One family, many gifts.



Voltage is unlike any other hero in the Capes and Menaces canon, figuratively, but very much literally. Volt comes from an alternate earth, one close to the C&M universe, but where genetic alteration and super human development are in their infancy. Volt is one of less than 50 super humans known planet wide. He got his powers from a science group, after being recruited while between foster families. This group experimenting with a newly found substance called G.E.L (Genetic Elevating Liquid), which was found to augment the natural genetic structure, leaving it more malleable, if less stable. Volt was recruited under the auspices of being a new generations of actual super powered cops, tasked with fighting the worst of the worst, but things went sideways before any of that could happen. Volt, along with two others, were brought in as a second wave of subjects, when the first wave was shown to have wildly differing reactions to the G.E.L; this included Titan, who’s body became so unstable he fled the facility in a panic. After Volt was injected, it initially just seemed to increase his natural abilities, until he had to give chase to a group of thieves during a thunderstorm. As if magnetically attracted, bolt after bolt of lightning rained down on Volt, and while he managed to dodge the initial strikes, it wasn’t long before the sky was burning brightly as bolt after bolt struck Voltage in the back. 

That was when the G.E.L kicked into overdrive, diverting the energy from the lightning into Volt’s cells, creating battery like organelles to store and maintain the energy. These cells run throughout Volt’s back, shoulders, hips, and legs, and are much tougher and stronger than regular cells. As a result, these area’s on Volt’s body hold incredible strength and durability, especially near the base of his back, and throughout his legs. Volt can run at over 200 miles an hour when he’s really pushing himself, can leap some 50 yards at a single go, and can pretty much fall from any distance, assuming he doesn’t land on his head or arms. Volt can also strategically release the electricity stored in his body, and can control the levels of amperage and voltage in each bolt. This allows Volt to just stun or disable an opponent, or really ramp up his attack to bring a zuesian storm down on a foe. To keep the portions of his body that lack super strength from taking a beating, Volt also wears sections of armor reinforcement, which double as potential electro magnets. Charging these sections, Volt can deflect bullets and shells from most firearms, and can also cling temporarily to buildings or other metal objects.

Alfred Jutsum