -       No, I’m saying what’s your plan!?


DOC -              Uh… don’t die?


EMBETH -       Ben! That’s not a plan, that’s a goal! What’s your plan!?


 Doc fires a wall of green flames down, crattering Plague and stopping him briefly.


DOC -              How about I get beefcakes here out of your hair, and you finalize our battle strategy. Ring, Poacher’s longest running hound, there’s something different about her. Shade too, maybe you...


EMBETH -       I don’t know if I can pull that shit out of his Hounds like I did you!? We need something more than the charge of the light brigade!


DOC -              No shit, but since you’re the brilliant one, I’m thinking my best play here is as distraction! I don’t have a mind for strategy, just ask Shifty; but you’re a great planner! We can hold them off, but only you can get us out of this in one piece.


Doc fires several more blasts, trying to hold off Plague a bit longer. Embeth looks struck as Doc winks to her.


DOC -              I’m really pissed at this guy though, fyi for your accounting.


EMBETH -       I love the passion Ben, but it might be time for cooler heads.


Close up on Doc’s eyes. In his iris is the ghostly image of the Shadow Bens trapping him; it’s all Doc can think about, like he can still see it in front of him.


DOC -              Little late for that now.


EMBETH -       That’s what he wants! He wants you to be irrational, to be reckless!


DOC -              Let’s see how that works out for him.


 Embeth gives Doc a pleading look, one that finally captures his attention, and slows him down.


EMBETH -       You have to trust me on this Ben, breath, relax for a moment. I know it’s hard, but just take a second and think. If you want to save Ring, Shade, anyone, you’ll need to think about what they need from you, not just what you want to do to him.


 Doc pauses, taking this in. He sighs heavily before shaking his head, the fire in his eyes calming.


DOC -              Merc and I spent a week trapped in the Underground, that was a week of bad ideas.


EMBETH -       Ok?


DOC -              I guess I’m saying you’re not the first person to try and temper me.


EMBETH -       Maybe, but I think I have a good feel for the materials I’m working with.


 Embeth smiles and winks at Doc, who can’t help but smile back.


EMBETH -       Just try it my way first, then you can go all ‘eye of the tiger’.


There’s a bang from the ground, as Plague launches himself towards the catwalk, leaving a large indent behind.

Doc gives Embeth a very quick apologetic look, and lets go of the railing. He jets into Plague, the force of their collision sending them both crashing through a window. Embeth shouts after them in dismay.


EXT - They tumble to a halt outside. Plague stands mutely before Doc can scrape himself off the ground.

Doc looks up and sees Plague approaching again, but pauses, taking a deep breath instead of pouncing.


DOC -              Take a second and breath, ok…. It’s been a hell of a night buddy! What is this, round 6? Who’s been through more walls you think?


Plague swings, and Doc unleashes another torrent of flames. It forces Plague to stop momentarily, but he pushes through it, leveling a heavy shot. Doc gets a shield up, but Plague’s strike disperses it like it’s smoke. 

The two are interrupted, as Mercury is suddenly thrown into the brawl from the shadow of the water tower, inadvertently hitting Doc.

The two tumble, groaning loudly as they pick themselves up.

Their attention is drawn as Shifty finally throws Harpy off, sending her crashing into Plague.

Shifty stifles a scream as her wounds close. She rejoins Doc and Mercury, as the Hounds regroup.


MERCURY -    Well well, sleeping beauty’s here! Mind filling me in on the shit I just stepped in?


DOC -              Us good, them bad, don’t touch the one in the red suit; he’s got some bad mojo going.


Poacher smiles, rubbing Ring’s hand while watching his Hounds advance. Doc looks like he’s ready to beat the life out of him. He signals Ring out to Shifty.


DOC -              Shifty, get a look at the girl, there’s something about her, I think she wants...


 Poacher breaks up the chat with a shout.


POACHER -     Mr. Wahls! I see Lady Radium was able to pull you out. Would you care to  testify, are my Hounds not happy with their new purpose?! Tell them, surrender to that joy, and you’ll find peace.


MERCURY -    Who says surrender to joy, what kind of fucked up dude is this?


Doc’s eyes narrow, his fist clenching tightly, as flames spread wildly over his arms and shoulders. Mercury gives him a cautious look, reaching out to reassure him.

Before he can, Doc takes a deep breath, refocusing on Poacher. The flames don’t die down, but do steady.


DOC -              You’re a piece of shit, and I’m going to knock your teeth into your stomach for what you did. But first, I have a promise to keep.


Shifty’s POV - She looks over Ring while Mercury and Doc keep Poacher busy. Just visible through Poacher’s dark influence is a bluish purple aura where the crimson one was in Harpy. A similar light comes much more brightly from Doc and Mercury.


POACHER -     My dear Benjamin, you may not have enjoyed your first trip, but I assure you, a return visit will change your mind. The cogs of destiny turn ever onward! True, the joy I offer comes with a life sentence, but  I fear destiny will only offer the chance to be crushed under its weight, like so many others.


 Mercury can hardly believe his ears, his eyes wide as he shakes his head.


MERCURY -    Wow… does he really talk like this, like all the time? And chatty to boot, yeesh man.


DOC -              You have no idea, definitely don’t want this guy in your head, literally or figuratively. You remember The Hypno Heister?


MERCURY -    I think he preferred to be called Pendulum


 Doc rolls his eyes, the seriousness covering his expression finally cracking.


DOC -              Either way. Think that, but with actual black blood and mind voodoo, and he’s been abducting Alts instead of bankers. We have to give Embeth time to come up with a plan to put him down, so a little rumble might be in order. You good with Shade?


MERCURY -    Eager, not my first choice of a Saturday night with her, but definitely par for the course.


 Shifty’s eyes are drawn back to Harpy, and her demonic aura.


SHIFTY -         I want the one that was a monster before this prick got his claws in her.


Poacher just smiles, turning to his hounds, giving them a nod. Without warning, Ring raises a hand, and fires a blast, which tosses all three Capes backwards, separating them.


Doc stumbles as he gets up, reflexively conjuring a shield. He looks up just in time to see Plague soaring towards him.

He deflects two or three blows, before unleashing another blast of fire into Plague’s face, with minimal effect.

Shade disappears, as Harpy dive bombs Mercury, clawing at his metallic form.


Shifty rushes to help, only to suddenly be punched by Shade, as she rises from Shifty’s own shadow. Grabbing Shifty’s feet, Shade is able to pull her in, and drop her from a nasty height.


Turning his flames into a cutting torch, Doc slashes, but is only able to leave angry red burns on Plague’s lathery skin.

His frustration peaking, Doc creates another rocket sled, blasting Plague off his feet, and sending him ricocheting off the water tower and into the water beyond.

Doc pants, woozily holding himself up on a crate as he looks around.


DOC -              Right, now for-


Doc’s looks surprise, as he suddenly feels something grab his foot.

Shade has a tight hold, and suddenly pulls him down, reappearing and slaming him back against the dock on the near side of the warehouse.


Doc’s curses are interrupted when Shade leaps from the shadow, and lands on his chest, pushing him through his own shadow…

The two fall rapidly through one portal, over the platform, into another.

As Shade kicks him out over the Trinity skyline, Doc tries to catch the edges of the portal, but misses.

He falls from the flat side of the ornate spire set atop a high rise.

Doc fires several shots at Shade, but she ducks back into the shadows; the flames just scorching the copper spire.


DOC -              Goddammit!


Doc turns, steadying his fall, while also trying to identify his location. He descends just below the lower roofs of a shopping district, and swings back up and into the sky on a trail of flames. He jets west, back toward the docks on the horizon.


EXT  -  Shade reappears from Harpy’s shadow, just as the latter is hit by Mercury’s metal fist. Harpy beats her wings aggressively, before diving suddenly through a portal, as Shade steps forward. Mercury looks her over, concern on his face. 


MERCURY -    Mindy, it’s Freddy, come on! I don’t know what this piece of shit did, but the Shade I know would never be used!


 Shade pauses momentarily, before using the shadows to attack Mercury from various angles.


INT - Embeth makes her way to a second floor window, looking down over the battle. She watches as Mercury squares off with Shade, only for him to be blindsided by Plague.


EXT  Est - Over the city, Harpy appears just blocks behind Doc, who hasn’t noticed her; she begins stalking her prey.


EXT -  Shade suddenly appears next to Shifty, taking several swipes at her face and torso. Shifty’s body bends and twists, trying to avoid the attacks.


(Shifty POV), Shade’s moves are blurred as Shifty tracks her aura; Shade does not have the same crimson glow as Harpy, but Shifty does detect several weak points on her.

Moving like a snake, Shifty is able to break through Shade’s defenses, landing several jabs at her weak points.


INT - Embeth looks over at Poacher, who hasn’t moved a muscle. Closing her eyes, Embeth pounds a workstation in frustration.


EMBETH -       You always draw these things out, increase the tension, the fear; you wouldn’t give that up now, unless you had to…


A look of recognition flows over her face.


EMBETH -       Something happened, and tonight’s his last chance. He’s not leaving without me… that’s how to get him.


EXT - The clang (SFX) of each of Mercury’s hits echoes over the water, as Plague takes shot after shot, totally unphased. Mercury turns, shouting to Shifty mid combat.


MERCURY -    They’re going to keep trying to separate us! We gotta make sure that doesn’t happen!


Shifty leaps over Shade, grabbing a tool box, and chucking it at her. Shade pirouettes, sinking into a cloud of shadows. She reappears under Shifty, forcing her to twist like a pretzel to get away.


SHIFTY -         Oh wow, thanks big brain! Here I thought we WANTED them to kill us!


Shifty is cut off, as Shade finally gets a hold of her, choking Shifty with both arms from behind. Shifty tries to shake her off, finally throwing herself and Shade against the watertower’s leg. Instead, Shade sinks into the tower’s shadow, pulling Shifty with her. Mercury turns too late to help.


 MERCURY -   Shifty!


Plague seizes his moment, grabbing Mercury, and throwing him easily through the air.

Mercury smashes into the leg of the water tower; it reverberates loudly (SFX)


INT - Shifty is suddenly thrown from the corner of the warehouse, landing near Embeth. Shade locks eyes on Embeth, who tries to fire a blast at her. The veins in Shade’s face darken, and she retreats.


EXT - Poacher’s own veins darken momentarily, and a smile forms over his face.


POACHER -     There you are, little rabbit.


INT - Shifty pushes herself up, groaning loudly.


SHIFTY -         It’s going really well... Princess?


Embeth is clearly perturbed, but takes a deep breath to steady herself. She walks resolutely towards the window, pulling off her gloves and mask.


SHIFTY -         Princess? What are you doing?


EMBETH -       Cat’s out of the bag, let’s see what he does when we give him exactly what he wants.


 A wave of light erupts from Embeth, filling the room and windows completely.


EXT -  Flooded by the light, Poacher smiles and whistles for Plague, who stops in his tracks and turns to  charge the warehouse, and Embeth.


EXT - Est - Doc quickly repels from one flame-cloud to another, glancing over the nearby roofs. The closest has a bar with a large group of patrons on it. The space is open and inviting, with a fancy upper class feel. The bar is wood and glass, sitting just a few feet from a dance floor that looks like it came straight from a disco-tech; colored lights glowing under frosted panels of glass.

The patrons gasp and point as Doc jets overhead. He thinks they’re looking at him, but they’re actually gasping at Harpy, who is right behind him, mid divebomb.


She jacks him in the back, sending Doc crashing into the dance floor. He’s able to coat himself in flames, but Harpy continues to push him deeper into the floor, as patrons run off in all directions.

Doc knocks Harpy off with a blast of fire, forcing her to soar up; Doc doesn’t break off the flames until she’s pushed out of his range.


DOC -              Sure, wait til I’m over the fancy bar, where’s the fun in  jumping me over an empty alley!


EXT - Mercury picks himself up from the base of the watertower, seeing Plague heading for Embeth. Before he can follow, Shade grabs Mercury’s leg. Liquifying, Mercury flow around Shade’s smokey shadows.


MERCURY -    I know it’s not your fault, but you’re really pissing me off Mindy!


Suddenly Mercury is taken off his feet and pinned to a cross beam by a cascading flow from Ring. His form holds, but ripples under the pressure. When Ring finally lets up, Shade is there to pull the falling Mercury onto her shadow platform. Shifty and Embeth’s dialogue appears in captions as he’s taken.


SHIFTY -         Are you sure about this?


EMBETH -       We need to divide and conquer, starting with the teleporter and Ring. Given what Ben said, I think you’re our best chance, but we need an opening first.


INT -  Embeth stands with her back to us, silhouetted by the light in the room. Plague smashes up through the floor just behind her.

He takes a swing with his meaty fists.  Her light forms a wall, which cracks but holds against the blow even as Embeth is pushed backward.

Plague pursues her, leaping and pinning Embeth to the ground. He wraps one hand around her neck, staring dead eyed into her face; Embeth seems startled.


SHIFTY - as Embeth - Oh no, where is my man to save me!?


With a cheshire grin, Embeth’s form suddenly melts, turning pink, and slipping away from Plague’s grip.

A thundering fist strike him in the neck, as two thick legs barrage his torso, forcing him up. Shifty picks herself up, winking teasingly; as she speaks.


SHIFTY -         This one goes out to all the gym rats!


Her muscles thickening, Shifty takes several more shots at Plague, culminating in a shot below the belt.




EXT -  Back at the bar, The BARTENDER screams dramatically, and points at Harpy, before diving for cover. Harpy swoops over the roof, still avoiding Doc’s flames, but pushing ever closer.

Doc is breathing heavily, beads of sweat running down his face. With one last charge, Harpy forces him to dive behind the bar.

Coughing as he gets his breath back, Doc sees Harpy soaring back up, getting into position for another pass. Several bottles behind the bar catch his eye, all very fancy, some with high proofs. He turns to see the Bartender hiding nearby, huddled in the fetal position.


DOC -              Hey, sorry, I know this sucks. I don’t suppose you have anything dirt cheap and very flammable?


BARTENDER -            Nnn no, we only carry local limited small batch, it’s really good stuff, worth the price-

Doc rolls his eyes and sighs loudly as the Bartender turns beet red.

Harpy’s shadow passes over him. Doc groans and pounds his head softly as he goes through the bottles.


DOC -              Ugh god, Boss is not going to like seeing this on the bottom line.


Doc takes the bottle with the highest proof count, unstops its lid and forms a small red ball of fire. Encircling it with a green shell, he presses it into the bottle.

He pushes the Bartender away from the bar, just as Harpy dives and smashes the bar’s glass top.


DOC  -             Now now! Didn’t your mom ever warn you, act like a monster, and no one will want to be your friend!


Doc chucks the bottle, which Harpy slashes, igniting the core and sending flaming liquor splashing over her. She shrieks, beating her wings to try and put out the flames and rises into the air.

Doc jets into her like a green battering ram.  The two bounce off the rooftop, and over the edge, hanging in the air for a brief moment.

Doc fires a blast that propels the combattants in opposing directions; Doc up, and Harpy down.

Doc opens his arms, steadying his fall, his eyes tracking Harpy.

She avoids hitting the ground, soaring up the side of the building, only to disappear into its shadow.


Doc lands back at the bar, looking all around the skyline, trying to see if Harpy was still around.

A faint but striking light from the dockside warehouse catches his eye. He charges back off the roof, jetting towards it, ignoring the cries from the Bartender.


INT - Plague gives a constricted grunt, momentarily sinking to one knee. His vein scars darken, causing his face to relax again. He suddenly rises, grabbing Shifty by the face, holding her off the ground, until two cables of light sink into his legs.


Across the room, Embeth pulls the cables tight, snapping them, and causing ripples to push each of Plague’s legs in opposing directions.

He drops Shifty as Harpy appears out from the shadows, her wings still smoldering.

She dives on top of Shifty, again digging her talons into Shifty’s flesh. Embeth readies another blow, but as the glow in her hand brightens, her shadow lengthens, and Shade strikes from behind.


Below the skirmish, Poacher and Ring enter the warehouse through a gap left by Plague. He hears the scuffle overhead, and smiles eagerly.


Upstairs, Embeth counters Shade’s advances by releasing a brilliant flash, forcing Shade and her shadows to retreat. Plague appears from behind and grabs Embeth.


Shifty is pinned by Harpy.

(Shifty POV), Harpy’s face is completely obscured by crimson, save for her black empty eyes.

Shifty’s skin drains of color, as Harpy presses further into her for a moment. Instincts take over, and Shifty claws out at Harpy’s face, forcing her to back off.

Shifty scoots back away from Harpy, whimpering as she looks at her wounds. Even as she does, Harpy sinks a long foot talon into Shifty’s leg, before turning and throwing her across the warehouse and into a support pillar.

Shifty falls to the ground motionless. Her own shadow swallowing her.


Embeth shouts as Shifty falls, and releases a massive wave of energy, throwing Plague off.

Harpy swoops for her, Embeth sends her through the floor with an eye beam.


As Harpy crashes past him, Poacher marches slowly up the stairs. When he reaches the top, he holds up a hand out towards Embeth, as if acting on stage.


POACHER -     What light through yonder window breaks.


Embeth turns, her eyes still glowing with energy.


EMBETH -       It won’t work! I’ve overcome so many like you, I’ve forgotten their faces; it’s just one big white blob!


POACHER -     Fitting then that your independence leads you here, to a moment alone. Even the man you hired cannot protect you, and he must have been kissed by the gods to have survived this long.


Embeth holds up a glowing hand, only for Plague to spring up land between her and Poacher. Embeth stands resolute.


EMBETH -       You sound tough, but you don’t have a plan either. You wouldn’t have chosen tonight if it were up to you, your precious hunt’s ruined!


Poacher hardens his gaze, any facade of warmth or gentlemanliness slipping away.


POACHER -     You are clever, but you haven’t accounted that I can still find joy in such a meager offering. You’ve left me as a lion in a zoo, pawing boredly, his majesty robbed. So, let’s end this charade and be done with it


Without warning, Ring fires a blast at Embeth, sending her flying through the wall and tumbling over the warehouse floor, finally landing between a group of workstations. As she pushes up, small cuts on her face heal in glowing streaks. 

Poacher and Ring descend with Harpy’s aid, as Plague lands nearby.

Embeth steadies herself. 


INT - Mercury’s eyes snap open. He’s hanging at the edge of the Shadow Platform, entangled in what look like vines of shadow. He struggles for a moment, but is held fast; even liquifying himself is not enough to escape.

His attention is suddenly drawn as Shade enters the shadow platform, dragging the unconscious Shifty. She opens a portal that looks down from the clouds, tossing Shifty out.

Mercury shouts to Shade, who comes to an abrupt halt, just outside the portal back to the warehouse.


MERCURY -    MINDY! Remember what you always said about social ripples? Everything he has you doing is surrounding you in a world of ripples, and they will turn into that nightmare perfect storm. Do you think your quiet life of crime will survive that?


Shade continues to look at Mercury, as if held by the comment; his bonds oosen.


INT - Poacher and Ring approach Embeth, who suddenly snaps to her feet.


EMBETH -       Some sage advice about cornered animals.


She fires several more beams, but Plague dives in front of Poacher again, taking the shots.

Harpy breaks through the assault, before Embeth telekinetically drops a chunk of roof on her.

Plague collects himself and leaps, crashing hard against a hasty forcefield. He pounds against it, every blow so heavy it pushes Embeth, barrier and all, backwards.


Poacher squeezes Ring’s hand, releasing it only to clasp her shoulders; even so, Ring shakes terribly in that brief moment of lost contact.


As he touches her again, she raises each hand and fires twin cascades. They level everything in their path, pinning Embeth down in between.


POACHER -     Tell me my dear, don’t cornered animals attack out of fear? I exploit fear-


Embeth steadies herself in the face of this assault.


POACHER -     What piques my curiosity is how much power that lovely form can hold? All batteries have a limit, and as our mutual friend can surely put you back together, perhaps we should experiment?


EXT - Doc twists through the air, repelling toward Merlin as quickly as he can. He coughs asthmatically from exhaustion, but sees a pink figure falling out of the clouds in the distance.

Shouting, he streaks towards Shifty,  holding his jets as long as he can, catching up with her just as she regains consciousness.

Realizing her predicament, Shifty holds her arms and legs wide, stretching her skin to form a wingsuit, gliding her way down.


SHIFTY -         Fancy meeting you here!


DOC -              You ok? What’s happening with Embeth?


SHIFTY -         Princess was drawing them out. She might be a beast, but those aren’t your average monsters in there. That girl? The tiny one, what did I see?


DOC -              I’m not sure, but I’ll give you the ‘previously on’ while we go!


The twin cascades burst through the wall of the warehouse below. Shifty stretches to grab Doc, pulling herself onto his back; the two streak towards the ground on a huge rush of flames.


INT - On the Shadow Platform, Mercury keeps tight eye contact with Shade, still trying to secretly exploit the loosening bonds.


MERCURY -    Come on Mindy! Whatever he did, you gotta push through! Shade’s no pawn right?!


Even as Mercury speaks, Shade’s vein scars darken severely. The sudden, overwhelming input causes her to clench her eyes tightly shut. When she opens them, they are glassier than ever.


Shade turns to leave, as Mercury finally breaks free of his bonds.

Raising a hand, Shade draws a cloud of shadows around Mercury’s feet, nearly ensnaring him again.

Like rain trickling down a car window, Mercury weaves away from Shade, putting himself between her and the portal.

Slimming his arm into a long, rapier like point, he lowers it, pointing right at Shade’s face.


MERCURY -    Don’t know if you can hear me King Creeper, but this ends tonight! You piss me off like this, you best be ready for the consequences!


Shade’s face darkens, and the shadow platform following suit.

Mercury’s silver skin glows against the darkness, illuminated by the perimeter portals.

He looks through them, spotting a bank: Bailey Building and Loan. 

Pouncing, Mercury grabs Shade, and tosses her through the portal, diving after her


EXT- He pins Shade momentarily to the lawn outside the bank.

She quickly slips out of his grip, drawing the shadows they just fell from to tangle around Mercury once again. Mercury struggles against the bindings, never breaking eye contact.


MERCURY -    Oh please Mindy, I don’t believe you for a second. If you wanted me dead, you’d never leave a way back to this place! Keep going, fight him!


Shade pauses again, groaning audibly as her scars darken once more.


INT - Ring’s cascades fill the warehouse with light, everything vibrates from the oscillating pressure. Ring herself looks overwhelmed, but unable to stop.

Poacher steps lightly towards Embeth, pushing Ring in front. He doesn’t bother hiding his delight, licking his lips as he savors the tension. 


POACHER -     You’ll have to excuse me, I have a terrible pavlovian response to a catch. I love the air, the taste of sweat and fear…


He pauses, noticing something.

Embeth doesn’t so much as blink, ignoring what Poacher is saying; working the problem instead.


POACHER -     But the flavors are wrong, something’s missing-


Embeth firms her stances, thrusting a hand into one of Ring’s still flowing cascades. As she does, she groans softly, her whole form becomes obscured by light again. 


With a wave of her arm, Embeth ensnares Plague, telekinetically slamming him into Harpy, sending them both through the roof. Embeth turns, only to see Ring’s cascades expand; a wall of energy bearing down on her.


Squaring up, Embeth forms a bubble-like shield. Upon impact, Ring’s cascade nearly shatters it.

Embeth reinforces it, but the bubble still vibrates like it’s under a massive waterfall, cracking from strain.

Embeth presses her weight against the bubble, closing the cracks as best she can as her own light diminishes.

She doesn’t see Harpy diving behind her, and in one quick slash, her talons sink into Embeth’s leg and shoulder. Embeth cries in pain, as Harpy presses her full weight down.

Plague leaps into the cascade, slamming into Embeth’s shield, and peppering it with additional blows.

Left unable to heal herself, they begin to overwhelm Embeth.

Seeing Plague is nearly through, Poacher releases Ring, who instantly stops her attack, and walks hungrily toward Embeth.

Ring collapses and begins to sob.


POACHER -     Humanity has long since become passe; I work for someone who is nine hundred years old. He has telepaths who have literally picked the brains of world leaders, influencing global events for almost a millennia. It’s a scary world out there, but there’s safety in numbers.


Poacher reaches for the struggling Embeth, who screams in resistance.

In one great push, she ensnares all three assailants telekinetically, throwing them backward.

Harpy’s talons were still embedded, they shred Embeth’s body on their way out.

Embeth sinks to the ground, whimpering, and trying to heal herself.


Poacher hits a wall, but recovers, wiping blood from the corner of his mouth, chuckling. Plague is also soon back on his feet, as Harpy takes to the air again.

Shade appears in a hole in the outer wall, moving to join the frey.


Embeth’s struggles through the pain, trying to remain strong as she’s surrounded again.


Plague takes a flying leap towards her, his fists raised high.

He’s caught by a streak of red and green, and rammed out through the far wall, as flames ignite several pieces of debris.

Embeth tries to see Doc’s landing, but Harpy strikes again, pinning her.


EXT - Doc slams Plage through the planks of the dock, being sure to plant him face first.

Even as he’s railroaded, Plague pushes back, until Doc is forced to unleash a tower of flames.

Plague goes through the dock, and Doc himself is launched high into the air.

A wall of water erupts into the air. Doc crashes through it, landing awkwardly and panting heavily.


He stares intently at the crater and scorched, burning boards, as steam rises off his body, patting out small flames absentmindedly


DOC -              Come on, no way it’s that easy-


He’s cut off by a large wooden plank, streaking from the crater.

Doc manages to shatter the plank on his shield, but right behind it is Plague. He slams into Doc, taking him off his feet and embedding him in the side of one of the cars parked nearby.


INT - Shade sees Harpy and Embeth struggling. Embeth fires beams and tries to physically remove herself, but Harpy just keeps digging in.


Shade comes up alongside Embeth, who notices Shade’s hands; the tips of her fingers are very pink, and her fingernails are painted purple.


Shifty makes her move, transforming and leaping on Harpy, wrapping an arm tight around her neck, throwing punches furiously with her other.

Harpy finally releases Embeth, who collapses from her injuries.

She slashes at Shifty, squirting purple blood as the two fly up into the rafters.

Shifty screams, slamming a massive fist into Harpy’s temple


Poacher seizes his opportunity, pressing hard on his temple, causing his own veins to pulsate. He begins sprinting for Embeth.


EXT - At the bank, Shade struggles to hold Mercury. He pulls and stretches, finally freeing a  hand, holding it out to Shade.


MERCURY -    Come on, you really gonna give up on your life!? Dig yourself out!


Shade’s focus falters, just long enough for Mercury to melt into a puddle, and slide away and behind her. He rises up, grabbing and pinning her arms to her sides.


MERCURY -    You may have been a royal pain in my ass, but I still ain’t going anywhere!


Shade drops both of them through her shadow, re-emerging from under the eaves of the bank, landing and embedding Mercury in the sidewalk.

The shadows flow over him again, but Mercury holds his grip, even melting his arms together to hold Shade securely.

Shade suddenly becomes still as her veins violently burn black. Her eyes glaze over, and without hesitation, she sinks through the shadows with Mercury.


INT - They drop through the platform, and fall just steps from the fight. Poacher gets a dark look.


Harpy pulls Shifty in front of herself, looking Shifty dead in the eyes.


(Shifty’s POV) The crimson aura is all encompassing, and Shifty begins to have a flashback, hearing Frankenstein’s voice; his dialogue appears in captions.


FRANKENSTEIN -      Why can’t you understand the good this sacrifice will bring!? You will help push humanity into its next great era!


Embeth tries fervently to heal herself, but is interrupted when  Poacher grabs for  her. She casts a shield , his nails clawing against it. 


He growls animalistically at Embeth, who has to stop healing to hold the shield.

Placing both hands against the shield, Poacher releases dark streaks of his influence, which spread like dark veins.


EXT - Doc is becoming more embedded in the car by the second. He shouts, trying desperately to hold his own. Plague peppers his shield with shots so heavy, they rip chunks of the flames away with each swing.

Doc notices how much damage has been done to this car. His eyes burn brightly, the flames go from green to red.


DOC -              This is someone’s livelihood you prick!


Doc gathers and unleashes a torrent of flames, throwing Plague backwards.

Doc uses one hand to create a shell of green flames, and the other to fill it with red flames, trapping Plague in an endless inferno.

Plague’s skin holds, even as the mask around his neck and much of his remaining clothes quickly burn away. Plague pushes forward, trying to grab Doc through the swirling flames.


Doc changes tactics, releasing the green flames, and building a concentrated flame behind his back.

He waits for Plague to get close, and snaps his fist closed, exploding the flame suddenly.

Green flames rush over Doc’s arm, as it rockets around, hitting Plague square in the jaw, sending him tumbling like a ragdoll through a stack of pallets.

Doc drops to his knees, coughing from the exertion.


He doesn’t immediately notice Plague standing, his jaw hanging nastily. With a sickening crack (SFX) Plague shoves it back into place, drawing Doc’s attention; Doc can only moan disappointedly.


DOC -              Oh just stay down!


INT - In the rafters, Shifty screams in rage, swinging her legs around Harpy’s neck.

She’s able to swing herself onto Harpy’s back, and goes after Harpy’s wings without hesitation.

She smashes the wing joints between Harpy’s shoulders, eventually snapping one of the wings so it’s only barely attached.

Both of them tumble out of the air; Harpy screeching in pain.


Poacher looks hungrily at Embeth, who refuses to break eye contact. She pushes herself up, standing on shaking legs as more blood drips from her wounds.


POACHER -     You make this so difficult, aren’t you tired? Don’t you long to let someone else bear the burden of responsibility?


Embeth ignores him, spotting Ring who is still a sobbing mess on the floor.

She sees how much damage has been inflicted on Ring, and calls to Shifty again.


EMBETH -       Shifty! Shifty! We protect those who can’t protect themselves right?


Shifty finally comes to herself, leaping from Harpy before the two crash; Harpy lays in a squawking pile.


As Shifty’s about to reply, she sees the look in Embeth’s eyes.

Shifty follows her gaze to Ring, trembling and crying. Shifty’s rage instantly disappears, replaced by a look of sadness and empathy for Ring.


Shifty walks up behind Ring, hesitant for a moment, before kneeling down. She gently places her hands on Ring’s shoulders. As she speaks, Shifty’s form changes, becoming Ring’s own. She looks stronger though, more resolved, the Ring that should be. Shifty wraps her arms around Ring, holding her closely, with a loving warmth uncharacteristic of her life so far..


SHIFTY -         You’re still in there, I can see you want to save people. You’re strong, you’re good, you deserve to see light and feel warmth.


Poacher presses his full weight against Embeth’s shield, spreading his dark influence over it furter. Embeth pushes back with all her strength.  Poacher whistles sharply.


POACHER -     Shade!


He glances over to see Shade struggling with all her strength. Embeth’s light causes shadows to rise all around her and Mercury, but she can’t break Mercury’s grip.

Poacher looks furious, shouting for Ring.




Ring doesn’t respond, and when Poacher turns around, he looks pale.

Shifty, as Ring, looks gently into the tormented young woman’s eyes, reassuring her.


SHIFTY -         It’s ok Ring, It’s all over now, you can save yourself finally.


Ring breathes deeply for a moment, then wraps her arms tightly around Shifty.

Poacher roars in anger, his influence begins to burn it’s way through the shield.


POACHER -     It’s not enough, it will never be enough Ms. Haven! Try as you might, I will always have more options! Even if you win tonight, this doesn’t end; he wants you, and he has raised hell for less!


Poacher gives a high, shrill whistle, which reverberates around the ruined warehouse.


EXT - Plague freezes in place, turning his back on Doc. Doc takes this chance and begins prepping a Rocket Sled.

Plague suddenly leaps for the warehouse, taking off with incredible speed. Doc shouts after him.


DOC -              Oh bite me asshole!


Doc releases the Rocket Sled, hitting Plague in mid air. His speed is exponentially increased, as he rams through the roof.

Doc looks at the damage, and groans exhaustedly, leaning back to rest on the destroyed car for a moment.


DOC -              Good going Flame Brain, now you’re really helping! Come on, jobs not done!


INT - Plague slams into the top of a load bearing steel beam, falling all the way to the warehouse floor. Poacher gives a second whistle (SFX), and Plague rises zombily.


Shade writhes more fiercely, Mercury struggles to keep his grip as Shade begins pulling him in various directions with her shadows.

Finally prying herself free of his grip, she leaves Mercury spread prone against the wall.


Poacher looks at Mercury, as he continues to try and crack Embeth’s shield.


POACHER -     It may not be ideal, but an opportunity not taken is an opportunity lost.


Poacher tries to edge closer to Shade and Mercury.

Mercury tries again to break from the bonds, but Shade redoubles them, so his chrome skin is completely covered in wide swaths of billowing shadows.

As Shade tries to move him closer to Poacher, but she’s held back by the light of Embeth’s shield breaking up and scattering her shadows. Poacher curses, going back to clawing at the shield.


Doc appears through the gap Plague left, and soars down to Embeth. Before he can land, Plague dives and takes him off his feet, pinning him to the ground.

Doc tries to release a flame wave, but he can’t break Plague’s grip.


Shifty looks on, horrified by what’s happening, then down at Ring, who is still hugging her tightly.

Shifty gets a good look at Ring’s eyes, seeing both sadness, and strength. 

Shifty slowly lifts Ring’s face, looking deep into her eyes. Her form barely wavers, just the color of her skin gaining a purplish hue. She holds Ring’s face gently, speaking softly but with love and compassion.


SHIFTY -         We are not monsters, no matter what anyone says. We don’t deserve to be trapped in a deep dark hole, no matter what anyone says. We are great, we can save ourselves, just like we can save our friends.


Ring’s big eyes gleam as she looks over the scene.

Lifting a hand, she sends a cascade that picks up and drives Plague across the warehouse.

He’s slams into a wall size machine at the back, the pressure pushing him deep into its workings at an agonizing rate. When she releases him, Plague’s head slumps down, finally unconscious.


Ring looks back up at a shocked Shifty, grabbing her tightly again.


RING -             We.. save?


SHIFTY -         That’s right sweetie, we can save anyone...


Poacher’s face reddens seeing this. He furiously begins punching the barrier.


POACHER -     You think some parlor tricks will save you!? You think you can steal my prized Hound! Your obstinance is unbecoming. A smart person like you must understand that their place is here, history has spoken!


Embeth shouts, her nerve finally hitting the edge. She turns her wall into a shockwave, knocking Poacher back across the floor.


EMBETH -       You don’t see any of us as individuals or people, just animals to serve! We are so much more than that!


Embeth locks eyes with Shade, who looks tired, drugged, and fearful, but Embeth’s eyes softens. Reaching one hand to Shade while holding the other out in the direction of Poacher like a warning Embeth speaks to her softly.


 EMBETH -      Let me help you, it will hurt, but you’ll be free.


Shade begins to look conflicted, dropping to one knee; her shadows holding Mercury fall away.

Like she had with Doc, Embeth draws Poacher’s influence from Shade’s system, and out through a wound in her side.

The influence with a splat on the floor.

Shade’s vein scars, though still visible, melt back into her skin

Shade comes back to herself, shaken terribly. She glances around, seeing Poacher, and the now scattered hounds, finally locking eyes with Mercury as he picks himself up.

She shivers, pulling away from them all, madly crawling backwards from the skirmish, holding her head.


SHADE -          Run… where… how... can’t… just run!


Her own shadows envelope Shade, and in a second, she’s vanished.


Embeth sinks to the ground, finally tending to her wounds. Doc runs towards her holding his side.

Mercury shakes out his limbs. He looks from the gleaming remains of Poacher’s influence to the man himself; a vengeful look burns in Mercury’s eyes.


Poacher chortles ruefully. Embeth’s glow is greatly diminished; she struggles to heal.


POACHER -     I hope you didn’t think Shade would save you, or execute some revenge against her former caretaker?


EMBETH -       You presume I’m going to leave enough of you for seconds. 


Poacher grimaces, putting two fingers in his mouth, and giving a shrieking whistle.

Even as he does, his two remaining Hounds do little more than stir.

Ring has a moment of hesitation, caught between two ideas, but not breaking from Shifty.


Doc holds a hand behind his back and begins walking to meet Poacher, fury in his face.


DOC -              Paging Eggbert B McScrambles, the Doctor would like to have a word regarding your penchant for over medicating!


Poacher’s eyes gleam hungrily, as he laughs desperately.


POACHER -     Well, I’m not picky. You may be a mutt, but I’ll happily welcome you back into my fold.


Embeth is about to protest, when she sees a thin stream of green flames winding from Doc’s hidden hand, over the floor, pooling in front of her.

Poacher growls like a caged beast, looking for his chance to strike.

Ring begins wiggling violently, confused by what is happening. Shifty slowly pulls her back from the fight.

Mercury moves forward, but is held back by a covert hand and look from Embeth.

Poacher looks positively maniacal, his teeth barred as he barks at Doc.


POACHER -     What, no witty retorts, no final words for your charge,  your compatriots, before I have you burn them to the bone?


DOC -              Just waiting ‘til your teeth are punched in, I like having the last word with your type.


Poacher scoffs, before suddenly pouncing, grabbing Doc by the neck.


POACHER -     I sincerely hope those words circle in your head, maybe they’ll give you comfort while you rattle around in there.


Poacher’s veins darken, and the air is still for a moment.


DOC -              How does a man in your position not understand force fields?


Poacher looks incredulously, before realizing something is blocking his influence from connecting.


DOC -              Figure it out yet you fucking clown?


Green flames erupt from under Poachers fingers, pushing them off. Poacher tries to look cool, but his rage bleeds through. Doc returns it with a fierce look.


DOC -              Last time, I had a concussion, and your lunks put me through not one, but two walls. This time I’m on my feet, and royally pissed!


POACHER -     You think I can’t fight my own battles!


DOC -              Oh, I know you can, that’s why I’m giving the honor over to someone who’s stronger, and even more pissed than me.


Doc steps aside, revealing Embeth, her wounds healed, her glow returning with avengence.

For the first time, Poacher looks like a deer in the headlights. Grabbing a metal pipe, he feins confidence.


POACHER -     Come on girl, let’s get this done!


Embeth doesn’t even lift a finger, instead hitting Poacher with a heavy eye blast, sending him flying.

He bounces off the ground, and slams into the load bearing post.

The pipe he was holding lifts into the air, haloed by light. It bends and wraps around him, squeezing him tightly to the post.

Poacher looks up as Embeth and Doc approach.


POACHER -     So, you survived, bully, you fight another day. Celebrate, be merry, and know that this is only the opening salvo of a larger…


Embeth interrupts Poacher with a glowing palm strike, releasing a wave of energy which slams his head back, knocking him out cold.


EMBETH -       You’ve gotten in enough monologuing, I want some quiet.


EXT - As the sun rises on the ruined dockyard, Embeth sits in an ambulance, watching APF officers hurry around, taking pictures and writing notes.

Several men work to dig out Plague from the machine, only to find he’s already escaped.

A whole team huffs as they lift Harpy into a heavily armored transport.

Shifty, only vaguely looking like Ring, tends to the now docile Ring, who lays on a stretcher with an IV.


Poacher is strapped heavily to a reinforced chair, bolted inside an APF van; his arms are tightly bound with manacles covering his hands. He spots Shifty, a dark look coming through his eyes.

Mercury and Doc approach, the former waving off the Poacher’s guards. Mercury gives Doc a hardy pat on the back.


MERCURY -    If this is your version of going straight, it looks worse than your usual work.


Doc is about to retort, when Poacher smiles pompously. He vaguely moves his arms to taunt the Capes. 


POACHER -     I’d applaud, but…


DOC -              How ‘bout I start smacking your head, that should be pretty close.


MERCURY -    Don’t engage, just let the punk fester.


POACHER -     Don’t worry Mr. Wahls, I feel our paths will likely cross again...


DOC -              They do, and there’s gonna be a lot more fire next time..


 Poacher laughs to himself, like a man visiting a children’s class.


POACHER -     I love your type, so idealistic. You consider yourself so well educated, but the truth is, if you really knew this world, you’d weep like a child. There’s far worse prowling for you.


Doc moves to attack Poacher, but Mercury puts a hand on his chest, holding him back. 


MERCURY -    Ok ok, calm down man. Burned eggs won’t do us much good here.


Poacher’s eyes lock on something behind Doc, he grins knowingly.


POACHER -     He won’t be listening in 5, 4, 3…


There’s a shout behind them (SFX), and Doc turns. Mercury doesn’t even look, his head just falls, as he puts a hand on Doc’s shoulder.

Behind, Shifty is shouting at a group of APF officers who are trying to pull Ring away from her.

As Doc looks on, he begins to move towards the conflict. Mercury takes a playcating tone and stance, blocking his way.


DOC -              What’s happening?


MERCURY -    Ben, take a breath for me ok?


DOC -              No, fuck that! What are they doing?


MERCURY -    It’s the law, this is how it has to be.


Doc looks deeply hurt for a moment, pushing Mercury hard; he doesn’t move.


DOC-               No, no! You’re locking her up! She’s just as much a victim here as any of us! Without her...


MERCURY -    I know, but this is the only way we can get convictions on him and his Hounds; It’s for the best. This isn’t over, it’s just...


DOC -              Is that what they tell you!? A person is tortured for years, loses her life, her mind, and you decide she’s equally culpable as the guy who trapped and used her!?


Behind them, Poacher grins, enjoying the show.


POACHER -     I warned you Mr. Wahls…


Mercury slams the van door shut, but Doc’s eyes remain locked on him.


DOC -              This isn’t about her, you don’t need to punish her for his crimes! She can be rehabbed, she needs care, not a cage!


Mercury tries to steady himself, but after the long night, his nerves begin to show strain. Doc is incensed and red in the face.


MERCURY -    I agree with you, but I don’t make the rules. We have to handle this the same way we would any event! We don’t choose if she’s innocent, that’s for someone else to determine!


DOC -              I don’t want to hear it Freddy! In what world is this OK?!


MERCURY -    The law only holds weight if we all agree man! You make your own judgements, and because of that they don’t hold power. I have to follow orders, so we can take control back from people like him! It’s not perfect, but it keeps the world turning!


DOC -              At whose expense exactly?!


There is a smack, and a zap. Mercury and Doc turn and see Shifty being tasered by the APF officers, one of whom has a bloody nose.

From the ambulance, Embeth stands, looking at Shifty, then up to Doc and Mercury.

Two officers lift the sedated Ring, restraining her inside another van. Embeth follows their progress as she walks to Doc. He has one fist clenched and ablaze.


EMBETH -       What’s happening, what are they doing?


DOC -              So that’s it, you just…


Mercury finally snaps, his eyes wide! He shouts, definitively ending the conversation.


MERCURY -    Yes Ben! That’s It!


The two stare at each other until Mercury breaks, sighing and shaking his head.


MERCURY -    I’ll call you by tomorrow morning, I have to go file a report on this, you three better go. It was good working together agai…


Mercury holds out a hand to Doc, who refuses it, shouldering Mercury aggressively as he walks to Shifty, who is sitting on the ground.

Embeth gives Mercury a sad, but understanding look. She pulls out his notepad from his top pocket, scribbling something down.


EMBETH -       You get me the information on her defense team, I’ll be supplying her council. I’m leaving my number and address with you, you make sure I’m contacted by tomorrow, agreed?


MERCURY -    I really do wish this could be different.


EMBETH -       I understand Officer Mercury. Thank you for all your hard work tonight, we would never have survived without you, even if Ben doesn’t want to admit it.


Embeth holds out a hand, shaking Mercury’s. She turns to join Doc and Shifty, Mercury watches with a sad but stoic look.


Doc helps Shifty to her feet, as she rubs her head slowly.


SHIFTY -         We’ll just see if I give those guys a hand next time their butts are up against the wall.


EMBETH -       They went too far in attacking, but there’s more at play than simply being morally right.


SHIFTY -         Maybe Princess, but in my experience, unless they’re compassionate to your cause, they’d just as soon toss any of us over the cliff.


Doc looks insatiably angry, his jacket steaming again in the morning light. Embeth pats his shoulder, and he relents.


DOC -              I didn’t get into this line of work to lock up victims.


EMBETH -       They throw her in a hole, I guarantee they’ll regret it.


DOC -              You sound like you have a plan.


EMBETH -       First we play the system, then we play the game.


Shifty looks between Embeth and Doc, and despite the situation, a smile breaks over her face. Doc notices.


DOC -              Wanna share with the class?


Shifty shrugs coyly.


SHIFTY -         Just waiting for my thank you. You two crazy kids; if not for me…


Shifty points to Doc.


SHIFTY           You’d still be all moppy, pouty, and broke.


She points to Embeth, then jabs a thumb lovingly in Doc’s direction, winking. Doc rolls his eyes.


SHIFTY -         And you’d still be a kick-ass high powered woman who just beat the snot out of four Menaces, while saving the damsel in distress.


DOC -              Gee, thanks, really. Have I ever told you how grateful I am for your constant love and support?


SHIFTY -         Not nearly enough.


Embeth gives Shifty a hug, leaving the shapeshifter pinker than usual.  Shifty pauses like she needs to catch her breath.

Embeth turns back to Doc, The look on his face shows he’s still not happy with how things ended.


EMBETH -       Even if this is a sad moment, I’m grateful to be standing here with you.


She slides her hand into Doc’s, giving him a quick peck on the cheek, causing Doc to blush. He smiles, looking down at their hands, and giving hers a little squeeze.


Shifty rubs her hands excitedly, pulling out a phone from her top.


SHIFTY -         D’aaw would you look at you two dorks, so cute!


Doc looks at Shifty’s phone, which doesn’t have a scratch on it.


DOC -              I don’t understand why your phone’s never broken.


SHIFTY -         You probably don’t want to either, humans find alien bodies weird for some reason.


DOC -              Trust me, there’s a very good reason.


The APF vans give a loud woop (SFX), flashing their lights as they roll out. Embeth, Doc, and Shifty just watch, Embeth and Doc still holding hands.


EMBETH -       I got a plan, and another one after that, don’t worry.


Doc smiles gently as he looks at Embeth, finding strength in her determination.


DOC -              For once, I don’t think I will.


Est - As they watch, the sun slowly begins to rise over the city, the many windows glowing from its light. Highlighted particularly is a large white building, with the branding INFINITY on it in massive letters.                                                          






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