One family, many gifts.


Multiplicity is the leader of the Pacifica Watch, the APF team the Mechanical Man and Cadet are a part of; their territory runs from the Rocky Mountains to the Pacific coast. Multiplicity began her career as Felicity, a mid tier cop who was focused on her career. That all took a turn, as in a neighboring alternate dimension, that worlds Felicity was working on a way to harness trans-dimensional energy. Her plan was to use herself as a lightning rod, drawing energy from her various alternate world selves, to increase her strength and intelligence. A sudden malfunction killed that Felicity, and left all that trans-dimensional energy looking for a familiar point of contact. It burst thru the neighboring dimension's shared dimensional boarder with the Capes v Menaces world, flowing into Felicity mid patrol. It gave her the ability to multiply her strength and speed to hyper levels, as well as create a duplicate army of herself; all these copies share information in real time, allowing Multiplicity to tackle any number of problems without missing a beat. All of her traits do draw from the same pool of energy however, so as she increases one trait, she has less energy to allocate to the others. That doesn't mean Multiplicity can only use one trait at a time, her pool as more than enough punch for her to make three to five copies of herself, while still quintupling her strength and speed.

Alfred Jutsum