One family, many gifts.

Capes and Menaces : Trinity City Tales

Capes and Menaces - Trinity City Tales: Pt1 - Light and Fire

EST, INT - Light streams into a TV studio through large windows. A female anchor, BETTY, looks through her notes. She sits on a lush morning show set, straight out of the early 90s. She adjusts her earpiece and speaks to a monitor sitting under the camera.

On the monitor is CAPTAIN COURAGEOUS, a 30-something man with a chiseled face and quaffed hair, in full costume. He wears a long Cape and white costume with blue accents, and a typical, blue domino mask. Behind him is a backdrop of monuments and government buildings.


BETTY            So, how do you like Georgetown and the Capital District?


CAPTAIN COURAGEOUS                  Oh, I love it Betty! So much beauty and charm; and the history! This place really does bring history to life!


Betty laughs politely, as a PA finishes counting her down, and the show returns from break.


BETTY -          Hello hello! We’re back on America Today! As promised, we have a very special guest! Live, via satellite, Captain Courageous!  


A split screen shows both interviewer/interviewee, Betty smiles as  Captain Courageous waves awkwardly.                                             


COURAGEOUS           Hello Betty, and everyone out there, thank you for having me.

Est. INT - A distorted version of the interview glares brightly off a glass door. Down the hallway, watching the TV’s reflection is BEN Wahls (8). His room is cramped and messy.  At his feet is a half-filled backpack. Without taking his eyes off the interview, Ben drops things into his bag.


BETTY -          You’ve just finished your first month as the Presidential Guard, how do you feel about it? Has it been hard taking over for someone like The Comet, Jill Johnson?


Ben picks out books from a stack of young readers biographies and children’s educational books on the history of superheroes. They have titles like The Man Who Laughed - Funny Man’s Story, Stone Through Time, The Story of the RuneKeepers, and A Children’s Encyclopedia of Capes and Their Tech.

The interview continues over the next several panels, the back and forth seen in yellow captions boxes.


COURAGEOUS -        It’s been such a great honor. Jill and I have spoken several times, and there’s been nothing but support.


BETTY -          You two had differing opinions on vigilantism, how did she bring you around?


EXT - An African American boy, FREDDY BURTON (10), stands with a class on the steps of a museum. A TEACHER corrals the students…


COURAGEOUS - cap -            Just a matter of perspective really, she opened the door, and really showed me how Vigilantes need to trust the APF, we all want the same thing.


A massive bang sounds down the streets, all heads swivel to see what happened. Two figures explode through the road; one looks heroic, the other villainous. The two exchange blows at the end of the block.

Freddy watches with wide eyes, ignoring the smoke blowing towards the class.

Freddy’s teacher shouts to the group. She grabs and drags away Freddy, who had been standing still, watching the fight.


TEACHER -     Alright kids, we drilled for this! Find your buddy, we need to move away, and let the Cape do their work. Freddy, come on!


Est. INT - A video store stands nearly empty as the sun sets. A clerk lazily looks up at an entertainment news report playing on a CCTV.


REPORTER -   Topping off this year's summer wedding season is the marriage of the century!


EXT - A muddied, bluish-green portal opens outside the store.  A small, bright pink humanoid alien, a very young SHIFTY, falls out. She picks herself up as the portal closes. The report continues.


REPORTER -   Witchcraft and The Talon are set to be married in the center of New Amsterdam Square this Saturday! Once couple Majesty and Mr. Sparks are said to be two of the guests of honor.


Confused, Shifty wanders towards the lights from the video store, staring up at shelves of films, ranging from the 1940s to more modern. Mixed throughout are films on super hero figures. A display shows sales on biopic titles like CAPES NEVER RUN, FUNNY MAN, and THE GREAT LADY OF MARBLE.


BETTY - cap - So have you changed your mind? Do you think the government can be trusted on all Alt Human matters?


Shifty looks down the street, (Shifty POV) different glowing trails hanging in the air, including a large, rainbow cloud around a group of boys up the street.

She absentmindedly morphs into, a small boy, ALAN who looks like an amalgamation of each in the group; her skin is still a very pink and rosey though.

Studying her new face in the mirror, Shifty sees the case for FUNNY MAN, which shows a man in a wide brimmed hat and full body blue and green pinstripe costume, with art and style out of the fifties.


COURAGEOUS - cap - Vigilantism will always have a special place in American history, but I am now convinced a new tactic is needed, and will serve the public better.


INT - Ben, now 14, stands trembling in front of a class, giving a presentation. His posture is extremely closed off, trying to be as small as possible despite his growing size. He doesn’t make eye contact with anyone, instead staring at the floor, or his papers. A slide with the poster for Funny Man is replaced with a chart showing a precipitous climb.


BEN -              So… if we um, look at the rise of Capes, it um, uh, it’s caused by more crimes being done by Menaces… I think. And uh, it’s so bad, sometimes the Alt Human Police Force just can’t keep up, like in small communities like Trinity. So, um, sometimes people just, um, do it themselves? So um, now there’s more Capes than there’s been in the last 20, no um, 30 years.


The class seems largely bored. Ben stands awkwardly for a minute.


BEN -               So… yea… umm I guess that’s it…


REINHARDT, a friendly faced chubby boy, woops loudly in the back of the class. He does so again as Ben slowly makes his way back to his seat.


INT - The two sit on inflatable furniture in Ben’s room.The posters and books are new, but the subjects are still superhuman stories and histories. Ben is much more relaxed here, playing video games and speaking quickly while Reinhardt reads a newspaper.


BEN -               I mean duh! This doesn’t take some kind of rocket scientist to understand, Funny Man was way ahead of his time. He did so much more being a Cape than any of his contemporaries did as cops! Anyone who thinks cops are better than Capes is deluded!


Reinhardt’s eyes widen as he snaps open a newspaper to a splash ad: 100% Positive! Guaranteed! Become greater than the pack! He quickly folds the paper and tucks it away before Ben sees.


EXT - A group of men sit drinking from paper bags in front of an old subway entrance, the name has been blacked out with spray paint, and UNDERGROUND is written in large white letters instead. FREDDY, 20, with short dreadlocks and a shorn beard, shouts at the group, who look annoyed.


FREDDY -       Yo Flaps! Joe’s been gone for two days, and you were the last person who saw him! That means we gotta have a conversation. That rat shit Power Broker you call a boss been talkin’?! He looking for someone to play the gene lottery on?


The group stands firm and silent, Freddy doesn’t give an inch.


FREDDY -       Last time I’m asking politely, guys.


INT - Freddy, his face bruised and arms cut, forces open a door blocked by papers and detritus. He enters a lab lit by a flashing overhead light, and which hasn’t been cleaned in a while. Another young man, Freddy’s brother JOE, lays strapped to a table, his head lulling back and forth. Freddy rushes to Joe.


Freddy -           Joe!


Freddy grabs at Joe’s bindings, rushing to untie him..

A syringe filled with silver liquid suddenly comes slamming down and embeds in Freddy's shoulder.

Turning, Freddy sees a doctor whose face is covered, and who is holding a gun on him. Freddy steadies himself, grabbing and pulling the empty syringe from his back.

His vision blurs, but he doesn’t fall, turning with an aggressive look to face his attacker.


INT. - Ben walks through a mall with ALAN, who is still short, with slightly feminine features and figure. Their skin has become ashy pink, and their posture is reserved, hunching into themselves as they speak.


ALAN -            I don’t know Benji, Mom’s taking it pretty well, but Uncle Mike’s being a real ass about the whole thing.


A crowd of people begin fleeing a light show erupting near the food court. Ben and Alan are separated by the crowd. Ben shouts for Alan.


Alan moves quickly through the crowd, ducking behind a pane of frosted glass. Their form changes, emerging as SHIFTY; a curvy, amazonian woman with long purpleish hair, broken up by streaks of pink, and shiny silvery pink skin. She looks massively relieved.

Her clothes change, to become a simple super suit, with short cuffed sleeves and pants, looking like a cosmic yoga outfit. With a smile and a laugh, she leaps over the crowd, and headlong into the fray.



SHIFTY -         Aww, what’s wrong big guy? Did they put nasty mayo on your burgie?


EXT - Ben and Reinhardt (both 21)  exit onto a sleepy street. They both wear matching purple polo shirts with KIRBY COMPUTERS branded on their chests. Ben is speaking animatedly, stopping abruptly after something catches his eye.


BEN -               OH COME ON!! YOU CAN’T BE SERIOUS!



Ben’s car sits in three large chunks, as if a giant monster had chewed on it. Reinhardt pats him on the shoulder, as he pulls out his phone.


REINHARDT -             I’m gonna call a ride.


BEN -               The hell man!? We can’t all get insurance, just don’t use the freakin’ car as a weapon!


INT - The two sit, watching FUNNY MAN while devouring chinese food straight from the container. The living room is small and oddly shaped, with piles of clothes on the floor and lines of beer cans on table. The TV hangs on the wall, a tangle of cables running to power strips and gaming consoles below. The couch is careworn to say the least, with several ominous stains. Ben’s phone pings (SFX) with a text.


EDITOR JENNA TEXT -          Sounds like there may be a Power Broker working out of Merlin Chemical, mind playing our “dumb college” spy?


Ben reads from his phone screen, looking curious. Reinhardt swallows, noticing Ben’s look. Ben shows him the text; he shrugs after reading it.


REINHARDT -            Beats retail.


Ben shrugs his agreement, going back to the movie. A technicolor style film shows Funny Man standing battered but smiling, as he calls to a foe. 


FUNNY MAN -            Nice try, dirtbag! You think just cause you knocked me into last Tuesday, I’ll be polite and stay down. Not a chance, let’s dance big boy!


Est. - INT - Ben interviews a man, standing on a mesh walkway, suspended over a large warehouse that’s been converted into a chemical plant. Large vats line the walls, with deep basins under each for spillage. Each group of vats are paired off and separated by thick concrete walls. Stairs run from the hanging walkway into each partition, the walls of which are covered in dials and piping.

The man has a bored, mildly irritated look on his face. He finally rolls his eyes as Ben asks him questions.


MAN -             Look, I’m sorry, I can’t help but be rude now. If this were in anyway a credible story, do you really expect me to believe they’d send a college intern?


BEN -               Hey, I’m more than your average intern, I’m the Doc…


A nearby wall is suddenly blown in. Ben and the man are shaken down the stairs of the walkway, landing between a console, and the two large vats it’s connected to. A large silhouette casts an orange glow on the dust, and walks through the new gap in the wall.

DYNAMO surveys the area. He’s an average height man, who’s made tall by the build of his midnight blue armor. Orange cables as thick as telephone lines criss cross over the blue armor, extending from a hump on the back of the suit; it buzzes with energy (SFX). The wires culminate in a glowing plate over each forearm, and one large plate over the chest. Only his scruffy chin is visible under an opaque visor.


Ben pushes himself up, as Dynamo make his way over to a control panel, the light from his suit throwing shadows over the walls.

 From over Dynamo’s shoulder, the screen shows details on the contents of the two vats; one is filled with green liquid, the other with red. The project is titled NAPALM XVIIII. He plugs a drive into the console.

Ben looks around for a weapon, grabbing a wrench from an overturned tool box. He approaches Dynamo, holding the wrench high.


BEN -               I know you destroyed it when you restructured the wall, but there was a sign saying this area was for authorized personnel only.


Dynamo finally notices Ben, who looks much smaller compared to the armored Menace. He chortles, replying with a thick north eastern accent.


DYNAMO -     Listen kid, yas should just keep yas heads down, and rejoin the other sheep in the flock, leave this life to those of a stonier nature.


BEN -               I would Pebbles, but my editor made it clear, leave with a story; your volunteering is greatly appreciated.


Dynamo shrugs, holding up a hand.


DYNAMO -     Have it your way kid.


Without a second glance, Dynamo blasts Ben with an orange beam, sending him soaring through the air, and into the basin below the two vats.

The wrench flies out of his hands, and smashes into the regulator connecting the vats.


A chrome puddle slides in through Dynamo’s entry point, moving smoothly and stealthy over the floor. Dynamo taunts Ben from above the basin, holding one glowing hand, ready to fire again. The puddle arrives at his feet unnoticed.


DYNAMO -     Outta time kid, and outta luck! Shoulda just stayed-


Dynamo is interrupted, Freddy, as his Cape identity MERCURY, suddenly forms from the chrome puddle.

Mercury has a thin but muscular build, with long black and silver dreadlocks. Chrome dots his skin in various places, including his face, masking his identity. His costume comprises a black t-shirt with a melting chrome M over it’s front, a worn out pair of jeans, and a badalarro with pouches of tools.


As he rises, Mercury decks Dynamo, causing him to unleash his charge. The blast shatters the regulator and pipes connecting the two vats.


The green and red liquid gushes out. Ben is quickly drenching and submerged. He coughs and sputters, trying to get out of the basin.


Mercury’s chrome hand reaches and grabs Ben, pulling him out.


INT - Caption - 18 hours later - Ben sits on his couch, watching TV with Reinhardt, his knees bouncing wildly. Reinhardt rubs his stomach, groaning as he pushes away the last of his Chinese food. He sees Ben's knees, and reaches over to stop them from bouncing.


REINHARDT -            Someone overwind your clock?


Ben looks like he’s trying to keep a lid on a boiling pot as he holds still, his eyes darting around the room.


BEN -               It’s weird, like some energy is just perpetually growing in me, and I just need to get it out. It’s like being in the third grade all over again.


Ben anxiously snaps his fingers rhythmically. Without warning, red sparks and flames burst from his palm, flickering wildly. Ben jumps backwards, trying to slap out the flames, as Reinhardt’s eyes widen in shock. The flames turn green, and begin repelling Ben’s attempts.

Ben stops, looking curiously at the changed flames. He grasps them experimentally, but the flames only give ever so slightly.

Ben, clearly shaken, takes a moment to breathe, relaxing his hands; the flames break up into sparks and smoke as they go out. Reinhardt’s face is still frozen in shock.


BEN -               That’s not normal, is it…


EXT - caption 6 months later -  Kids play on a large wooden playground near a wide canal. The water glitters in the sun, as trees gently blow in the wind. Suddenly, around a bend in the canal comes Ben, now wearing his DOC NITRO costume.

It's visibly homemade, a simple black mask over his eyes, a green handkerchief over his mouth and chin, a worn leather jacket with the sleeves rolled up, revealing a green t-shirt with three fireballs, their arcs highlighted against a blank white field over the chest of the shirt; the center fireball is green, its neighbors are both red.

Under the t-shirt is a long-sleeved black shirt, each sleeve tucked into green gloves, which have rubber padding over their knuckles. Black jeans and green converse with fireballs painted on them complete the look.

On the back of the jacket is a white square, clumsily pinned in place. Centered on it are two interlocking letters made to look like flames; a green D and a red N..


Behind him, a burning yellow light, LONESTAR, streaks into view. He’s an imposing figure, with carved musculature under his blue and yellow costume. He wears a severely torn cape, and a mask that comes all the way up to his hairline, which glows yellow, along with his eyes.

Just as Lone Star is about to grab Doc, Mercury’s liquid form grabs and tackles Lone Star. The two tumble as Doc comes to wheezing stop a ways in front of the playground.


DOC -   Thanks Merc! I don’t know what this guy's problem is! I saved a convenience store from a robber… I mean I knocked down some displays but this seems excessive!


Mercury wraps himself tightly around Lone Star, trying desperately to keep him immobilized.


MERCURY -   Lone Star! Come on man, take a breath! This isn't how to handle things!


Lone Star roars, and releases a huge orb of  yellow light; Mercury is tossed off easily. Doc sees the kids behind him, and turns just as the light wave is about to crash over him.

He generates a wall of green flame, and throws his full weight against it, trying desperately to stop the energy from getting to the kids behind them.


INT - Shifty sits in a tangled pile on the floor, her legs and arms stretched abnormally. Behind her is DR FRANKENSTEIN, a middle aged man with a round face and a pointed beard; his torn and blood stained lab coat lays on the floor some distance away. He's bleeding from his cheek, and  his eyes are like fire in the low lit room, filled with greed and wild ambition.


Shifty slowly raises herself from the floor, enlarging one hand to hold against a still open Y incision over her abdomen. Purple blood runs through her fingers as Shifty stifles a sob, dragging herself toward the door. Behind her, Frankenstein shouts causing his bleeding to worsen momentarily.


DR. FRANKENSTEIN -           You have no right to leave! I need the knowledge in you, the whole human race does! You’re turning your back on us, some hero!


Shifty turns, her own eyes flashing with wild rage. As she reaches the end of the room, Doc appears, and she collapses into his arms. Doc himself shoots a rueful look at Frankenstein as he helps.


SHIFTY -         You’re a monster, more so than I ever could be! You come near me, you talk to me, I so much as catch a glance of your aura, I’ll rip your heart out, that’ll be the good I do for humanity!


EXT - Trainyard - Est - Two figures stand some 20 yards apart; Doc on the right, a middle aged man in a burned orange waistcoat, MR. NAPALM on the left. Doc cowers behind a wall of green flames, sections of which are breaking off as they’re melted by bright stream orange flames, running back to Napalm. His flames look like an unstable liquid chemical, drips falling from it, melting straight through the rock and steel scattered across the yard. The two shout at each other.


NAPALM -      I don’t need you alive, I just need enough of you!


DOC -              Dude, what are you talking about! Can we double back to the introduction phase of this convo?


Doc laughs, but is bending under the strain of keeping the melting flames back; his eyes wide with fear watching his shield melting even as he throws everything into it.

His feet begin sliding backward, bathed in burning orange light reflected off the trains standing around. Napalm’s voice rings out sharply as Doc’s desperation grows.


NAPALM -       Tonight’s the night, tonight I finally get my life back, my time back! I’ll drain it straight from your veins!


Doc squeezes his eyes shut, veins pulsing out of his face from the effort of holding his shield, which has melted almost down to nothing.

Facing desperation, Doc shouts, unleashing a huge burst of red flames, picking up and rocketing the shield straight towards Napalm; Doc himself is flattened backwards by the recoil force.


Napalm’s flames melt much of the shield, but what’s left screams past him just inches from hitting. While he misses the brunt of it, the wake off the rocket sled is enough to pick Napalm up and throw him forcefully backwards, through a train engine’s window.


Doc pants, sinking to one knee, half thinking he’s already dead. He holds his shoulder tightly, moaning softly as he follows Napalm’s trajectory.


EXT - Doc lays on a rooftop draped in moonlight, several scorch marks dotted around him. Doc pants as Shifty and Mercury reach for him, pulling him to his feet. Mercury gives Doc a hearty smack on the back.


MERCURY -    You alright, firefly?


DOC -              Eh, I’ve had worse. Fighting HAMMERS is like taking on a group of roided up frat boys.


SHIFTY -         And it feels just as good!


Without needing to look, Shifty back kicks the one remaining gang member in the stomach, sending him bouncing forcefully off an access door. He drops  a claw hammer looking weapon that glows blue and gives off a loud buzz (SFX). Several other young men, all dressed the same, litter the rooftop.

They are all in grey hoodies with electric blue sports jerseys pulled over them. Emblazoned across the jersey is a red triangle, a CLAW HAMMER logo centered between it’s points; the logo of the HAMMERS street gang.


Shifty picks up his hammer, looking it over while lovingly taunting Doc.


SHIFTY -         How you feeling, Benji, still not sure this was the best place to hit?


Doc holds his hands up, giving a mockingly placating stance.


DOC -              No no, please, use my ID! We’re just surrounded by Hammers, not surprising, since we just raided their lair!


Shifty just blows a raspberry and shrugs. Mercury looks similarly unperturbed.


SHIFTY -         Oh come on, they’re all unconscious! Who’s gonna blab?


MERCURY -    She’s got a point.


Doc responds by waving his finger at each of them.


DOC -              One day, I’m going to wake up with Dynamo’s dumb face leering over mine, and my Mom tied to a chair or something! Guess whose fault it’ll be?


Shifty gives Mercury a curious look.


Shifty -             Which one is Dynamo again?


Mercury -         He looks like he fell into a tangle of cables and just decided to go with it.


Shifty nods in recollection. Mercury looks over the group of Hammers, and the remnants of a battle. Shifty watches him carefully, looking worried.


MERCURY -    So, upper management took everything? No door prize?


SHIFTY -         Nope, they must have cleared out, took all their goodies and trade secrets.


Mercury pauses, thinking deeply for a moment, before giving Shifty an apologetic look. Shifty’s face suddenly becomes blood red with a look of hurt and frustration. She walks to the roof’s edge.


SHIFTY -         Fine! Benji, change his mind!


Shifty jumps from the edge of the roof as Mercury sighs, pulling zip ties from his bandolero to secure the unconscious Hammers. Doc pulls down his handkerchief mask, revealing a beard, and begins to help. He gives Mercury a wary look.


DOC -              I’m no telepath, but I feel like you have bad news.


MERCURY -    Ben, I’m trading up for a badge...


Doc stands abruptly, his face also going red with anger. Mercury listens patiently, as Doc vents, though tension begins to show in his brow.


DOC -              Fuck that! What part of the pitch sold you? The hours, the awards, getting a retirement plan?  Does everything we’ve done mean nothing now?? What the hell man!?


MERCURY -    You’re convinced vigilantes are the only way to keep people safe, but the longer I’ve been one, the less I think that’s true.


Steam begin billowing from Doc’s arms and hands. He screams at Mercury, looking like he’s about to lose control.


DOC -              This is bullshit! What are we supposed to think? You ever had a mentor, a brother abandon you for a cushy office gig, to feel less guilt for their shortcomings; not a great look!

Mercury looks deeply hurt, but tries to calmly reply, trying to slow Ben down; Ben is already at his edge.


MERCURY -    That’s not fair and you know it! Come on man, this has nothing to do with you, it’s 100% about doing this job the best way possible!


Doc begins to pace, tying up Hammers as more steem rises from him. Mercury presses on.


MERCURY -    Five years ago, I went into the Underground, enraged by what it did to rob so many lives.


- Splashpage -Mercury is shown taking on various villains during his time as a Cape, including Dr. Frankenstein and Lone Star. At the center is SHADE,  a young woman with a slight build, shadows flowing over her like a cloud of smoke, whose face is equal parts taunting and coy as she stares down Mercury.


MERCURY - caption - Since then, I’ve taken down Power Brokers and drug lords, and nearly all of them are back out on the street; turnaround averages between six weeks and a year. So what convinced me? Watching as I wasted my life trying to change the flow of a river. There’s only one way to dam this situation permanently.


DOC -              And who flooded the river in the first place! .


MERCURY -    You two demonize the Alt Police Force, and I used to get why. But, after that Underground raid last week, all I could see was how little impact I’ve had after years of work!  I can’t willfully blind myself to how the world really is.


Doc scoffs derisively with his retort.


DOC -              I’m a student of history. You show me a man in power, I’ll show you how he’s abusing it! You think a badge is going to make the cogs move smoother? Fat chance! They’ll turn you into a face to say ‘no, we’re not evil, this is just the best we can do’ while everyone knows that’s bullshit!


Doc begins to pace faster, small flames licking his fingers


DOC -              Look at who they’re willing, hell eager, to work with! The lengths they take justifying themselves; recoloring facts and statistics!


-Mercury crosses his arms, but looks resigned to this outcome.


DOC -              The flaws in their system are on full display, Freddy! You’ve seen the “leash” they keep Lone Star on, what do you think they’ll ask you to do in the supposed name of good!?


Mercury smiles, refusing to take the bait.


MERCURY -    Maybe you’re right, but I sure as hell can do a lot more to change that culture from the inside.



EXT - Trinity City - Caption - TEN MONTHS LATER - Doc lands on a roof over an empty street. His costume is the same, but much more worn. His coat, shoes and gloves all sport small tears and worn spots. He pulls down his handkerchief, takes a deep breath, and rubs his temples, as he tries to calm down.


DOC -  Ugghhh, most people would just enjoy the quiet night.


Doc  scans the city, even putting a hand to his ear to try and be sure the world is as quiet as it seems. Doc begins to rock very gently, shaking his head ever so slightly as he tries to ignore the doubt and fear clouding his mind.


His eyes widen as a scream comes from a block or so behind him. He snaps into action, the previous anxiety disappearing. He turns quickly and jets off with a FWUMPT (SFX)


EXT - A WOMAN, tall and beautiful, runs down an empty street of closed shops, with three Hammers chasing her. The woman trips and tumbles to the ground next to a car. She props herself up, as the three Hammers encircle her. They each take a clawed hammer from their belts; the heads glowing bright red.


The LEAD HAMMER, a bulky looking man, raises his weapon and approaches the woman.


LEAD -            You picked a bad night to run, lady. We were just gonna take what was in that ugly ass bag, but now, I’m thinking we’ve earned a little fun.


He slams his hammer into the car's rear panel. The glow pops on impact, giving off a loud bang and burst of light. The shockwave pushes the car back several feet, and caves in the side. The woman puts her hands over her face, crying in terror. She pleads and crawls backwards, the Hammers pursue.


WOMAN -       Please! Please! I’ll give you anything, just please don’t touch me!


LEAD -            Sorry doll, that ship has sailed!


DOC -              Do you even hear yourself, who talks like that?


A fwump from above draws confused looks from the Hammers.Doc lands between the woman and the Hammers in a shower of sparks. Doc turns, sees the caved-in car, and groans loudly, throwing up his hands in frustration.


DOC -              What the hell man?! The goddamn assault wasn’t enough horror for one night! Do you know how much a rear axel costs?! God of scuzbags, we must have words!


The Lead Hammer steps forward and brandishes his weapon.


LEAD -            I ain’t sure you know who we Hammers are, but we ain’t scared of a nobody Cape like you!


Doc feigns insult and exasperation, clutching his chest dramatically.


DOC -              GASP (SFX) Your brothers over at Gamma-Epsilon-Dumbass didn’t tell you? I’ve been picking you morons off the streets for two years!


The Lead Hammer, roars, shaking his weapon at Doc, unfazed.


LEAD -            You brag about locking up Hammers, you better have a thick skull! I’m gonna knock your ugly ass into next week!


DOC -              Ugly ass huh, going back to that well a bit much? I mean granted, I made my costume, but even I know you don't call a woman's bag ugly...


Doc looks back at the woman.


DOC - Am I right?


The woman looks baffled as to how she should reply. Doc continues unperturbed.


DOC -              Point being, you never call a woman’s bag "ugly", even I know that! Worry not kids, Doc Nitro is here to learn you something, and the best way to learn is through games, so how bout my own twist on red light/green light?


Two of the Hammers move to attack, rushing from either side.  Doc holds out his hands, green flames leaping from one, red from the others.


DOC -              Round one, FIGHT!


series - Over his shoulder, the woman rolls her eyes, giving Doc an exasperated look behind his back.

One Hammer swings, only to bounce against a small wall of green flames.

Doc’s hand swings in from the side, decking the Hammer hard in the nose.


DOC -              GREEN LIGHT!


The other Hammer takes his shot, grabbing Doc from behind, and aiming to bash his head in. 

Doc’s shoulders are instantly coated in green flames, which expand quickly, breaking the Hammer's grip.


DOC -              Pro tip, grabbing someone who can create forcefields: bad idea.


Doc flexes and, releases a wave of green flames to throw the Hammer backwards into a wall; he crumples at its base.

The Lead Hammer screams and takes a swing, nearly knocking Doc back into the other Hammer.

Doc spins away from the lacky, focusing the red flames into a cutting torch


DOC -              RED LIGHT!


He slashes as the Hammer swings his own weapon; the torch cuts thru it with little resistance.

The lacky raises the empty handle and stares at his decapitated mallet dumbfounded.

A burst of green flames breaks over him like a wave, tossing him backwards like his compatriot.


A scuffling draws Doc’s attention, he turns, holding a disk of green flames aloft. The Lead Hammer has the woman in a headlock.


LEAD -            That’s enough! What now, you Cape prick? You gonna torch this lovely piece of ass?!


WOMAN -       Aww, you really think I’m pretty?


The Woman’s head twists around unnaturally to face the Lead. She breaks into a large smile, giving a laughing BOO. The Lead Hammer pushes the woman away, frantically crawling backwards.       \


LEAD -            What the hell is this?


Doc approaches, the fire in his hands going out. He gives an exasperated sigh.


DOC -              Really! This is what we’re doing now? Seriously?


The Woman begins to grow taller and more muscular, her skin turning pink, becoming Shifty.


Shifty -             The pee in your pants says you’ve learned your lesson, but I like to be thorough.


She drives her fist almost through a lamp post, denting it so it hangs at a severe angle. The Lead Hammer passes out while Shifty towers over him.


Shifty laughs. Growing her hand, she scoops the Lead Hammer and ties him near the top of the bent post. Turning back, she returns to her normal size, and laughs at Doc's irritated look.

DOC -              Shifty, I could be out actually patrolling!


SHIFTY -         Oh, I’m so sorry, Mr. Mopey. This was the only way to contact you; phone break again?.


The two busy themselves tying up the remaining Hammers.

DOC -              Have to say, don’t 100% love your tone; you make me sound like a pity party.


SHIFTY           Keep believing you’re not, Benji.


Doc drops his zip ties, suddenly flustered. Shifty scoffs, looking over the street.


DOC -              Dude! Come on! Not out in the open!


SHIFTY -         Oh they’re all out cold! Nice work by the way, at least you’re not rusty, I did want to see the Rocket Sled though…


DOC -              Sure, happily, all it’d do is vaporize these frat boys.


Shifty doesn’t seem concerned, or any of Doc’s complaints. She leans back and scratches her chin.


SHIFTY -         We should go get coffee! There’s a twenty-four hour diner around here. We’ll chill, we’ll chat, I’ll give you some sagely wisdom, it’ll be great!


DOC -              I don’t have a choice here, huh?


SHIFTY -         You’re adorable.


EXT - Rooftops - Est. The roofs of Trinity city are sparsely lit, the only illumination coming from puddles of light cast by even higher windows. That’s changed as Doc flies by, giving off bursts of flame as he goes.


He pants slightly, working hard to keep up, with Shifty, who is somehow still half a roof length ahead.

Doc finally succumbs and lands sputtering and coughing as sparks fly into the night sky. Shifty laughs boisterously.


SHIFTY -         Come on Sparky! We’re almost there!


Doc curses under his breath, as Shifty stands overlooking an empty parking lot and small diner.


Est. - Diner 441 - The diner looks like a long aluminum tube, except for the entrance, which looks more like a vinyl shanty. A neon sign flickers a large "441" into the night, it’s color long-since faded from red to pink. Inside, the largely empty diner is dotted with a mishmash of dingy tables and stools. A WAITRESS chats to a cook through a large window partition to the kitchen.


Doc, still coughing, punches Shifty ruefully in the arm as he finally catches up to her.Shifty; she just smiles broadly at him in reply.


SHIFTY -         How are you more dedicated to being a Cape than ever, but somehow you’re in worse shape than when you started?


DOC -              I’m not in worse shape, I’m just hungry and tired, I’ve been out all night!


Doc’s eyes widen as he realizes his slip up. Shifty is happy to jump on the fumble.


SHIFTY -         Oh, well then, you’ll have to try their burgers! 441 may not be the fanciest place, but Jimmy does make a fine beef patty!


DOC -              Some of us learned to cook to save cash.


SHIFTY -         You’re seriously going to wait until you get home to eat? At your pace it’ll be afternoon! Come on Benji, BUUUURRRRGGGEEERRR! Or is Benji broke again?


A delighted look comes over Shifty’s face as Doc’s face betrays his financial situation.


SHIFTY -         Guess I’ll just have to get this one!


DOC -              I appreciate it, but no. Reinhardt’s been bad enough, I don’t need anymore friends trying to take care of me.


SHIFTY -         Just promise that, you won’t put ketchup on your fries before dunking them in your milkshake.


Doc looks lost for words. He throws his hands up as Shifty begins to morph, a patchwork of different forms sliding over her.


DOC -              So wait, we went from ‘I’m fine’ to you’re getting me a super value meal!?


Shifty doesn’t immediately reply, instead focusing on her change. Her eyes go from purple to a deep blue as her arms and torso grow out, giving her a full figure. Her hair turns maroon, and a very bright, friendly demeanor comes over her.


SHIFTY -         You’re the one that said he was hungry.


Doc groans loudly, throwing his head back with teenage angst. Finally, he begins pulling off his coat, carefully removing the back panel, revealing small magnets glued just inside the folds of the coat’s shoulders and sides.

He folds up the panel, sticking it in his back pocket, before taking one last look to be sure the coast is clear.

Grabbing a bag, he pulls his green shirt off without removing his masks, and stuffs it in, replacing it with a blank tan one.


Shifty finishes her transformation into LANA. She still looks vaguely like Alan, but much more mature, feminine, and confident.


DOC -              You know that’s not what I meant!


SHIFTY -         How else can you interpret I’m hungry?


Doc groans as he removes his gloves. Shifty ignores Doc’s protests, instead looking over at the Waitress. She gives a deep sigh, as her pupils change color, becoming purple as her irises animate like a cell replicating.


From Shifty’s perspective, we see a middle aged waitress bustling from table to table. Her whole head seems enveloped by a massive cloud of purplish-grey haze.


SHIFTY - caption -       Aw, poor Rita, she’s having a rough time;  her aura is saturated with bad vibes. 


Back on the roof, Doc does one final check, before finally removing his masks.


DOC -              Maybe she could use a meal, you could dote on her tonight instead!


Shifty catches Doc’s attempt and gives him a wink.


SHIFTY -         Nice try Benji, but you’re my main concern tonight. Her aura is bad, yours looks like a cartoonish rain cloud.


Doc takes his annoyance out on his masks, whipping them into his bag as he slams it over his shoulder.


SHIFTY -         Oh, don’t be a squiddy teen over it, otherwise I’ll have to turn into your mom!


Doc’s eyes widen as the color drops from his face.


DOC -              You do, and I’ll storm out of here like a teenager too!


The two stand and make their way towards the edge of the building, Ben being very careful to stay in the shadows.  Lana blows a raspberry at his caution, instead leaping off the roof carelessly.


She lands without a sound, as Ben awkwardly tries to climb down the fire escape. Lana can’t help but giggle at his insistence.


LANA -            You really that worried about being seen? Just get your butt down here, otherwise you’re getting dinner with your favorite german barmaid!


Lana morphs, becoming even bustier, her hair growing into two long blonde pigtails. As soon as he sees, Ben immediately lets go of the ladder and lands awkwardly, his fall broken by his green flames. Hel rubs his hip where he landed as he stands.


BEN -               Come on! I had just turned 21, and I was wasted!


LANA -            Oh, I think she is cutie too, jawohl?


Lana morphs back and forcefully puts an arm around Ben, walking him determinately into 441.


INT 441 - She doesn’t let go of Ben until they reach a table out of the way. The diner is almost completely empty, save for one man in a booth along the far wall. Even as Ben tries to get a better look at him, Lana plops him in a seat. Rita the waitress walks up to them casually. Lana excitedly looks around while Ben sits like a sack of laundry.


LANA -            Ahhh home sweet almost sort of kinda home!


Waitress -         You folks are out late, what can I do ya for?


LANA -            Hmm, coffee and a burger for me; no tomatoes.


BEN -               Just coffee for me, thanks.


The waitress leaves, and Lana gives Ben haughty look. Ben tries to quickly change the subject. 


LANA -            What, you think this is some quick draw competition, she’ll be back you know; Rita’s a champ at reading what people really want.


BEN -               Have you introduced yourself to these people yet? It’s a little underhanded if not.


Lana laughs and gives Ben a teasing look. Ben returns it with a stern finger point.


LANA -            Who says I haven’t introduced them to any number of my selves? 


Ben grumbles, picking up a menu before remembering his current stance, and dropping it back on the table. Lana smiles and takes a casual tone.


LANA -            You know, if you need a gig…


BEN -               You’re not actually going to give the Mercury pitch.


Lana gives Ben a disgusted look. Lana grimaces, her skin unconsciously gaining a pale purple tone.


LANA -            Please, as long as Dr. Frankenstein is on the payroll, I’d sooner tell you to mow lawns.


Ben covertly tries to change the subject again.


BEN -               Where did you two end up on that?


Lana hesitates, biting her lip even as the rest of her face screams pained betrayal.


LANA -                        We agreed not to talk about it, so we could stay friends. It’s not like Freddy works in HR…


The Waitress returns, bringing two cups of coffee, and giving the slightest of double takes to Lana’s skin. She shakes her head, getting back into her work tone. 


WAITRESS -    Coffee for you both, and your burger will be out soon.


LANA -            Thank you! My friend here is a little shy, but he’ll also have a burger, oh and fries and a chocolate shake! His you can put the fixings on, he needs every calorie he can burn.


WAITRESS -    Sure thing, be over in a jiff.


Lana winks at Ben as she pours cream and sugar into her coffee nonchalantly, not engaging.


LANA -            Ooooo, look at you and your scowl.


BEN -               Will you just leave it alone, Lana.


Lana winks at him.


LANA -            Oh, is Mr Huffy worried about his secret ID coming out over a jape?.


Ben leans forward, trying to assert himself.


BEN -               Seriously Lana.


LANA -            Seriously Benji, this is for your own good. Just remember, no ketchup in the shake!


Lana shivers at the thought, Ben continues his scowling.


BEN -               Reap what ye sow…

Lana gives Ben a joyful, if slightly teasing look. She closes her eyes, breathing the smell of her coffee in deeply. While she’s distracted, Ben takes the chance to look back at the lone other patron in the diner. 


The patron sits perpendicular to the two Capes, his features covered partially by a hood and beanie cap. Just below the cap, a single dreadlock sticks out, a silvery bead woven into it.


Ben’s eyes widen suddenly, as Lana continues to enjoy her drink.


LANA -            Oh coffee, your godhood is only confirmed by your rabid followers and righteous smell! And don’t think I’ve forgotten what we were talking about, Mr. Change-the-Subject. What if I have a job for you?


BEN -               I’m not going to do private security, you know Freddy's here right?


The joy brought by her coffee suddenly ebbs from Lana’s face, replaced with a disgruntled sneer.


LANA -            He’s in here every night. Jerk thinks it's an olive branch.


BEN -               He comes here every night?


LANA -            Yep, hoping to finally catch me with my guard down, give him an excuse to come over and try to “make nice”. I’m perfectly happy with our current level of discourse though.


Freddy, seeing Ben has spotted him, pulls off his hood and hat, locking eyes with Ben intently.


Ben studies him closely, but doesn’t move.


LANA -            But we don’t need to talk about him. Let me tell you about this gig; it comes with a princess! You love that sort of thing!


The waitress returns with their food. Behind Lana, Freddy continues to stare daggers into Ben. who responds by carelessly spurting ketchup on his fries. Lana brightens as she takes a look at her food.


LANA  -           Thank you!


BEN -               Thanks…


LANA -            Staring is only going to make it worse. The longer you look, the more he’ll want to talk; that’s why I never look.


Lana digs into her burger, her spite for Freddy coming out in the large bites she takes. .


BEN -               I think we’re in the middle of a staring contest…


LANA -            Did he recognize me?


BEN -               He definitely noticed you. Looks like he’s deciding if it is you.


Freddy rolls his eyes and waves aggressively for Ben to join him. Ben sighs, his head flopping down on the table momentarily.


BEN -               Well, I guess I won. He’s signalling me to come get my prize. Bet it’s a brand new join the APF lecture. When he asks, are you here, or would you rather not join me in the winner’s circle?


LANA -            If he asks, I’m not here. Hell if he asks, tell him I moved to Wisconsin to take up cheese mongering.


Ben stands and walks resolutely over to Freddy. He stops short of sitting down, just staring instead. Freddy doesn’t seem fussed about it.


FREDDY -        I mean stand if you want, I like sitting myself.


BEN -               Guess it depends on what we’re going to talk about. Something tells me you already have a topic in mind.


FREDDY -        Well I was going to run through some small talk, but since you mentioned it, I couldn’t help notice you’re struggling to keep your head above water these days...


Ben scoffs, still refusing to sit. Freddy tries to clear the air, pointing to Lana. Ben glances back but keeps his bemused face.


FREDDY -        I know that's Shifty?


BEN -               She doesn’t look like an inter-dimensional refugee to me, but she does look like my cousin.


FREDDY-        Oh, I see... Nothing like family time at 3 AM.


BEN -               You got me, I saved her from a mugger.


Freddy stares at him, unconvinced.


FREDDY -       Come on man, I just want to settle the waters, that’s it.


Ben takes a serious expression.


BEN -               Freddy, I would tell you if it was Shifty. Besides, she moved to the midwest, something about loving cheese more than humans I think?


Freddy relents, sitting back again and sipping his coffee.


FREDDY-        Fine, I’ll just keep on keeping my distance until she’s ready to talk, but I know it’s her. Ole  Alien Face may change, but her disguises all have a throughline. Tell her I say hi, and I miss her ok?


BEN -               Sure, when I make my way out to beer country I’ll let her know. Can I claim my lecture prize? My fries are getting cold.


FREDDY-        Some of the boys at the APF tech team got bored, they put all the security footage of our Cape crusading into a reel. Your portion is almost as long as the 1959 Ben-Hur, I thought you’d get a kick out of that.


Ben reflects on this. Taking it as a compliment, he finally sits.


BEN -               If you played them side by side, whose beatdown would line up with the chariot race?


FREDDY-        Yours, when Lone Star got after you over the canal.


- flashback - Doc pushes back on his shield, protecting the kids on the playground from Lone Star’s disregarded blast.


Ben laughs dryly, building towers with the creamer and jelly packets to amuse himself. Freddy persits.


FREDDY-        It’s time to follow the story, Ben. You’ve had your time, you can’t deny vigilantism isn’t working.


Ben doesn’t respond, looking over his tower carefully.


FREDDY-        Fine, you wanted a lecture! Let’s say that Wayne Kent-


BEN -               Nice, two first names.


FREDDY          Let’s say Wayne Kent had a bad week, took his gun, and went out on the streets. He doesn’t have a costume, or flare; no style, no name, just blowing away any criminals he runs into, menace to monster. You wouldn’t stop him?


BEN -               If he’s killing people, I at least need to have a conversation with him. If he’s just out there stopping purse snatchers and knocking out scumbags, it’d be irresponsible  not to tell him about the wonders of masks.


 FREDDY -      And thereby let him off the hook. By judging him with your own morality, you completely ignore how he affects the bigger picture! Any society that relies on vigilanties falls, period.


Ben snaps back to attention, his creamer pyramid falling over.


BEN -               Last I checked, we all agreed murder, rape, and fear mongering didn’t really gel with civilized society! What judgment am I passing besides stopping monsters from hurting people?!


FREDDY -       This isn’t the 70s Ben! It’s not even the 90s! We’ve learned new, better methods to deal with Menaces, but they only work if we use the machine in place!


Ben throws his hands up, sitting back dramatically. Mercury also begins to look frustrated.


BEN -               Oh OK, 70s and 90s huh? You’re right, where we are now can’t even be compared to those situations, not even close! The Alt Human population has multiplied to at least four times in the last 5 years, and that’s just the numbers we know! We don’t need vigilanties? Why do you think the APF keeps guys like Frankenstein and Lone Star on payroll?! What happened to a culture change!?


FREDDY -       I have said my piece to anyone who will listen. I don’t make decisions on who the APF hires!

BEN -               Really? Cause I remember you telling me it was better working for the man and trying to change them from the inside out. How’s that going?!


FREDDY -       I know you’re not stupid enough to think I could have changed so much in ten months Ben, come on!


BEN -               Fine! You still haven’t answered for your willingness to work with someone who tried to dissect your friend!


FREDDY -       If we’re going to get this population spike under control, we need all the help we can get

Ben; that includes reformed Menaces! It’s better to have them with us than making things infinitely worse on the streets, or in the Underground! We can’t throw the law into chaos because of a spike!


Ben laughs, pouring out a small pile of salt and trying to balance the shaker against it.


BEN -               Oh it’s a spike! Way to use the company line! If this is a spike, we needed to rewrite our laws a decade ago. If I’m this cancer to society, why do you still need people like us on the roofs?


FREDDY -       Capes like you are great bandages, but you’ll never heal the real infection. Not to mention with contemporaries like Bash and Crash, people will never see you as wholly good!


Ben drops the shaker at the names Bash and Crash, his face turning a deep red. He stares at Freddy.


BEN -               We’re nothing like them! Tell me how much property damage I’ve caused in the last year, go on, tell me! Don’t compare me to those two clowns!


FREDDY -       Just because you’re better, doesn’t mean people don’t see you in that same light. Churches still hold vigils every year to honor their victims, and they are victims! Inadvertent or not, they died because of the reckless actions of street level Capes!


BEN -               At least I know I won’t spend months tracking a guy, only to watch him slip away and hurt more people, just because the APF thought my services were better spent protecting a racist senator! Who, by the way, gets donations from that same broker! Every man-made structure has a weakness!


A look of rage flashes over Freddy’s face, but he allows it to pass by taking a deep breath, and trying to revive the more cordial tone of the conversation.


FREDDY -       Fine, you don’t want my answer? I know Lana’s been scoping something out. Maybe she can keep you alive despite your death wishes.


Ben and Freddy both look at each other with venom in their eyes, but the moment passes. Ben sighs, shakes his head, and begins to subtly pocket jam tubs and sugar packets. Freddy notices, but doesn’t stop him.


BEN -               I don’t need help.


FREDDY -       You’re way past help, Ben. You need a complete change of scenery and lifestyle. You don’t even look like you can take care of yourself man.


Freddy nods towards Ben’s pockets. Ben replies with a look, but continues to take items from the caddy.


BEN -               So I’m a little light? They’d go through all these anyway.


Freddy shakes his head, his smile rueful. He puts down some cash and pushes himself out of the booth. Ben gives him a stubborn look before standing as well.


The two pause for a moment, but hug, exchanging tough smiles. Freddy shares one more thought, as he walks to the door.


FREDDY -       I don’t want to see you become a liability, Ben. I know your heart’s in the right place, but at some point this life might change you. I won’t force you, but if a change of scenery is available, please take it man; for me.


Ben watches Freddy leave as he walks back to Lana. He grumbles as he takes his seat.


BEN -               Merc says "Hi Alien Face."


LANA -            Ah, that takes me back, when 'alien' was a reasonable descriptor. Now I’m stuck between dimensional traveler, and messenger of God.


Lana grins, bemused by her conundrum. In reply,, Ben takes a ketchup-covered fry, and submerges it in his shake. Lana pulls a face.


LANA -            Oh, come on! Don’t make me regret passing you this job, Benji! You better not do that in front of this princess!


BEN -               Reap what ye sow… Fine, what’s up with the princess?


INT -  est - EMBETH HAVEN, a short and curvy woman (mid 20s) wears comfortable sleepwear as she paces a large bedroom, a phone pressed to her ear.

The room itself is well furnished, a large four poster bed taking only a fraction of its floor plan. In the corner near the bed is a vanity, with many pictures tacked to it; a purple cloth triangle hangs at the top of the mirror. Paintings hang on the walls, a set of double doors lead to a walk-in closet, and on the far wall is a set of large bay windows; their curtains drawn tight.

Ben and Lana’s conversation continues over the scene in yellow dialogue boxes.


LANA -            Four words: Grant, Stewart & Haven International. Know it?


BEN -               I’m not gonna just sit around ‘on call’ what am I supposed to investigate?


LANA -            Oh Benji, I love you, but you’re no detective.


BEN -               … My favorite part of our friendship is the sweet, tender way we support each other.


Embeth passively brushes her short red hair aside, paying special attention to a section of blue highlights in the front. She’s distracted from the conversation, hesitantly making her way towards the bay window.


EMBETH -       ...yes Dad, I understand. I know, but you need to… No, I do actually! Fine, yes, I will review the last five today... In the office, not now! No, you’re mixing up the time difference!


Embeth takes the edge of the curtain, tentatively pulling it back to look outside.


EMBETH -       It’s ok, I like getting up early. You’ll be glad to know I thought of my price... You have to admit that I can take care of myself. No...NO! Stop dancing around it and just say the words, Dad!


EXT - Est - The row of apartments outside is upscale, with a large, ivy covered wall dividing it from the street. A rooftop water tower next door casts a long shadow that seems to glitter faintly in the moonlight.


Embeth looks up and down the street, checking the rooftops, it's quiet. She . Turning back to the room, she finally cracks a smile, missing the faint ripple spreading from the water tower's shadow.


EMBETH -       Now, was that so bad? It’s my decision, and you’re not allowed to complain just admitted this isn’t necessary... I promise, nothing will happen before you get back. I love you, Dad.



Embeth hangs up and sighs and hangs up, tossing the phone on the bed and drifting over to the vanity.

On it are five super humans files. Most are stamped 'interviewed', several sporting crossed out with large sX, with many sporting various notes: Too foolhardy. Sexist? Not the right power range.'


Sifting through the files, Embeth sighs, pulling out a file labeled DOC NITRO with his DN logo.

She removes a street of grainy camera pictures, one of Doc’s showdown with Lone Star over the canal, one of Doc helping a clerk put a display back together while a robber lays tied on the floor, and one of him sleeping on a rooftop antenna rig like a hammock, a sheet of flames covering him like a blanket.


She doesn’t look at it long before tossing it back on the pile and running her fingers through her hair. She stares in the mirror, the purple triangle at its top catches her eye.

It’s a handkerchief mask with several shafts of white cutting through the purple like rays of sunlight.

Just below it is a picture with a younger Embeth, and a woman, her mother. They both have sweet faces, red hair, and are pictured laughing. Embeth picks up the photo, a tear wells up in her eye.

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