One family, many gifts.


Madeline Greystone gained her powers thru the same ancestral exposure as Desert Arrow. Her mother was also a lead researcher on Mr. Infinity’s nuclear brain trust. Madeline picked up right where her mom left off, heading up her own science team with the goal of developing a new electro magnet for use in salvaging accidents and cleaning up the environment. The magnet was designed to carefully retrieve debris, without doing significant damage to the environment around the site. While testing this magnet, Madeline was trapped in it’s field, dosing her with massive amounts of electromagnetic energy. The dormant radiation in Madeline’s cells soaked up this energy, storing it safely away. Not even Madeline suspected anything, until she went down to the parking garage, and accidentally melded a neighboring car to her own. Madeline found she could now release an electromagnetic radiation, which could bond with and reform any metal in her vicinity. Taking the name Muse, she built a suit of armor to help amplify and focus her abilities. Her ability to reform metal allows Muse to create giant constructs from most items, from street signs to cars, and beyond. Muse tends to favor using items that are already in disrepair or easily replaceable, and will often bring her own arsenal attached to her suit, to help prevent her from being caught between a rock and something valuable. Most famous, she designed a set of metal feathers, which double as extra armor, or a set of wings, which when combined with the force output from her radiation, allows Muse to fly. She has limited enhanced strength, but usually relies of her creations and training, more than brute force

Alfred Jutsum