One family, many gifts.

Lone Star

Lone Star

'The last star burned bright in the night sky, a last fading memory echoing in the dark'. It's hard to classify Lone Star as either a Cape or a Menace, because he's both, and thus, neither. Lone Star is the top APF reformer agent in the country, but he started as Will Warsaw, a hard nosed Trinity City cop , who saw Capes as children with loaded weapons. He spent years of his career fighting against vigilantes, unafraid to use whatever force (he saw as) necessary to resolve a situation; he saw Doc Nitro in particular as the poster boy for everything wrong with super humans. His hardline stance made him a very difficult person to work with, and in time, Warsaw found himself alone in his crusade. It was then he did something he swore never to do, turn to a Power Broker to even the odds; if others couldn't see the danger these people posed, he'd show them first hand. Winning something of a genetic lottery, Warsaw soon gained hyper strength, able to lift hundreds of tons at a time, hyper speed flying capabilities, with a top speed over mach 10, an advanced healing factor that makes him hard to injure, let alone kill, and finally, the ability to fire highly concussive beams of pure energy from any point on his person. Lone Star made his debut with tactical strikes on Capes and Menaces alike, ending in a very gnarly fight with Nitro. The traits Warsaw now welded shown brighter than the personality that went with them, and the APF quickly recruited Lone Star as a full time agent. Lone Star doesnt always follow the APF's rules and guidelines, electing to go with his own biased gut instead.

Alfred Jutsum